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AMX-30 tanks - France: books - history, types and construction

A book on AMX-30 tanks? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of tanks from France.

AMX30 Main Battle Tank Manual - AMX30 B, AMX30 B2 and deratives (1960-2019) (Haynes Military Manual)

The AMX30 Char de Bataille was the standard French Main Battle Tank during the Cold War era. Initially the French and Germans attempted to develop a 'standard European tank' based on their experiences of the Second World War.
Both countries required a design that put mobility and firepower foremost at the expense of armour protection, but the joint collaboration failed to materialise with the result that the French produced the AMX30 and the Germans the Leopard 1.

Pages of the book AMX30 Main Battle Tank Manual (1960-2019) (1)

The AMX30 was considerably lighter than its Anglo-Saxon contemporaries with a combat weight of 36 tonnes (hence its designation of AMX30). Again, unlike its NATO contemporaries that were armed with the British 105mm L7 gun, the AMX30 featured a smoothbore 105mm main armament firing a single type hollow-charge projectile - the OBUS-G - capable of defeating other battle tanks at normal combat ranges.

This book describes the development, construction and operation of the AMX30 family of vehicles.

Pages of the book AMX30 Main Battle Tank Manual (1960-2019) (2)


Author:M.P. Robinson, Colonel Thomas Seignon
Details:192 pages, 27.5 x 22 x 1.6 cm / 10.8 x 8.7 x 0.63 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2019)
Series:Haynes Military Manual
AMX30 Main Battle Tank Manual - AMX30 B, AMX30 B2 and deratives (1960-2019) (Haynes Military Manual)

AMX30 Main Battle Tank Manual - AMX30 B, AMX30 B2 and deratives (1960-2019)

Language: English

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AMX-30 Family

The AMX-30 was used as the basis for a range of armoured vehicles that have seen extensive service in the French army and elsewhere. In this Photosniper, which completes the study of the AMX-30 series by M.P. Robinson, the stories of France's specialized artillery and engineer variants are explained.

The AMX-30D recovery vehicle, the GCT and Au-F1 series of self-propelled guns, the AMX-30R Roland and AMX-30SA Shahine antiaircraft missile launchers, the AMX-30 Bitube DCA antiaircraft tank, the AMX-30H Bridgelayer and the EBG armoured engineers vehicle are all covered in text and photographs.

France's comprehensive rebuilding programs that resulted in the development of the Au-F1TA, of the improved EBG versions and of sophisticated mine clearing versions of the AMX-30B2 in the decades since the end of the Cold War are also described.

This work is an excellent reference for the modeler with over 180 photos; these include examples chosen from GIAT's archives, photos of vehicles in everyday service, vehicles seen on the parade ground and in the desert wastes of Iraq.


Author:M.P. Robinson
Details:96 pages, 30 x 21 x 0.8 cm / 11.8 x 8.25 x 0.31 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza (PL, 2015)
AMX-30 Family

AMX-30 Family

Language: English

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AMX-30 - Char de Bataille 1966-2006 (Volume 1)

The AMX-30 was France's principal battle tank for over 30 years and continues to serve the French Army in later forms even to this day.
In this first work of a two volume study examining the history of the AMX-30 battle tank, M.P. Robinson describes the development and introduction to service of this long serving weapon system.

Photographic coverage in Volume 1 is focused on the AMX-30B gun tank, its service life and the supporting vehicles that served alongside it in the Arme Blindée Cavalerie in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

Over 150 colour and black and white photographs tell the story of this tank in its environment, as well as in detail, for the historian and modeller alike.


Author:M P Robinson
Details:80 pages, 30 x 21.5 x 0.5 cm / 11.8 x 8.5 x 0.2 in, paperback
Illustrations:110 b&w photos and 4 profile drawings in colour
Publisher:Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza (PL, 2014)
AMX-30 - Char de Bataille 1966-2006 (Volume 1)

AMX-30 - Char de Bataille 1966-2006 (Volume 1)

Language: English

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Char AMX 30 - AMX 30B, AMX 30 B2 et dérivés

From the DEFA project (Direction des études et fabrication d'armes, a state body in charge of arsenals) was born the AMX 30, a highly mobile tank, capable of fighting in an NBC environment and equipped with an excellent 105 mm cannon of national design. The first AMX 30B entered service in 1967.
Their chassis is at the origin of a complete family of vehicles, some of which are still in service today, in France and around the world.

This is the story that we tell you through more than two hundred and fifty photos and technical drawings, from the origins to the latest developments, including the many derivatives.


Author:Thomas Seignon, Merlin P. Robinson
Details:192 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 b&w and colour photos, drawings
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2021)
Char AMX 30 - AMX 30B, AMX 30 B2 et dérivés

Char AMX 30 - AMX 30B, AMX 30 B2 et dérivés

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025