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Submarines - France: books - history and ships

A book on submarines of the Marine nationale? Explore here illustrated books on the history and types of submarines from France.

Les sous-marins français, les bateaux noirs

A book that lists the history of the French Navy's submarines, through magnificent iconography encouraging readers to discover and explore this strategic marine power.
We discover the most famous and lesser-known ships including the Redoutable, the Rubis, the Inflexible, the Tonnerre, the Dauphin and Triomphant.
Admiral Bernard Louzeau and the "naval painter" Jean-Marie Chourgnoz bring to life the exceptional world and daily life of the French Navy aboard submarines.


Author:Bernard Louzeau, Jean-Marie Chourgnoz
Details:168 pages, 33 x 27 cm / 13 x 10.6 in, hardback
Illustrations:200 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 1998)
Les sous-marins français, les bateaux noirs

Les sous-marins français, les bateaux noirs

Language: French

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Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England (Typenkompass)

In the Second World War, submarines proved to be a serious and dangerous weapon. However, the conventional diesel engine limited their range and the length of possible dives. They were also extremely vulnerable during the necessary supply of fresh air for the engines via snorkels.

When the USA ushered in the nuclear submarine era with the nuclear-powered "Nautilus" in 1955, all of these disadvantages were over in one fell swoop and the large submarine fleets around the world had to follow suit.

Pages of the book [TK] Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England (1)

Ingo Bauernfeind describes the development of the nuclear submarines of the NATO states in this Typenkompass. Each type is presented with a photo, a historical description and a technical data sheet.


Author:Ingo Bauernfeind
Details:112 pages, 20.5 x 14 cm / 8.1 x 5.5 in, paperback
Illustrations:44 b&w and 95 colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2015)
Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England (Typenkompass)

Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025