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Army trucks (since 1945) - Germany: books - history and construction

A book on army trucks? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of army trucks since 1945 from Germany.

There are currently no books available (yet) on this subject.

Related titles:

The Complete Guide to German Armored Vehicles

The Complete Guide to German Armored Vehicles

David Doyle

English | hardback | 328 p. | 2019

Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge des Heeres bis 1945

Gepanzerte Radfahrzeuge des Heeres bis 1945

Walter J. Spielberger, Hilary Louis Doyle

German | hardback | 168 p. | 2017

Armored Veh of the German Army (Spielberger)

Armored Vehicles of the German Army 1905-1945

Walter J. Spielberger

English | hardback | 168 p. | 2008

[NVG] German Armoured Cars and Half-Tracks 1939-45

German Armoured Cars and Reconnaissance Half-Tracks 1939-1945

Bryan Perrett, Bryan Perrettt

English | paperback | 48 p. | 1999

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Last update:01-09-2024