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Electric locomotives - Germany: books - history (3/3)

Books on the history, types and technology of electric locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) and other railway companies in Germany (3/3).

Unsterbliche Baureihe 103 - Die DB-Paradeloks von Ende 2002 bis 2014

The 103 series undoubtedly belongs to the elite of German locomotives and embodies fascination, myth and legend in equal measure. Even more than 20 years after the actual end of service at DB AG, the "Passion for the Hundred and Three" has by no means died out. On the contrary: the "post-era" is still surprisingly lively today with a handful of operational 103 locomotives.

This high-quality illustrated book lets you review the highlights of the events with the "stars" 103 113, 103 184, 103 222, 103 235 and 103 245 as well as other active machines since the end of 2002.
Experience these parade locomotives in use in front of nostalgic trains, during measurement and test runs as well as in front of some IC trains that are once again being operated as scheduled.


Author:Christian Wolf
Details:128 pages, 21.5 x 30 x 1.5 cm / 8.5 x 11.8 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2014)
Unsterbliche Baureihe 103 - Die DB-Paradeloks von Ende 2002 bis 2014

Unsterbliche Baureihe 103 - Die DB-Paradeloks von Ende 2002 bis 2014

Language: German

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Die Baureihe 103 (Band 1) - Vorgeschichte, Entwicklung & Technik, Einsatz der Prototypen

This book from the EK Baureihe-series presents the legendary 103 series in a comprehensive portrait, now divided into two volumes in an expanded new edition. The double volume deals with the 103 series in detail and combines known content from the first edition from the end of 2002 with necessary updates and an ongoing presentation of the 103 history up to the present day. The entire work extends over around 500 pages.

Volume 1 is devoted to the history, the creation of the four prototypes, the further development of the series locomotives and the technology of the prototypes (E 03/1030) and the series locomotives (1031). Design differences, color schemes and maintenance are also covered in detail.
The volume closes with the operational history of the four prototypes of the E 03/1030 series, a smooth transition to volume 2. Most of the content is already known, some in a new or revised format.


Author:Christian Wolf, Christian Ernst, Uwe Clasen
Details:250 pages, 30 x 21 x 2 cm / 11.8 x 8.25 x 0.79 in, hardback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2017)
Die Baureihe 103 (Band 1) - Vorgeschichte, Entwicklung & Technik, Einsatz der Prototypen

Die Baureihe 103 (Band 1) - Vorgeschichte, Entwicklung & Technik, Einsatz der Prototypen

Language: German

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DB-Elloks der 1970er-Jahre - Die Baureihen 111, 151 und 181.2

This richly illustrated book, created from the popular special editions of the trade magazine "Eisenbahn-Journal", describes the electric locomotives of the DB series 111 and 151 that entered service in the 1970s, as well as the multi-system electric locomotives of the series 181.2, including the predecessor types from the 1960s.

The technology and the very different areas of application are reported in detail. The 111 series was purchased for universal passenger train service - from local trains to 160 km/h InterCity trains - as well as for the Rhine-Ruhr S-Bahn service.
The main area of tasks for the six-axle 151 series was always heavy freight train service. It was not only the most powerful, but also the fastest freight train locomotive of the DB with a speed of 120 km/h. The 181.2 was mainly used on cross-border passenger trains to France and Luxembourg.


Author:Konrad Koschinski:
Details:240 pages, 29.5 x 21 cm / 11.6 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:400+ b&w and colour photos
Publisher:VGB GmbH (D, 2019)
DB-Elloks der 1970er-Jahre - Die Baureihen 111, 151 und 181.2

DB-Elloks der 1970er-Jahre - Die Baureihen 111, 151 und 181.2

Language: German

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Baureihe 120 - Revolution der Antriebstechnik

The development of the electric locomotives of the 120 series to series production took around ten years. Their construction marked a milestone in the design of electric locomotives, as it brought about a true revolution in drive technology: from then on, three-phase technology was almost exclusively used in new electric locomotives.
Based on the technology of the series, the first ICE traction units were even developed in the mid-1980s.

Karl-Gerhard Haas reports on the development, construction and history of this revolutionary series, whose service life at DB AG is unfortunately coming to an end.


Author:Karl-Gerhard Haas
Details:176 pages, 27 x 23.5 x 1.7 cm / 10.6 x 9.25 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2022)
Baureihe 120 - Revolution der Antriebstechnik

Baureihe 120 - Revolution der Antriebstechnik

Language: German

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Die Mehrsystem-Elloks der Deutschen Bundesbahn - Die Baureihen 181, 182, 183 und 184

In the 1960s, Deutsche Bahn broke new ground in cross-border electric locomotive traffic to France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The different power systems in the neighboring countries required the development of innovative "multi-system locomotives".

After experimental work from 1960 with the E 320 and E 344, development reached its first peak in 1965: the four-system locomotives of the E 410 and 184 series known as "Europalok". The two-system locomotives of the 181.0-2 series were a complete success with highly developed technology and proved themselves in use for over four decades. These universal locomotives excelled in high-quality passenger train service and in front of freight trains.

This EK Baureihe-series book offers for the first time a comprehensive presentation of the origins and history of the DB multi-system electric locomotives. Their technology and wide-ranging operational use made them special in German locomotive construction.
The attractive and popular 181 in particular helped to establish the Europe-wide multi-system operation that is now taken for granted.


Author:Manfred Lohmann
Details:287 pages, 30 x 21 x 2.7 cm / 11.8 x 8.25 x 1.06 in, hardback
Illustrations:500 photos and drawings
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2023)
Die Mehrsystem-Elloks der Deutschen Bundesbahn - Die Baureihen 181, 182, 183 und 184

Die Mehrsystem-Elloks der Deutschen Bundesbahn - Die Baureihen 181, 182, 183 und 184

Language: German

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Der Taurus - Die Baureihe 182 der DB AG & die Reihe 1016/1116 der ÖBB (Lok-Legenden)

The Taurus is the award-winning, successful model among modern electric locomotives, of which more than 500 have been manufactured to date. At the end of the 1990s, the Austrian Bundesbahns (ÖBB) decided to purchase a new, faster and more powerful locomotive for express trains and freight transport - the 230 km/h, 6400 kW Taurus, which was developed and built by Siemens.

Pages of the book [LL] Der Taurus - Die Baureihe 182 der DB AG (1)

The new locomotive proved so successful that it is now in regular use in Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Switzerland. On September 2, 2006, Siemens even set a world record for conventional locomotives with a series-produced Taurus: on the new Nuremberg-Ingolstadt line, the machine reached 357 km/h.

Werner Kurtz is an expert on the Taurus and has written down the history, design and technology of the successful locomotive type in this volume.


Author:Werner Kurtz
Details:128 pages, 21 x 17 cm / 8.25 x 6.7 in, paperback
Illustrations:94 colour photos, 10 drawings
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2013)
Der Taurus - Die Baureihe 182 der DB AG & die Reihe 1016/1116 der ÖBB (Lok-Legenden)

Der Taurus - Die Baureihe 182 der DB AG & die Reihe 1016/1116 der ÖBB

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025