Samochody Fiat (do 1950 roku): książki - historia i modele

Książka o samochodach Fiat? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii, typach i technice samochodów osobowych Fiat do 1950 roku.

Fiat 508C e 1100 (1937-1953)

The 508 C and later 1100s marked significant milestones in Italian motoring history. Available in numerous variants both before and after WWII, they formed the backbone of Fiat's lineup for over 15 years, playing a key role in shaping the modern automobile concept.
These vehicles, including sedans, convertibles, station wagons, sports cars, and light commercial vehicles, catered to the diverse needs of private and professional customers, boasting robustness and attractive styling.

This book comprehensively documents their history, covering the inception of the project to subsequent developments, and includes numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:96 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:140+ zdjęcia czarno-białe i kolorowe
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2017)
Fiat 508C e 1100 (1937-1953)

Fiat 508C e 1100 (1937-1953)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 501, 502 e 503 (1919-1927)

The 501, alongside the lesser-known 502, marked Fiat's entry into post-war mass production of modern cars. Robust, versatile, and relatively affordable for its time, the 501 played a significant role in popularizing motor cars in Italy. The subsequent 503 served as an intriguing transitional model, offering comfort and a modern design.

This book extensively covers the history of these models, from their inception to subsequent developments, and includes numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:60 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:80 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2017)
Fiat 501, 502 e 503 (1919-1927)

Fiat 501, 502 e 503 (1919-1927)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 505 e 507 (1919-1927)

The Fiat 505, while not widely recognized today, played a significant role in revamping Fiat's lineup after World War II. It was a practical and modern vehicle targeted towards the affluent bourgeoisie, offering rationality and reliability.
Despite its understated profile, it enjoyed considerable success in export markets. The subsequent model, the 507, marked an intriguing transition with its innovative and stylish design, standing out as one of the finest in Italy's automotive landscape of the time.

This book meticulously documents the complete history of the Fiat 505, from its inception to subsequent developments. It includes numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:44 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:50 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2019)
Fiat 505 e 507 (1919-1927)

Fiat 505 e 507 (1919-1927)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 510 e 512 (1919-1927)

The Fiat 510 bolstered Fiat's presence in the luxury car market with its six-cylinder offering following the challenges of World War I. It represented a significant advancement from pre-war models, boasting modern features, enhanced reliability, efficiency, and practicality. Its successor, the 512, continued this evolution, embodying understated elegance.

This book provides a comprehensive account of the Fiat 510's history, from its inception to subsequent developments. It is enriched with numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version, offering readers a thorough exploration of this notable vehicle.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:44 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:50 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, )
Fiat 510 e 512 (1919-1927)

Fiat 510 e 512 (1919-1927)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 519 (1922-1927)

Fiat 519 był jednym z najbardziej eleganckich i prestiżowych modeli, jakie kiedykolwiek wyprodukowała firma Fiat. Powstał w latach między I wojną światową a krachem na Wall Street jako luksusowy i pożądany samochód. W tamtym czasie Fiat konkurował jeszcze w segmencie aut luksusowych.
Jedynym modelem, który mógł go przewyższyć, był "Superfiat", ale jego produkcja została anulowana przed rozpoczęciem.
Książka przedstawia pełną historię Fiata 519, od jego powstania po kolejne wersje, oraz rzuca światło na mało znaną historię Superfiata. Zawiera liczne zdjęcia i szczegółowe dane techniczne każdej wersji.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:44 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:50 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2020)
Fiat 519 (1922-1927)

Fiat 519 (1922-1927)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 509 (1925-1929)

The Fiat 509 marked Fiat's initial endeavor to produce an accessible car with a one-liter engine, offering unprecedented low running costs and affordability. This versatile vehicle, available as a sedan, torpedo, spider, and taxi, surpassed previous sales records, paving the way for mass motorization.

This book comprehensively documents the Fiat 509's history, from its inception to subsequent advancements, accompanied by numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each variant.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:52 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:70 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2016)
Fiat 509 (1925-1929)

Fiat 509 (1925-1929)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 520, 521, 522 e 524 (1927-1934)

The six-cylinder cars at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s accompanied Fiat at the critical time of transition from luxury to popular products.
The 520 was born as a model with international appeal, understated and reliable; the later 521 had to face the world economic crisis while the 522 and 524 filled the difficult role of luxury models in a period of recession when, by then, space for these cars was disappearing.
This book tells its entire story, from its inception to its subsequent evolutions, accompanied by numerous period pictures and accurate technical data sheets of each of the versions.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:76 strony, 19 x 27 x 0.4 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:110 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2021)
Fiat 520, 521, 522 e 524 (1927-1934)

Fiat 520, 521, 522 e 524 (1927-1934)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 525 (1928-1931)

The Fiat 525 was the pinnacle of Fiat's achievements in the vibrant 1920s. With its modern, rational design and international appeal, it represented the epitome of excellence for the Italian brand before the onset of the great financial crisis that reshaped the industry. Following the 525, Fiat did not produce another car with such luxurious refinement.

