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Cruising Guides - Netherlands: Rivers and Canals

A boating guide to the rivers, canals and lakes of the Netherlands? These books inform you about navigation, marinas and tourist attractions.

Inland Waterways of the Netherlands (2nd Edition)

With 6,000km of navigable waterways, the Netherlands offers one of the most extensive yet compact cruising grounds in Europe. This book is a user's guide to the whole network, covering all the mast-up routes and excluding only those waterways which offer less than 3.5m bridge height.
Navigational details are provided for each waterway, comprising dimensions and obstacles to be expected, including service arrangements for bridges and locks.
This is followed by details of over 300 stopping places across all 12 provinces- some which are large or popular harbours, and others which are well off the beaten track.

Comments on the significant features are expanded for nearly 100 'principal venues' where more details on things to do and see are provided, as well as information on practical facilities ashore and the authors' selective and subjective restaurant tips!
The book is designed to be of interest to all crew members, not just the skipper or navigator, whether its to establish how to approach a place, or to discover what to do or see of interest on arrival. Easy to browse, the book's illustrations have been selected to give a flavour of this water-loving country as well as to prepare the visiting yachtsman, whether under power or sail.

This second edition has been updated with amendments to the text and maps. There are also many new photos by the authors.


Author:Louise Busby, David Broad
Details:300 pages, 29.5 x 21 x 1.8 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 x 0.71 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous colour photos and maps
Publisher:Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd (GB, 2016)
Inland Waterways of the Netherlands (2nd Edition)

Inland Waterways of the Netherlands (2nd Edition)

Language: English

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Vaarwijzer Nederlandse binnenwateren - Rivieren, kanalen en meren, inclusief de staande-mastroute

This is the reference work for all water sports enthusiasts who want to discover the Netherlands. The Dutch inland waters are unique: nowhere else in the world will you find such a fine-meshed and varied network, where you can visit all provinces while sailing.
Author Frank Koorneef provides sailing instructions, sailing routes, tips for preparing a trip and practical information about the well-known and lesser-known waterways of the Netherlands.
This new edition is designed in the new house style of the Vaarwijzer series and has been completely updated and brought up-to-date.

Many thousands of water sports enthusiasts have experienced successful boat trips and holidays in recent years with the help of the practical Vaarwijzer guides. The series is compiled by experienced sailors in the relevant sailing area. The authors want to inspire readers and provide them with all the necessary information to be able to prepare a trip well.


Author:Frank Koorneef
Details:296 pages, 24.5 x 17.5 x 2.3 cm / 9.7 x 6.9 x 0.91 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous colour photos and maps
Publisher:Gottmer Uitgevers Groep BV (NL, 2020)
Series:Hollandia Vaarwijzer
Vaarwijzer Nederlandse binnenwateren - Rivieren, kanalen en meren, inclusief de staande-mastroute

Vaarwijzer Nederlandse binnenwateren - Rivieren, kanalen en meren, inclusief de staande-mastroute

Language: Dutch

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Vaarroutes Amsterdam - De 10 mooiste routes door Amsterdam en omstreken

The waterways of Amsterdam have a huge attraction for motorboat and sloop sailors. During the entire sailing season, all kinds of boats explore the Amsterdam canals, the Amstel and the IJ. However, there is much more to discover in the area around the city. This handy guide contains the most beautiful day and weekend trips through Amsterdam and the surrounding area.

Frank Koorneef is the author of two Vaarwijzer guides and four sailing route books about the Netherlands and Belgium. He publishes regularly in the yachting magazine De Waterkampioen.


Author:Frank Koorneef
Details:127 pages, 21 x 13.5 x 1.2 cm / 8.25 x 5.3 x 0.47 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Gottmer Uitgevers Groep BV (NL, 2017)
Vaarroutes Amsterdam - De 10 mooiste routes door Amsterdam en omstreken

Vaarroutes Amsterdam - De 10 mooiste routes door Amsterdam en omstreken

Language: Dutch

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Last update: 03/02/2025