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Warships (WW 2) - Germany: books - history (2/2)

A book on warships of the Kriegsmarine? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and deployment of warships from Germany from World War II (2/2).

Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruisers (Osprey)

Despite being relatively unknown compared to famous ships like Graf Spee or Bismarke, or the more famous U-boats, the Auxiliary Cruisers were immensely successful, not only in the number of enemy ships they sank, but in the resources which were tied up trying to track them down. The Royal Navy's auxiliary cruisers tended to be merchant vessels used to protect convoys from attack. The German Auxiliary Cruisers, however, heavily armed and usually carried torpedo tubes as well as guns and even sometimes their own aircraft. These ships were aggressive predators, searching the sea lanes for unsuspecting enemy merchants, and were not only capable of destroying enemy merchant ships, but also of defending themselves against well-armed enemy warships.

This book looks at the specifications and designs of the 11 Auxiliary Cruisers, as well as their combat histories, their eventual fates, and the careers of some of the most famous commanders.


Author:Gordon Williamson, Ian Palmer
Details:48 pages, 25 x 18 x 0.5 cm / 9.8 x 7.1 x 0.2 in, paperback
Illustrations:photos and drawings (in b&w and colour)
Publisher:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2009)
Series:New Vanguard (156)
Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruisers (Osprey)

Kriegsmarine Auxiliary Cruisers

Language: English

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Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Lazarett-, KdF - und Wohnschiffe 1933-1945 (Typenkompass)

In this Typenkompass, author Hans Karr takes a look at the warships of the Third Reich that are often neglected in conventional publications: hospital ships, KdF cruise ships and residential ships.
In both world wars, converted passenger ships that were specially marked often did not protect them from enemy fire served as floating hospitals. One of the most famous KdF cruise ships was the Wilhelm Gustloff.
When the war began, ships of this type served as troop transports and hospital ships. Residential ships were essentially floating barracks.

Each type is presented with a photo, a historical description and a technical data sheet.


Author:Hans Karr
Details:112 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:150 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Lazarett-, KdF - und Wohnschiffe 1933-1945 (Typenkompass)

Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Lazarett-, KdF - und Wohnschiffe 1933-1945

Language: German

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Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Tanker, Trossschiffe und Versorger 1933-1945 (Typenkompass)

This Typenkompass presents all tankers, supply ships and supply vessels of the Kriegsmarine in World War II as well as the little-known Type XIV supply submarines.
The author discusses the technical data, deployments and fate of these supply units.

Each type is presented with a photo, a historical description and a technical data sheet.


Author:Hans Karr
Details:112 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:120 photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2021)
Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Tanker, Trossschiffe und Versorger 1933-1945 (Typenkompass)

Deutsche Kriegsschiffe - Tanker, Trossschiffe und Versorger 1933-1945

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025