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Harley-Davidson FX Dyna Glide - Twin Cam: service and repair manuals

A manual to fix your Harley-Davidson FX Dyna Glide Twin Cam? Explore here workshop manuals for service and repair of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, 96 and 103 models (1999-2010) | Haynes Service & Repair Manual

Haynes Service & Repair Manual for maintenance and repair of Harley-Davidson Softail, Dyna Glide and Touring motorcycles with over the next engines:
- Twin Cam 88 (engine code V with carburettor / code W with injection)
- Twin Cam 88B (code Y with carburator / code B with injection)
- Twin Cam 96 (code 4)
- Twin Cam 96B (code 5).

- Softail 88 cid (1450 cc, 2000-2006), Softail 96 cid (1584 cc, 2007-2010)
- Dyna Glide 88 cid (1450 cc, 1999-2006), Dyna Glide 96 cid (1584 cc, 2007-2010)
- Touring 88 cid (1450 cc, 1999-2006), Touring 96 cid (1584 cc, 2007-2010) and Touring 103 cid (1688 cc, 2010).


Softail: BH (FSXT Softail Standard), BJ (FLSTC Softail Heritage Classic), BL (FXSTS Softail Springer), BM (FLSTF Fat Boy), BN (FLSTN), BR (FLSTS Heritage Springer), BS (FXSTD Softail Deuce), BT (FXSTB Night Train), BV (FXSTI Softail Standard), BW (FLSTCI Softail Heritage Classic), BX (FLSTFI Fat Boy), BY (FLSTSI Heritage Springer), BZ (FXSTSI Softail Springer), JA (FXSTBI Night Train), JB (FXSTDI Softail Deuce), JD (FLSTNI Softail Deluxe), JE (FLST), JF (FLSTI), JG (FLSTFI Shrine), JH (FLSTCI Shrine), JJ (FXCW Softail Rocker), JK (FXCWCS Softail Rocker Custom) and JL (FXSTC Softail Custom).

Dyna Glide: GD (FXDL Dyna Low Rider), GE (FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide), GJ (FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport), GL (FXDXT Dyna Super Glide T-Sport), GM (FXD Dyna Super Glide), GN (FXDL Dyna Low Rider), GP (FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide / FXDWG Gyna Wide Glide 105th Anniversary), GV (FXDC Dyna Super Glide Custom), GW (FXD35 Super Glide Anniversary), GX (FXDB Street Bob) and GY (FXDB Fat Bob).

Touring: DD (FLHT Electra Glide Standard), DG (FLHTC Shrine), DJ (FLHTC Electra Glide Classic), FB (FLHR-I Road King), FC (FLHTCUI Ultra Classic Electra Glide), FD (FLHR Road King), FF (FLHTCI Electra Glide Classic), FG (FLHTCUI [with cruise control]), FH (FLHPI Road King [Police]), FL (FLHTCUI Shrine), FM (FLHTPI Electra Glide [Police]), FP (FLTR Road Glide), FR (FLHRCI Road King Classic), FS (FLTRI Road Glide), FT (FLHPEI), FV (FLHTI Electra Glide Standard), FW (FLHRI Shrine), FX (FLHRS Road King Custom), FY (FLHRSI Road King Custom), KA (FLHX Street Glide) and KB (FLHXI Street Glide).

This Haynes manual for Harley-Davidson Softail, Dyna Glide and Touring motorcycles provides photos and detailed step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the Twin Cam 88, 88B, 96 and 96B V-2 engines, the clutch and the gearbox.
The cooling system, fuel system, ignition, exhaust, suspension, final drive and brakes are also covered.

  • Based on a complete strip-down and rebuild.
  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Very clear and detailed wiring diagrams in colour for easy reference (up to model year 2009).
  • Contains also a brief model history.


Details:256 pages, 27 x 21 x 1.8 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.71 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2014)
Series:Haynes Service & Repair Manual (2478)

More information on the Haynes Repair Manuals

Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, 96 and 103 models (1999-2010) | Haynes Service & Repair Manual

Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, 96 and 103 models (1999-2010)

Language: English

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Harley-Davidson FXD - Twin Cam 88 (1999-2005) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Clymer Manual for maintenance and repair of the Harley-Davidson FXD models with Twin Cam 88 engines.

