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Nysa bestelwagens: boeken - historie, modellen en techniek

Een boek over Poolse Nysa bestelwagens? Hier vindt U geïllustreerde boeken over de geschiedenis, modellen en techniek van Nysa.

Samochody z Nysy 1957-2019

A richly illustrated book about vehicles produced and assembled in Nysa in the years 1957-2019. Among others, the production of special bodies on truck chassis is described, the first prototype of the Nysa N57 from 1957 and subsequent serial models and prototypes of Nysa vans, the Polonez Ambulans and Truck, the Citroën C15 and Berlingo cars, prototypes of Daewoo Lanos vans, as well as the Clic and IXAR prototype cars.
Turkish vehicles based on the Nysa van are also presented.

Details of individual vehicle models, the history of their development and the basic technical data of the produced types are given. There are also many archival, hitherto unpublished photos.

Text in Polish.

Auteur:Marek Kuc
Uitvoering:148 blz, 24.5 x 19.5 x 0.6 cm, softcover
Illustraties:264 foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności WKŁ (PL, 2021)
Boek: Samochody z Nysy 1957-2019

Samochody z Nysy 1957-2019

Taal: Pools

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Laatste update:20-05-2024