Kampery: książki - historia i modele (1/2)

Książka o kamperach? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii, typach i technice kamperów (1/2).

The Motorcaravan Manual - Choosing, using and maintaining your motorcaravanl (3rd Edition)

This radically updated third edition encompasses the very latest developments in motorcaravans. It is full of practical information for both new and experienced owners and includes an overview of models, maintenance and repairs on habitation elements, explanations of construction methods, practical advice concerning appliances, and detailed descriptions of motorcaravan supply systems.

Strony książki The Motorcaravan Manuall (3rd Edition) (1)

The content is invaluable for owners of both leisure vehicles based on van conversions and coachbuilt models constructed on a separate chassis. Guidance is also given on accessories, weight restrictions, modifications, restoration work and self-build projects.

Strony książki The Motorcaravan Manuall (3rd Edition) (2)


Autor:John Wickersham
Wydanie:216 strony, 28 x 22 x 2 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:760 kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2012)
The Motorcaravan Manual - Choosing, using and maintaining your motorcaravanl (3rd Edition)

The Motorcaravan Manual - Choosing, using and maintaining your motorcaravanl (3rd Edition)

Język: angielski

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Build Your Own Overland Camper Manual - Designing, building and kitting out vans and trucks for overland travel

If you have a passion for off-the-beaten-track adventure, being immersed in spectacular landscapes, witnessing exotic wildlife, and visiting diverse cultures - all at a pace set by you - an overland camper can turn your dreams into reality.
This manual gives clear and helpful advice on how to establish the kind of overlanding vehicle most appropriate to your own particular needs and, with clear step-by-step guidance, will help you through the process of designing, building and fitting-out your own ultimate overlanding companion.

Whether you decide you would be best served by a converted van, a converted off-the-peg-motorhome, or by what - for many - is the last word in overlanding vehicles: a truck based camper, you will find clear and concise advice on build techniques, plus guidance on the equipment and systems most suited to the demands of truly autonomous travel.

As well as sections covering installations of water supply and electrical systems, gas, heating, cooling, washrooms, kitchens and home-from-home luxuries, this essential manual clearly demystifies the 'black arts' of coping with chassis induced torsional stress and how to build your own bespoke habitation box from scratch.

Strony książki Build Your Own Overland Camper Manual (1)

Author Steven Wigglesworth has utilised his largely self-taught mechanical and engineering skills to create motor vehicles capable of facilitating self-contained overland travel and has modified a couple of mainstream motorcaravans and built a van based overland camper.
He is passionate about truck based overlanding vehicles in particular and as a result of countless hours of research plus empirical knowledge gained by years of hands-on work and spending time travelling in his own creations, he has the ability to write with authority on the subject.


Autor:Steven Wigglesworth
Wydanie:192 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1.7 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:bogato ilustrowane, kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2016)
Build Your Own Overland Camper Manual - Designing, building and kitting out vans and trucks for overland travel

Build Your Own Overland Camper Manual - Designing, building and kitting out vans and trucks for overland travel

Język: angielski

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Classic Dormobile Camper Vans - A Guide to the Camper Vans of Martin Walter and Dormobile

Dormobile, a name inescapably linked with camper vans, grew out of a Folkestone coachbuilding company called Martin Walter's. In 1957, the first really affordable camper van , the Dormobile, was introduced. It was a great success and within a couple of years, over 10,000 had been sold.

The factory produced camper vans in such huge numbers throughout the 1950s, 60s and 70s that they were by far the leading producer of motorcaravans within the UK. The pop-up, candy-striped roofs became a common sight at campsites and on beaches all over Britain and abroad.

Dormobile used a variety of base vehicles but perhaps the best known are the Bedford CA Romany, the Volkswagen split and bay vans and the Land Rover, all instantly recognisable with their pop-up roofs. The company also made a series of coach-built models including the Debonair and Newlander on Bedford and Toyota chassis.
Telling the Martin Walter and Dormobile story, this book is a complete guide to these camper vans.


