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Borgward Isabella: books - history and models

A book on Borgward Isabella cars? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of Borgward cars.

Borgward Isabella - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the Borgward Isabella models. Describes the Borgward Isabella 1500, TS, Combi, TS coupé, TS convertible, 2.3, TS75 and 230 Six GL.

  • The 36 articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
  • Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.


Details:92 pages, 27 x 20 x 0.6 cm / 10.6 x 7.9 x 0.24 in, paperback
Illustrations:200 photos and drawings
Publisher:Brooklands Books (GB, 1999)

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Borgward Isabella - Brooklands Portfolio

Borgward Isabella

Language: English

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Borgward Isabella - Der Zeit voraus

The volume spans the history of the classic Borgward brand up to its revival. Christian Steiger spoke to contemporary witnesses and exchanged views with members of the Borgward family, designers, test drivers, assembly workers and former sales staff. They shared their memories and provided insight into drawers and cellars in which extensive documents were still kept.

The findings have been incorporated into this book, which tells the story of the cult brand around the iconic Isabella in a new way and based on the latest knowledge.

Pages of the book Borgward Isabella - Der Zeit voraus (1)


Author:Christian Steiger
Details:256 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Borgward Isabella - Der Zeit voraus

Borgward Isabella - Der Zeit voraus

Language: German

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Borgward Isabella: Vom Zeichenbrett zum Roll-out

There are many books about vintage cars, but almost none about the development and production of the vehicles. The subject is of great interest to fans.
This book uses the example of the Borgward Isabella to show how cars were designed and produced. It could only be published because three things came together:
- By purchasing the archives of the Borgward factory photographers, images were available that show the production process in detail.
- For over 30 years, the author has been conducting interviews with former Borgward employees. These included senior production technicians and designers of the Isabella.
- With the technical support of today's automotive engineers, the development and production processes of the 1950s were reconstructed.

In this way, it was possible to present the individual steps in the correct order: conception, design, prototype construction, test phase, production planning and series production.
The Isabella rolled off the production line in July 1954. Production of this successful classic was discontinued in 1962. Borgward's masterpiece is still highly valued today.

1. The development of the Isabella
2. The test phase
3. The construction of the pre-series
4. The day X - June 10 1954
5. The series production
6. The body construction
7. The paint shop and the assembly
8. The delivery


Author:Peter Kurze
Details:96 pages, 29.5 x 21 x 1.2 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 x 0.47 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Verlag Peter Kurze (D, 2020)
Borgward Isabella: Vom Zeichenbrett zum Roll-out

Borgward Isabella: Vom Zeichenbrett zum Roll-out

Language: German

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[0034] Borgward Isabella, Goliath

Borgward Isabella, Goliath

German | paperback | 42 p. | 2017

The TMB Bookshop presents not only general books on Borgward . Click here to discover all books on Borgward (including technical books like workshop manuals, restauration manuals, driver's handbooks, parts catalogues, etc.).

Last update: 03/02/2025