This book delves into the complete history of the Fiat 525, from its inception to subsequent developments, and is filled with numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:52 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:70 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2014)
Fiat 525 (1928-1931)

Fiat 525 (1928-1931)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 518 e 527 'Ardita' (1933-1938)

Modele Fiat "Ardita" powstały w trudnym okresie przejściowym jako praktyczna i ekonomiczna alternatywa wobec rynku coraz bardziej nastawionego na luksus. Wersje cztero- i sześciocylindrowe zajmowały górny segment oferty Fiata, łącząc funkcjonalność z eleganckim stylem w odmianach Sport.
Ta książka przedstawia pełną historię Ardit'y, od jej debiutu po kolejne wersje, wzbogaconą licznymi zdjęciami i szczegółowymi danymi technicznymi każdego modelu.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:40 strony, 19 x 27 x 0.4 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:bogato ilustrowana
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2023)
Fiat 518 e 527 'Ardita' (1933-1938)

Fiat 518 e 527 'Ardita' (1933-1938)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 1500 (1935-1950)

The Fiat 1500 holds immense significance not just in Fiat's history but in the broader automotive narrative. It stands as the pioneering application of aerodynamic and ergonomic theories to a mass-produced car, coupled with cutting-edge technological advancements. Renowned for its beauty, elegance, and comfort, the 1500 epitomizes the modernist ethos of its era. Despite enduring the challenges of wartime and the aspirations of post-war reconstruction, it remained a symbol of automotive innovation.

This book comprehensively chronicles the entire history of the Fiat 1500, from its inception to subsequent developments. It is filled with numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:60 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:70 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2019)
Fiat 1500 (1935-1950)

Fiat 1500 (1935-1950)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 2800 (1938-1943)

The Fiat 2800 marked Fiat's final venture into producing large cars for state use. It aimed to extend the "streamline revolution" initiated by the 1500 to a larger model, blending modern styling with elegance. Despite these aspirations, a significant portion of the limited production was repurposed for military use.

This book comprehensively covers the history of the Fiat 2800, from its inception to subsequent developments. It includes numerous illustrations and detailed technical specifications for each version, providing readers with a thorough understanding of this significant vehicle.

Text in Italian.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:40 strony, 19.5 x 27 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:90 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, )
Fiat 2800 (1938-1943)

Fiat 2800 (1938-1943)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 508 'Balilla' (1932-1937)

With the 508 "Balilla" Fiat made the first concrete attempt, albeit not completely successful, to make a popular car in Italy. Reliable practical and efficient, it was however not sufficiently innovative to subvert the rules of the market. It nevertheless enjoyed great success in all its many variants, from austere sedans to fascinating sports cars.
This book tells its entire story, from its birth to its subsequent evolutions, accompanying it with numerous pictures and accurate technical data sheets of each of the versions.


Autor:Alessandro Sannia
Wydanie:59 strony, 19 x 27 x 0.5 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:90 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Il Cammello (I, 2021)
Fiat 508 'Balilla' (1932-1937)

Fiat 508 'Balilla' (1932-1937)

Język: włoski

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Fiat 1400 - 1900 (1950-1959)

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Fiat 8V (1952-1954)

Fiat 8V (1952-1954)

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Fiat 1100 e 1200 (1953-1969)

Fiat 1100 e 1200 (1953-1969)

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Fiat 1100

Fiat 1100

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Fiat 1800, 2100, 2300 (1959-1968)

Fiat 1800, 2100, 2300 (1959-1968)

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Księgarnia TMB prezentuje nie tylko ogólne książki o Fiat . Kliknij tutaj, aby odkryć wszystkie książki o Fiat (w tym książki techniczne, takie jak instrukcje napraw, instrukcje konserwacji, podręczniki kierowcy, katalogi części, itp.).

Lata: 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943

Najnowsza aktualizacja: 06/02/2025