Bauen Sie Ihr eigenes Auto! - Handbücher für Selbstbau (2/2)

Möchten Sie Ihr eigenes Auto bauen? Hier finden Sie Anleitungen zum Selbstbau von Sportwagen, Buggys, Kit Cars und Rennwagen (2/2). Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.

Building a Special - Following the build of Ant's own classic F1 single-seater special

Ant Anstead baute sein eigenes "Spezial"-Auto und ließ sich dabei vom Alfa 158 inspirieren - dem ersten F1-Weltmeisterauto, das von den 1930ern bis in die 1950er Jahre Rennen fuhr. Die 12-teilige Fernsehserie verfolgte Ants Bau des Autos von den ersten Designideen über die Konstruktion bis hin zum Debüt des Autos während des US Grand Prix-Wochenendes 2019 in Austin, Texas.

Das Buch verfolgt Ants persönlichen Bau des Autos, wie in der Fernsehserie dokumentiert, von der Auswahl des Spenders MG TD für das Fahrgestell und Alfa Romeo Spider für Motor und Getriebe über die Modifizierung des Fahrgestells, den Bau von Aufhängung, Lenkung, Bremsen, Karosserie und Innenausstattung bis hin zum Zusammenbau aller Komponenten, um ein fertiges, einmaliges "Spezial" zu produzieren.

Dieses Buch ist durchgängig reich bebildert mit Fotos, technischen Zeichnungen und Skizzen und wurde in Ants eigenen Worten verfasst. Es erweitert die 12-teilige Fernsehserie über dieses Projekt und liefert weitere Einzelheiten zu den Komponenten (einschließlich Abmessungen), der Konstruktion und den Techniken, die beim Bau des Autos verwendet wurden.

Einführung, die Geschichte der Sondermodelle, Planung, Spenderfahrzeug, Fahrgestell, Aufhängung, Lenkung, Hinterachse, Motor, Kraftstoffsystem, Kühlsystem, Nebenaggregate, Auspuff, Getriebe, Karosserie, Bremssystem, Cockpit, Verkabelung, Vorbereitung und Lackierung, Prüfung, Einrichtung und Herstellung der Straßenzulassung.


Autor:Ant Anstead
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 2 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche Farbfotos
Verlag:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2021)
Building a Special - Following the build of Ant's own classic F1 single-seater special

Building a Special - Following the build of Ant's own classic F1 single-seater special

Sprache: Englisch

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The Complete Builder's Guide to Hot Rod Chassis & Suspension

There is no shortage of options regarding suspensions for your rodding project. Which ones are the best? How hard are they to install, and how much is it going to cost?

In "How to Build Hot Rod Chassis", highly regarded hot rodding author Jeff Tann covers everything enthusiasts need to know about designing and building their new chassis and suspension system.
It thoroughly explores both factory and aftermarket frames, modified factory solid-axle suspensions, and aftermarket independent front and rear suspension setups.

No matter what design a reader may be considering for his own car, this book delivers a wealth of information on the pros and cons of all systems available.
Whether you end up building a traditional or retro rod and stick with a conventional system, go high-tech and get the latest and greatest, or decide on a hybrid somewhere in between, it will guide you through the process of choosing, installing, and enjoying your hot rod's suspension.


Autor:Jeff Tann
Ausführung:146 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, kartoniert
Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2010)
Serie:S-A Design (SA185P)

Mehr Info über die CarTech S-A Design Bücher

The Complete Builder's Guide to Hot Rod Chassis & Suspension

The Complete Builder's Guide to Hot Rod Chassis & Suspension

Sprache: Englisch

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How to Build Motorcycle-engined Racing Cars (Veloce SpeedPro)

If you are aspiring to build a racing car, this could be the book that you've been waiting for! Tony Pashley revisits the path that he took in the Pashley Project articles in Race Tech magazine during the design and construction of two successful hillclimb cars, but this time in great detail, with a view to enabling the reader to carry out a similar exercise for themselves.

Although hillclimb and sprint cars are the focal topic, a lot of the book is applicable to race cars in general. The cars under discussion in the book are powered by motorcycle engines, which are meeting with great success in the smaller racing car classes.

The total process of building a car is described, beginning with the selection and procurement of the engine. Chassis and suspension design is covered in a simplistic but adequate manner as the author's aim is to minimise the inclusion of involved calculations.

Two recipes for chassis construction are illustrated in detail, along with guidance on the processes of construction and a description of the required equipment. Following on from this, the fabrication of the suspension is explained.
Further chapters are dedicated to the remaining aspects of the vehicle, covering transmission, brakes, fuel and coolant systems, and electrics. The book is heavily illustrated with photographs and extensive explanatory diagrams and tables. A vital addition to any would be kit car builders library.


Autor:Tony Pashley
Ausführung:128 Seiten, 25 x 20.5 x 1.4 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:391 Farbfotos, 25 Zeichnungen
Verlag:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017)
How to Build Motorcycle-engined Racing Cars (Veloce SpeedPro)

How to Build Motorcycle-engined Racing Cars

Sprache: Englisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE

How to Build A Racing Car

Originally published in 1949 by Floyd Clymer, this comprehensive and informative book, written in easy to understand language, puts the capability of designing and building a 1950's era midget racing car or a three-quarter (dirt track) car within reach of the home-based enthusiast.
The fundamental principles described in this book may also be applied to the construction of a 50's track roadster or even a custom built hot rod.

Highly technical terminology and engineering terms have been avoided, as the aim of this book is to define the construction process in clear and understandable terms, regardless of the reader's technical background or training. The principles it contains are just as relevant today as they were some 50 years ago when this book was first written.

The design process is clearly explained, the raw materials required are described, and the construction process is presented in an easy-to-follow step by step procedure. Obviously, this book would also be a valuable reference for anyone contemplating repairing, refurbishing or restoring a vintage racing car.
This edition also includes a 38 page bonus section featuring a reproduction of an appropriate Offenhauser Speed Equipment catalog.

Out-of-print and unavailable for many years, this book is becoming increasingly more difficult to find on the secondary market and we are pleased to be able to offer this print-on-demand reproduction as a service to all those vintage automotive race car builders and enthusiasts worldwide.


Autor:Floyd Clymer
Ausführung:86 Seiten, 28 x 21 x 0.5 cm, kartoniert
Verlag:Veloce Press (USA, 2010)
How to Build A Racing Car

How to Build A Racing Car

Sprache: Englisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE
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Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/02/2025