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Motorcycle restoration: books - motorcycle engineering (2/2)

A book on motorcycle restoration? Here are books on the restoration of motorcycles: engine, suspension, frame, sheet metal and electric system (2/2).

The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Gearboxes and Clutches

Floyd Clymer book for maintenance and repair of clutches and gearboxes of British motorcycles from the 1930s.
Many of these components were also used in the 1920s and 40s.

Described makes and types:
- Albion: 2-speed Model C / 3-speed Model G, J & E / 4-speed Model H gearboxes and clutches
- BSA: 3- & 4-speed Medium & Heavyweight gearboxes and Light, Medium & Heavyweight clutches
- Burman: 3- & 4-speed Model E, L, R, W, T, M, O & Q
- Douglas: 3-speed gearbox and A/31 & D/31 flywheel clutches
- New Hudson: gearbox and clutch
- Rudge: 4-speed gearbox and clutch
- Scott: 2- & 3-speed gearbox and clutch
- Sturmey Archer: 3-speed gearbox plus single spring, multi spring and shock absorber clutches
- Velocette: gearbox and clutches for both 2-stroke and OHC models.


Details:118 pages, 21 x 15 x 0.6 cm / 8.25 x 5.9 x 0.24 in, paperback
Illustrations:112 b&w photos and drawings
Publisher:Veloce Press (USA, 2018)
The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Gearboxes and Clutches

The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Gearboxes and Clutches

Language: English

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The Motorcyclist's Handbook - The Classic 1911 Book on the Construction and Management of Motorcycles

"It has been said, with truth, that an inherent love of things mechanical finds a more or less definitive place in the character of every Englishman..."
So begins The Motor Cyclist's Handbook, a wonderful text from 1911 that describes in detail the operation of early motorcycles.

Created by Charles S. Lake, who wrote weekly columns in The Model Engineer magazine, the book was an instant classic. Today it is just as readable. Lavishly illustrated, the book includes chapters on the engine, including two-stroke and four cylinder, compression, carburetor, ignition, transmission, lubrication, accessories, and so on.

Some of the bikes featured include the Rudge, Triumph, Hudson, Indian, Scott, and others. It's a delightful trip back in time for any biker - from the collector to the weekend rider.
This easy-to-read reprint of this exceptionally rare book is presented in 8 x 10 format, sightly larger than the original. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.


Author:Chas S. Lake
Details:344 pages, 25.5 x 20.5 x 1.8 cm / 10 x 8.1 x 0.71 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Periscope Film (USA, 2011)
The Motorcyclist's Handbook - The Classic 1911 Book on the Construction and Management of Motorcycles

The Motorcyclist's Handbook - The Classic 1911 Book on the Construction and Management of Motorcycles

Language: English

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The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Carburetters and Electrical Components

Floyd Clymer book for maintenance and repair of carburettors and electric components of British motorcycles from the 1920s and 30s.

- Amac: E & H.
- Amal: 4, 5, 6, 26, 27 & 29.
- Binks: 46, 47, 48, 49, LR & 3 Jet version for Scott motorcycles
- Villiers: Single & Double Lever.

- BTH K1, K2 & M2
- Lucas M-L
- Villiers flywheel magnet

Lamps, switches and instruments:
- Miller
- Lucas
- Villiers.

Contains additional chapters about:
- ignition (theory)
- spark plugs: maintenance, repairs and adjustment
- batteries and cables: maintenance and repair
- Dynamo's (various types DC and AC), cut-outs and tension regulators
- Fault finding and troubleshooting.


Details:122 pages, 21 x 15 x 0.7 cm / 8.25 x 5.9 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:97 b&w photos and drawings
Publisher:Veloce Press (USA, 2018)
The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Carburetters and Electrical Components

The Book of 1930's British Motorcycle Carburetters and Electrical Components

Language: English

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Restaurez Réparez votre Moto (4e édition enrichie)

Restoration guide for historic motorcycles. Profusely illustrated, this volume of the "Restaurez Réparez" collection (4th expanded edition) describes the complete restoration in words and pictures.

  • Restore your motorcycle with step-by-step instructions.
  • More than 300 photos show you all the work in detail.
  • The complete restoration is handled:
    - removal, overhaul and installation of the engine, clutch and transmission
    - renovation of the suspension, brakes and steering
    - renovation of the bodywork, seat and ornaments
    - renovation of the electrical installation (lamps, alternators, etc.)


Author:François Arsène
Details:192 pages, 28 x 21 x 2 cm / 11 x 8.25 x 0.79 in, paperback
Illustrations:480 photos and drawings in colour
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2021)
Restaurez Réparez votre Moto (4e édition enrichie)

Restaurez Réparez votre Moto (4e édition enrichie)

Language: French

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Lexikon Oldtimer-Technik: Motor, Fahrwerk, Aufbau - Von Anlasser bis Zylinderkopf

From starter to cylinder head. This practical manual from the Oldtimer Markt edition explains over 1000 technical terms relating to the technical construction of two- and four-wheeled classic and vintage cars in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

Pages of the book Lexikon Oldtimer-Technik (1)


Details:128 pages, 30.5 x 22 x 1.7 cm / 12 x 8.7 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:700 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2015)
Lexikon Oldtimer-Technik: Motor, Fahrwerk, Aufbau - Von Anlasser bis Zylinderkopf

Lexikon Oldtimer-Technik: Motor, Fahrwerk, Aufbau - Von Anlasser bis Zylinderkopf

Language: German

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Das Kraftrad - Technik, Pflege, Reparaturen (Reprint von 1937)

This reprint from 1937 is a standard work of its time for two-wheel mechanics. The structure and function of the various components as well as their maintenance and repair are shown and described in detail.

Pages of the book Das Kraftrad - Technik, Pflege, Reparaturen (1)

Pages of the book Das Kraftrad - Technik, Pflege, Reparaturen (2)


Author:Kurt Mair
Details:748 pages, 23.5 x 16 cm / 9.25 x 6.3 in, hardback
Illustrations:645 b&w photos and drawings
Publisher:Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2010)
Das Kraftrad - Technik, Pflege, Reparaturen (Reprint von 1937)

Das Kraftrad - Technik, Pflege, Reparaturen (Reprint von 1937)

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025