Pick-ups Ford: transmisiones automáticas Ford - manuales de taller

¿Un manual de taller para la transmisión automática Ford de su Ford? Encuentre aquí manuales de reparación y mantenimiento para pick-ups Ford. Proporcionan instrucciones detalladas para la resolución de problemas técnicos y la sustitución de piezas.

Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications | Haynes TechBook

Haynes TechBook para reconstruir transmisiones automáticas y transejes Ford instalados en automóviles de pasajeros, furgonetas y camionetas Ford, Lincoln y Mercury.

Cubre los siguientes modelos:
- Transmisiones en línea para tracción trasera: Ford C3 (1974-1986), C4 (1964-1982), C5 (1981-1986), C6 (1966-1996) y AOD (1980-1994).
- Transejes de tracción delantera: Ford ATX/FLC (1984-1994) y AXOD (1986-1990).

No cubre las versiones electrónicas del AOD (tipo AODE) o AXOD (tipo AXODE).

  • Más de 1000 fotografías e instrucciones completas paso a paso para la revisión de la transmisión completa (convertidor de par, engranajes planetarios, bandas de freno, bomba de aceite y bloque de cambio).
  • También capítulos sobre principios de funcionamiento, identificación, herramientas, instrumentos de medición, desmontaje y montaje.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Jeff Killingsworth, John H Haynes
Presentación:272 páginas, 27 x 21 x 1.4 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:1000 fotos b/n
Editor:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 2002)
Serie:Haynes TechBook (10355)
Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications | Haynes TechBook

Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications

Idioma: Inglés

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Guide to Automatic Transmission Repair - American Car Transmissions and Transaxles (1974-1980) | Chilton Repair Manual

Guía de Chilton con una descripción de la teoría, resolución de problemas, especificaciones, reparación y revisión de las transmisiones automáticas y transaxle americanas de los años 1974-1980.

- AMC Torque Command
- Chrysler Torqueflite, Torqueflite A-404 Transaxle
- Ford C-3, C-4, C-4S, C-6, CW, FMX
- Jatco Overdrive
- General Motors 125 Transaxle, 180, Turbo Hydra-Matic 200, 250, 350, 375, 400, 425 Powerglide.

Detalles del libro

Presentación:352 páginas, 27.5 x 21 x 1.7 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos
Editor:Chilton Automotive Books (USA, 2001)
Serie:Chilton Auto Repair Manual (7645)
Guide to Automatic Transmission Repair - American Car Transmissions and Transaxles (1974-1980) | Chilton Repair Manual

Guide to Automatic Transmission Repair - American Car Transmissions and Transaxles (1974-1980)

Idioma: Inglés

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How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

The Ford C4 and C6 automatic transmissions have equipped millions of production rear-wheel drive cars and trucks since they were introduced in the 1960s (C4 in 1964, C6 in 1966). They remained in production deep into the 1980s, when overdrive-equipped transmissions finally eclipsed them. However, the C4 and C6 remain incredibly popular with enthusiasts, racers, and restorers alike due to their simplicity, strength, and low cost.

Rebuilding either of these transmissions isn't overly difficult, but does require care, some specialized tools, and proper procedure to be followed closely.

In "How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions", author George Reid walks readers through the process step-by-step, from removing the transmission from the vehicle, to complete disassembly and cleaning, to careful reassembly, to proper re-installation and road testing.
In addition, if the transmission will be used in a high-performance or competition situation, the author includes the various steps required to bolster the unit's strength, using commonly available aftermarket components.

Each chapter contains special notes, sidebars, and technical tips to assist the reader at every step in the process. Some refer to safety, others to time-saving advice, and others to small modifications that may aid long-term durability or help the builder tailor the shift firmness.
The author's extensive research and experience with these popular transmissions has resulted in a well-rounded full-color technical guide to their revitalization.

Detalles del libro

Autor:George Reid
Presentación:144 páginas, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos a color
Editor:CarTech Inc (USA, 2012)
Serie:S-A Design Workbench (SA227)
How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

Idioma: Inglés

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Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

While millions of Ford rear-wheel-drive cars are equipped with the durable and simple C4 and C6 transmissions of the 1960s, early in the 1980s Ford replaced those old designs with the AOD transmission for a new generation of cars.

Overdrive gears, once popular before WWII, were now becoming popular again, as manufacturers were under increasing pressure to raise fuel economy to meet ever more demanding EPA standards.
A nice byproduct of that was more comfortable cruising speeds, where your engine didn't have to work so hard in addition to getting better fuel economy.

In "Ford AOD Transmissions: Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W", author George Reid walks you through the process step-by-step, from removing the transmission from the vehicle, to complete disassembly and cleaning, to careful reassembly, to proper re-installation and road testing.
Performance modifications are also covered, as well as an ID guide for various model numbers, evolutionary design changes, shift kit installation, and torque converter selection.

Detalles del libro

Autor:George Reid
Presentación:144 páginas, 28 x 21.5 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:500 fotos
Editor:CarTech Inc (USA, 2014)
Serie:S-A Design Workbench (SA279)
Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

Idioma: Inglés

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Ford Differentials - How to Rebuild the 8.8 Inch and 9 Inch

The Ford 8.8- and 9-inch rear differentials are two of the most popular and best performing differentials on the market. While the 8.8-inch differential is commonly used in late-model Mustangs, the 9-inch is the most popular and arguably the most dominant high-performance differential for muscle cars, hot rods, custom vehicles and race cars. Built from 1957-1986, the 9-inch Ford differential is used in a huge range of high-performance Ford and non-Ford vehicles because of its rugged construction, easy-to-setup design, and large aftermarket support.

The Ford 8.8- and 9-inch need to be rebuilt after extensive use and need a variety of different ratios for top performance and special applications. This Workbench book provides detailed step-by-step photos and information for rebuilding the differentials with the best equipment and installing the gear sets and converting to posi-traction for a variety of applications.
It shows how to disassemble the rear end, identify worn ring and pinion gears and other damage or wear, and proceeds to show step-by-step rebuilding of the differential. It also explains how to select the right differential hardware, bearings, seals, and other parts, as well as how to set ring and pinion backlash, so the rear end operates at peak efficiency.

Aftermarket 9-inch performance differentials from manufacturers, such as Currie, Moser and Strange, will be reviewed and the reader will learn how to rebuild and set-up these high-performance aftermarket differentials. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive 9-inch identification chart to ensure readers properly identify the model and specifics of the differential.

Chapters include axle identification, inspection, and purchasing axles for rebuilding, differential tear down, ring and pinion gear removal, inspection and reassembly, drive axle choices and more.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Joseph Palazollo
Presentación:144 páginas, 27.5 x 21 x 0.9 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:400 fotos a color
Editor:CarTech Inc (USA, 2013)
Serie:S-A Design Workbench (SA249)
Ford Differentials - How to Rebuild the 8.8 Inch and 9 Inch

Ford Differentials - How to Rebuild the 8.8 Inch and 9 Inch

Idioma: Inglés

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Otros libros en esta categoría:

Ford Inline Six (1960-1983): How to Rebuild and Modify

Ford Inline Six - 144, 170, 200 and 250 cu in (1960-1983) : How to Rebuild and Modify

Matt Cox, Maurer Barton | Inglés | tapa blanda | 176 pág. | 2021

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Última actualización: 03/02/2025