Frégates - Pays-Bas : beaux livres - histoire et navires

Un livre sur les frégates de la Koninklijke Marine ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire et types des frégates des Pays-Bas.

Frigate HNLMS Jacob van Heemskerck (Warship 3)

The ships of the Jacob van Heemskerck class of the Royal Netherlands Navy were constructed as specialised air defence frigates. It was a further developement out of the Standard-frigates.
Two ships were built. They served for about twenty years in the Royal Netherlands Navy. Since 2005 both are in service as the Almirante Latorre class in the Chilean Navy.


Auteur :Rindert van Zinderen Bakker
Présentation :48 pages, 27 x 23 x 0.7 cm, broché
Illustration :abondamment illustré avec des photos et des dessins
Editeur :Lanasta (NL, 2013)
Frigate HNLMS Jacob van Heemskerck (Warship 3)

Frigate HNLMS Jacob van Heemskerck (Warship 3)

Langue : néerlandais

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Dernière actualisation : 03/02/2025