Chrysler 300 (1971-1983): manuales de taller

¿Un manual de taller para su Chrysler 300 (1971-1983)? Encuentre aquí manuales de mantenimiento y reparación para coches Chrysler. Proporcionan instrucciones detalladas para la resolución de problemas técnicos y la sustitución de piezas.

Chrysler / Dodge / Plymouth Rear-wheel drive - Inline six-cylinder and V8 models (1971-1989) | Haynes Repair Manual

Manual de taller Haynes para coches:
- Chrysler LeBaron (1971-1981), New Yorker (1971-1982), Fifth Avenue (1983-1989), Town-and-Country (1971-1981), Newport, Cordoba y 300 (1971-1983)
- Dodge Challenger (1971-1974), Charger, Mónaco y Royal Mónaco (1971-1978) Dart, Demon, Aspen, Diplomat, Mirada, Coronet, Magnum, St. Regis y Polara (1971-1989)
- Plymouth Duster (1971-1980), Caravelle (1977-1981), Valiant, Barracuda, Volare, Road Runner, Fury, Gran Fury, Satellite, GTX y Sebring (1971-1989).

Motores de gasolina:
- 6 cilindros en línea - 198 cu in y 225 cu in
- V8 - 318 cu in (5.2 L, A/LA Small Block), 340 cu in (5.6 L, A/LA Small Block), 360 cu in (5.9 L, A/LA Small Block), 383 cu in (6.3 L, B/LB Big Block), 400 cu in (6.6 L, B/LB Big Block) y 440 cu in (7.3 L, RB Big Block).

No cubre los motores 426 (Hemi), los carburadores 3x2 bbl. (Six-pack), los motores de inyección, los motores diesel ni los modelos de tracción delantera.

Este manual para coches Chrysler, Dodge y Plymouth de propulsión de los años 1971-1989 cubre servicio y reparación de motores de gasolina (correas, distribución, válvulas, árbol de levas, culata, bomba de aceite, juntas y cigüeñal), así como el sistema de enfriamiento, aire acondicionado, sistema de combustible, escape, motor de arranque y alternador. Además, abarca el trabajo en el embrague, la caja de cambios (sólo desmontaje y montaje), los ejes de transmisión, el sistema de frenado, la suspensión, la dirección, la carrocería, el interior y sistema eléctrico.

  • Instrucciones paso a paso, con centenares de fotografías.
  • Cubre los modelos de EE.UU. y Canadá.
  • Basado en el desmontaje y montaje completo.
  • Incluye un diagrama de mantenimiento, datos técnicos, pares de apriete y tablas de diagnóstico de problemas.
  • Esquemas eléctricos claros.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Robert Maddox, John H Haynes
Presentación:411 páginas, 27 x 21 x 2 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con cientos de fotos y dibujos
Editor:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 1995)
Serie:Haynes Auto Repair Manual (30050)
Chrysler / Dodge / Plymouth Rear-wheel drive - Inline six-cylinder and V8 models (1971-1989) | Haynes Repair Manual

Chrysler / Dodge / Plymouth Rear-wheel drive - Inline six-cylinder and V8 models (1971-1989)

Idioma: Inglés

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Chrysler 1938-1954 - Part Interchange Guide

This 1938-1954 parts interchange manual is a must if working on your major U.S. car or restoring it! A true guide unlike others that only list places to buy parts and do not identify the interchangeability of parts.
A must for every restoration and / or maintenance project saving money and research time!

This manual has been designed to help you in the identification and purchase of original equipment parts. It should save you many hours of time locating the parts you need. With this manual you will know exactly what parts from which vehicles are identical. There may be no need to pay a high price for a supposedly rare part when it may be identical to many other parts.

This manual covers all major makes of cars for the years of 1938 thru 1954 including: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Crosley, DeSoto, Dodge, Ford, Frazer, Henry J, Hudson, Kaiser, LaFayette, LaSalle, Lincoln, Mercury, Nash, Oldsmobile, Packard, Plymouth, Pontiac, Studebaker, Terraplane, and Willys.

Sections include engines, transmissions, cooling systems, fuel pumps, ignition system, clutch, front and rear axles, bearings, brakes, rivets, generator and starter, and universal joints. Body parts and glass are not included.

This book exists in different editions, each with a different cover for each brand. However, the content is the same.

Detalles del libro

Autor:F.D. Harper
Presentación:134 páginas, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, tapa blanda
Editor:CreateSpace (USA, 2016)
Chrysler 1938-1954 - Part Interchange Guide

Chrysler 1938-1954 - Part Interchange Guide

Idioma: Inglés

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A Chrysler Chronicle - One Man's Story of Restoring a Classic 1948 New Yorker

There are two kinds of classic car buffs: those who have restored an old car, and those who want to. For anyone who has looked at a rusty heap in a field and seen only the gleaming new machine it once was, the urge is powerful, but also intimidating. Restoration can be a difficult, expensive, and - especially for the novice - mysterious undertaking.
Dave Floyd, an enthusiast with a lifelong love for the great cars on the road in his youth, is one who answered the call.

In this book he traces every step of restoring a long-neglected 1948 Chrysler New Yorker to its original glory, all on a real-world budget and in the spare hours left by a full-time job.
Every task, every discovery, every obstacle, every triumph and frustration comes through in a detailed account that is part diary, part practical guide, part love story. Told with great charm, his story is inspiring to any prospective old-car hobbyist, and a special treat for Chrysler devotees.
A former NASA aerospace engineering technician and quality inspector who served as president of the Antelope Valley (California) Region chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America, the late Dave Floyd accumulated more than 25, 000 happy miles on his Chrysler after he completed its restoration.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Dave Floyd
Presentación:149 páginas, 23.5 x 15.5 x 1 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:73 fotos b/n
Editor:McFarland & Co Inc (USA, 2001)
A Chrysler Chronicle - One Man's Story of Restoring a Classic 1948 New Yorker

A Chrysler Chronicle - One Man's Story of Restoring a Classic 1948 New Yorker

Idioma: Inglés

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Otros libros en esta categoría:

Chrysler LHS/Concorde/300M/Dodge Intrepid

Chrysler LHS, Concorde, 300M / Dodge Intrepid - All models (1998-2004)

Eric Godfrey, John H Haynes | Inglés | tapa dura | 256 pág. | 2008

[C] Chrysler LH-Series (1998-2004)

Chrysler LHS, Concorde, 300M / Dodge Intrepid (LH-Series) (1998-2004)

Eric Godfrey | Inglés | tapa blanda | 256 pág. | 2011

La Librería TMB presenta no sólo libros técnicos sobre Chrysler . Haga clic aquí para descubrir todos los libros sobre Chrysler (incluyendo historias de fabricación, resúmenes de tipos, libros sobre ciertos modelos, colecciones de pruebas de manejo, etc.).

Años: 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

Última actualización: 03/02/2025