Autor:Martin Watts
Wydanie:128 strony, 30 x 21.5 x 1.6 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:317 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:The Crowood Press Ltd (GB, 2009)
Classic Dormobile Camper Vans - A Guide to the Camper Vans of Martin Walter and Dormobile

Classic Dormobile Camper Vans - A Guide to the Camper Vans of Martin Walter and Dormobile

Język: angielski

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RVs & Campers 1900-2000 - An Illustrated History

Today, hundreds of thousands of people live in RVs permanently, and even more use campers and RVs for recreation. This is the first and only book to give an entertaining look at the history and evolution of this popular lifestyle and hobby.

Hundreds of nostalgic photographs show a wide variety of campers and RVs throughout the entire 20th century. See early auto tent-camping, converted buses, fold-out trailers, homemade campers, foreign exploration expeditions and even traveling chapels with living quarters for pastors!

Anyone who has ever enjoyed RVs and campers will be thrilled by this retrospective look at these vehicles and their predecessors throughout the 20th Century. Chapters broken down by decade with brief 2-3 page introductory material for each chapter.


Autor:Donald F. Wood
Wydanie:160 strony, 28 x 21.5 x 1.3 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:340 czarno-białych zdjęć
Wydawca:Iconografix (USA, 2002)
RVs & Campers 1900-2000 - An Illustrated History

RVs & Campers 1900-2000

Język: angielski

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Campervans - Was man über den Kastenwagen als Wohnmobile wissen muss

Camper Vans sind beliebt: Die ausgebauten Kastenwagen sind schmal genug, um auch enge Sträßchen befahren zu können und dennoch geräumig genug, um Sperriges zu transportieren.
In Deutschland gibt es über 350 Modelle von rund 50 Marken: kurze, mittlere oder lange, hohe oder extra hohe Kastenwagen mit Serien-, GfK- oder Aufstelldach, auf Basis von Fiat, Citroën, Peugeot, Renault, Ford, Volkswagen oder Mercedes-Benz. Bei dieser Auswahl ist nicht nur der Kastenwagen-Neuling schnell überfordert.

Dieses Buch erklärt alles, was man über Kastenwagen wissen muss - angefangen von den Vor- und Nachteilen der verschiedenen Grundrisse über die Strom-, Gas-, Wasser- und Wärmeversorgung an Bord bis hin zum Gebrauchtkauf oder zur Vermietung des eigenen Fahrzeugs.
Umfangreiche Checklisten sowie zahlreiche Praxistipps runden dieses Standardwerk über Camper Vans ab.


Autor:Michael Allner
Wydanie:260 strony, 24 x 17 x 1.7 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:300 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Campervans - Was man über den Kastenwagen als Wohnmobile wissen muss

Campervans - Was man über den Kastenwagen als Wohnmobile wissen muss

Język: niemiecki

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Build your own Motorcaravan (2nd Edition) - A practical manual for van conversions, coachbuilts and major renovation projects

John Wickersham | angielski | twarda oprawa | 224 str. | 2013

Fitting a Camper Van Interior

Fitting a Camper Van Interior

Rob Hawkins | angielski | miękka oprawa | 160 str. | 2014

The Van Conversion Bible

The Van Conversion Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Converting a Campervan

Charlie Low, Dale Comley | angielski | twarda oprawa | 333 str. | 2023

Living off the Road-Wie du dein Reisemobil ausbaust

Living off the Road - Wie du dein Reisemobil ausbaust und optimierst

Michael Scheler | niemiecki | miękka oprawa | 320 str. | 2021

Der Weg zum eigenen Camper

Der Weg zum eigenen Camper: Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zum Ausbau vom Kastenwagen zum Traumwohnmobil

Camping Media | niemiecki | miękka oprawa | 201 str. | 2020

Das Busbastler Handbuch

Das Busbastler Handbuch - Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen Campervan

Manuel Lemke, Christian Zahl | niemiecki | miękka oprawa | 288 str. | 2022

Made to Camp - So gelingt der Aus- und Umbau

Made to Camp - So gelingt der Aus- und Umbau von Campingbus, Wohnwagen und Co.

Katharina Maloun, Andreas Weiss | niemiecki | miękka oprawa | 160 str. | 2021

Najnowsza aktualizacja: 03/02/2025