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NSU Max and Quickly: service and repair manuals

A manual to fix your NSU Max or Quickly? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of NSU motorcycles. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

The Book of the NSU Quickly - All Models (1953-1963) | Clymer Manual Reprint

Floyd Clymer manual (reprint) for maintenance and repair of NSU Quickly mopeds from the years 1953-1963.

Versions: Cavallino, F, L, N, N/23, S, S/2, S/2 23, T and TT.

  • This Clymer workshop manual for NSU Quickly mopeds contains complete technical specifications and detailed instructions for maintenance and repair of all components: engine, carburettor, fuel system, ignition, clutch, gearbox, front fork, rear suspension, brakes, electrical system and lighting.
  • Reprint of the Clymer Motorcyclist's Library / Pitman Ltd edition.


Author:R.H. Warring
Details:122 pages, 21.5 x 14 x 0.7 cm / 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.28 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w photos
Publisher:Pitman / Clymer / VelocePress (USA, 2015)
Series:Floyd Clymer Manual Reprint
The Book of the NSU Quickly - All Models (1953-1963) | Clymer Manual Reprint

The Book of the NSU Quickly - All Models (1953-1963)

Language: English

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Klacks schraubt an NSU Max und BMW-Einzylinder

His motorcycle chronicles became cult books and were out of print for a long time. But actually "Klacks" was at least as much a mechanic as he was a writer.
In the 50s and 60s he offered Max and BMW drivers assistance to help themselves in almost endless series of sequels. His "Richtig angreifen" volumes based on these have long been considered classics.

Pages of the book Klacks schraubt an NSU Max und BMW-Einzylinder (1)

In this special edition, both single-cylinder vintage motorcycles are presented once again. A manual based on specialist knowledge and peppered with many interesting photos.


Author:Ernst Leverkus
Details:248 pages, 21 x 14.5 cm / 8.25 x 5.7 in, paperback
Illustrations:434 b&w photos, 49 drawings
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2009)
Klacks schraubt an NSU Max und BMW-Einzylinder

Klacks schraubt an NSU Max und BMW-Einzylinder

Language: German

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Die NSU-Story

Die NSU-Story - Alle Autos und Motorräder aus Neckarsulm

Peter Schneider | German | hardback | 416 p. | 2023

The TMB Bookshop presents not only technical books on NSU . Click here to discover all books on NSU (including make histories, type overviews, books about certain models, road test collections, etc.).

Years: 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963

Last update: 03/02/2025