- FXD / FXDI Dyna Super Glide (1999-2005)
- FXDC / FXDCI Dyna Super Glide Custom (2005)
- FXDL / FXDLI Dyna Low Rider (1999-2005)
- FXDP Dyna Defender (Police) (2001-2004)
- FXDS-CONV Dyna Super Glide Convertible (1999-2000)
- FXDWG / FXDWGI Dyna Wide Glide (1999-2005)
- FXDX / FXDXI Dyna Super Glide Sport (1999-2005)
- FXDXT Dyna Super Glide T-Sport (2001-2003).

This Clymer workshop manual on Harley-Davidson FXD motorcycles from the years 1999-2005 describes maintenance and repair of the Twin Cam 88 engines, clutch and gearbox, the fuel and exhaust systems, the electrical system and the cooling system.
Also covers the front suspension and steering system, the rear suspension and drivetrain, the brakes and the frame.

  • Step-by-step instructions, many photos and drawings.
  • Includes adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams.


Details:608 pages, 26 x 18 x 3.2 cm / 10.25 x 7.1 x 1.26 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Clymer (USA, 2005)
Series:Clymer Motorcycle Service and Repair Manual (M425-3)

More information on the Clymer Repair Manuals

Harley-Davidson FXD - Twin Cam 88 (1999-2005) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Harley-Davidson FXD - Twin Cam 88 (1999-2005)

Language: English

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Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna Series (2006-2011) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Clymer Repair Manual on the Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna motorcycles.

- FXD Dyna Super Glide (2006-2010)
- FXDC Dyna Super Glide Custom (2006-2011)
- FXDL Dyna Low Rider (2006-2009, 2010-2011 HDI Japan)
- FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide (2006-2008, 2010-2011)
- FXD35 35th Anniversary Super Glide (2006)
- FXDB Street Bob (2006-2011)
- FXDF Fat Bob (2008-2011)
- FXDSE Screamin' Eagle Dyna (2007)
- FXDSE2 Screamin' Eagle Dyna (2008)
- FXDFSE CVO Dyna Fat Bob (2009)
- FXDFSE2 CVO Dyna Fat Bob (2010).

This Clymer workshop manual on Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna motorcycles describes maintenance and repair of the engine, clutch and gearbox, the fuel and exhaust systems, the electrical system and the cooling system.
Also covers the front suspension and steering system, the rear suspension and drivetrain, the brakes and the frame.

  • Step-by-step instructions, many photos and drawings.
  • Includes adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams in colour (on CD).


Details:544 pages, 27.5 x 21 x 2.5 cm / 10.8 x 8.25 x 0.98 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Clymer (USA, 2012)
Series:Clymer Motorcycle Service and Repair Manual (M254)

More information on the Clymer Repair Manuals

Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna Series (2006-2011) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna Series (2006-2011)

Language: English

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Harley-Davidson FXD / FLD Dyna Series (2012-2017) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Clymer Repair Manual on the Harley-Davidson FXD / FLD Dyna motorcycles.

- FXDB Street Bob (2012-2017)
- FXDB 103 Street Bob (2014-2017)
- FXDBA Street Bob (2013 Factory Custom)
- FXDBA 103 Street Bob (2013 Factory Custom)
- FXDBB 103 Street Bob (2014 Factory Custom, 2015-2016 Limited)
- FXDBC Street Bob (2016 Limited)
- FXDBC 103 Street Bob (2016 Limited)
- FXDBP 103 Street Bob (2013-2016 Factory Custom)
- FXDC Super Glide Custom (2012-2014)
- FXDC 103 Super Glide Custom 110th Anniversary (2013)
- FXDC Super Glide Custom (2014)
- FXDF Fat Bob (2012-2017)
- FXDF 103 Fat Bob (2012-2017)
- FXDL Low Rider (2013-2017)
- FXDL 103 Low Rider (2014-2017)
- FXDLS Low Rider S (2017)
- FXDWG Wide Glide (2012-2017)
- FXDWG 103 Wide Glide (2012-2017)
- FLD Switchback (2012-2016)
- FLD 103 Switchback (2012-2016).

