Demon Vergaser: Reparaturanleitungen

Eine Reparaturanleitung für Demon Vergaser? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher zur Wartung und Reparatur der Demon Vergaser. Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.

Demon Carburetion - High-Performance Race, Street and Off-Road Applications

The Demon carburetor has taken the industry by storm with it's revolutionary design and exacting performance. Founded by Barry Grant, Demon Carburetion is one of the newer, more recognized names in performance carburetor manufacturing.

This book provides a detailed look at carburetor and engine theory in an easy to understand manner, and is a guide for choosing the correct carburetor for the application. Tuning tips for racing, and street/strip use are included and each of the four Demon models are analyzed in detail along with the basics of combustion, air flow, emissions, fuel systems, and gasoline.
To add to the learning experience, each chapter includes side bars and review questions. For convenience, a glossary of over 460 relevant terms, is included. Consisting of 160 pages and over 400 photos, charts, graphs, and illustrations, "Demon Carburetion" is positioned to become the industry standard of technical reference for the enthusiast who has a thirst for knowledge.


Autor:Ray Bohacz
Ausführung:162 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:400+ s/w-Abbildungen und Zeichnungen
Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2002)
Serie:S-A Design (SA68P)

Mehr Info über die CarTech S-A Design Bücher

Demon Carburetion - High-Performance Race, Street and Off-Road Applications

Demon Carburetion - High-Performance Race, Street and Off-Road Applications

Sprache: Englisch

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/02/2025