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Car bodies: handbooks - dent removal, welding and spraying (2/3)

A handbook on car bodies? Explore here technical manuals on dent removal, welding and spraying of car bodies (2/3). They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Préparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2ème édition)

Beginner, enthusiast or amateur, find in this guide all the preparation and painting methods to help you repair the damage, small or large, suffered by your bodywork.
Using more than 150 photos taken in the workshop, the author details here all the stages of a repair, from the choice of material to the finish, including the different techniques used.

Straightening, marouflage and gravity gun will no longer hold any secrets for you! To begin, only obtain the equipment essential to the completion of your project, in order to avoid unnecessary costs. Favor the purchase of good quality tools and products specially designed for car repair.

Pages of the book Preparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2e ed) (1)

After reading this book, you will have the basics required to carry out your first projects, whatever the medium. You will see that knowing how to use the right repair products and being able to successfully carry out a restoration project yourself provides real satisfaction.

Nicolas Point is a professional car body painter. Through this book, he wanted to share his know-how and passion with readers.


Author:Nicolas Point
Details:96 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:170 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2017)
Préparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2ème édition)

Préparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2ème édition)

Language: French

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Restaurez Réparez votre carosserie (2ème édition)

Do you want to restore the beauty of your vehicle? Would you like to take care of restoring its shine yourself? This book is here to help you, but also to help you determine whether you think you have the skills to carry out these operations successfully.

With this book, carry out small bodywork repairs with complete peace of mind and judge the feasibility before embarking on an intervention.
Let yourself be guided to change an element, straighten a wing, form a body part, weld a piece of sheet metal, repair a polyester part, carry out painting. Good equipment, the right gesture, the right tools, all you have to do is get to work.


Author:Sylvie Méneret
Details:144 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:850 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2018)
Restaurez Réparez votre carosserie (2ème édition)

Restaurez Réparez votre carosserie (2ème édition)

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025