This Clymer workshop manual on Harley-Davidson FXD / FLD Dyna motorcycles describes maintenance and repair of the engine, clutch and gearbox, the fuel and exhaust systems, the electrical system and the cooling system.
Also covers the front suspension and steering system, the rear suspension and drivetrain, the brakes and the frame.

  • Step-by-step instructions, many photos and drawings.
  • Includes adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • Clear wiring diagrams in colour (on CD).


Details:544 pages, 28 x 21 x 2.8 cm / 11 x 8.25 x 1.1 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Clymer (USA, 2018)
Series:Clymer Motorcycle Service and Repair Manual (M255)

More information on the Clymer Repair Manuals

Harley-Davidson FXD / FLD Dyna Series (2012-2017) | Clymer Service and Repair Manual

Harley-Davidson FXD / FLD Dyna Series (2012-2017)

Language: English

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Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide, Softail, Touring - 1450 cm³ Twin Cam 88 et 88B (1999-2003) | Revue Moto Technique RMT HS12.1

Workshop manual from the French series Revue Moto Technique (RMT HS12). Describes maintenance and repair of the Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide, Softail and Touring motorcycles with 1450 cc Twin Cam 88 and 88B engines.

Production years: 1999-2003.

  • This French repair manual on Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide, Softail and Touring motorcycles contains extensive chapters about the 1450 cc Twin Cam 88 and 88B engines (including the carburettor or injection system, fuel system, cooling, lubrication and ignition), clutch and gearbox, the electrical system with the starter motor and alternator.
  • Also work on the front fork, steering column, suspension and brakes is covered in detail.
  • Complete with adjustment data, torque wrench settings and wiring diagrams.


Details:120 pages, 21 x 27 cm / 8.25 x 10.6 in, paperback
Illustrations:hundreds of photos and drawings
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2003)
Series:Revue Moto Technique (RMT HS12.1)

More information on the Revue Moto Technique manuals

Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide, Softail, Touring - 1450 cm³ Twin Cam 88 et 88B (1999-2003) | Revue Moto Technique RMT HS12.1

Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide, Softail, Touring - 1450 cm³ Twin Cam 88 et 88B (1999-2003)

Language: French

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Harley-Davidson Twincam 88, 96 & 103 - Softail, Dyna Glide, Touring (ab 1999) | Wartung und Reparatur

Delius Klasing workshop manual on the Harley-Davidson motorcycles:
- Softail 88 (88 cid/1450 cm³, 2000-2006)
- Softail 96 (96 cid/1548 cm³, 2007-2011)
- Softail 103 (103 cid/1688 cm³, 2012-2015)
- Dyna-Glide 88 (88 cid/1450 cm³, 1999-2006)
- Dyna-Glide 96 (96 cid/1548 cm³, 2007-2014)
- Dyna-Glide 103 (103 cid/1688 cm³, 2012-2015)
- Touring 88 (88 cid/1450 cm³, 1999-2006)
- Touring 96 (96 cid/1548 cm³, 2007-2014)
- Touring 103 (103 cid/1688 cm³, 2010-2015).

This service manual on the Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, 96 and 103 motorcycles describes with photos and step-by-step instructions for maintenance and repair of the engine, clutch and gearbox.
Covers also the cooling system, fuel and exhaust systems, ignition, steering system, suspension, brakes, final drive and the electrical system.

  • Includes a maintenance schedule, adjustment data, torque wrench settings and troubleshooting tables.
  • 40 very clear wiring diagrams in colour.
  • German edition of the Haynes manual on these motorcycles.


Author:Alan Ahlstrand
Details:272 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings
Publisher:Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH (D, 2017)
Harley-Davidson Twincam 88, 96 & 103 - Softail, Dyna Glide, Touring (ab 1999) | Wartung und Reparatur

Harley-Davidson Twincam 88, 96 & 103 - Softail, Dyna Glide, Touring (ab 1999)

Language: German

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Years: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Last update: 25/03/2025