Navires de guerre - Espagne : beaux livres - histoire et navires
Un livre sur les navires de guerre de la Armada Española ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire et types des navires de guerre d'Espagne.
Spanish Galleon 1530–1690 (Osprey)
During the middle decade of the 16th century a new type of sailing vessel emerged, designed to carry the wealth of the Americas to Spain. This was the galleon, and over the next century these vessels would serve Spain well as treasure ships and warships, becoming a symbol of Spanish power and wealth during the period. The development and construction of the Spanish galleon are discussed in this book, and the ordnance and crewing needed to produce and maintain these stately vessels is covered. The author also examines the role of the galleon as a treasure ship, and describes how these ships were manned and fought in action.
Lanchas torpederas y antisubmarinas en la Armada española
This book delves into the history of Spanish Navy torpedo and anti-submarine boats, focusing on their role during the Spanish Civil War and the immediate post-war period. Torpedo boats played significant roles during World War I, but their presence in Spain during the Civil War was minimal. However, these fast vessels continued to be employed in the Strait of Gibraltar during World War II and afterwards.
Information about anti-submarine vessels is scarce. These relatively fast, small units were either seized or specifically constructed to protect harbors and surrounding areas from potential submarine attacks by patrolling radars and nearby waters.
Text in Spanish.
Auteur :
F. J. Alvarez, M. L. Medina
Présentation :
64 pages, 24 x 17 x 0.6 cm, broché
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos en N&B
Editeur :
Galland Books (E, 2021)
Lanchas torpederas y antisubmarinas en la Armada española
La Armada Española - El presente de una flota histórica
Conoce todas las unidades en activo de la Armada Española, sus características, armamento y electrónica así como la organización y material de la Infantería de Marina y de la Flotilla de Aeronaves: - Organización de la Armada - L-61 Juan Carlos I - Fragatas - Submarinos - Anfibios - Aprovisionamiento en Combate - Medidas contra minas - Patrulleros - Hidrográficos - Buques Escuela - Auxiliares - Tren Naval - Infantería de Marina - La Flotilla de Aeronaves - Electrónica - Armamento.
Más de 100 fotos y principales características de todos los buques de la Lista Oficial de Buques de la Armada. El libro para conocer la Armada Española hoy.
Auteur :
Paco L. Guerrero
Présentation :
143 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.9 cm, broché
Illustration :
100+ photos
Editeur :
Independently Published (USA, 2021)
La Armada Española - El presente de una flota histórica
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