Vehículos blindados - Gran Bretaña: libros - historia, modelos y técnica
¿Un libro sobre vehículos blindados? Encuentre aquí libros ilustrados sobre la historia, los tipos y la técnica de vehículos blindados de Gran Bretaña.
The Rolls-Royce Armoured Car (Osprey)
El primer vehículo blindado Rolls-Royce fue un automóvil privado modificado con una ametralladora y un blindaje limitado, utilizado por el Royal Naval Air Service en Flandes en 1914. Para 1915, se habían fabricado casi 100 unidades y entregado al ejército. Estos vehículos fueron desplegados en todo el mundo, incluyendo la India, Oriente Medio y el sur de África. Eran rápidos, silenciosos, fiables y potentes. Lawrence de Arabia comentó: «Un Rolls en el desierto vale más que rubíes.»
Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el Ministerio de Guerra continuó la producción y mejoró el diseño. Estos vehículos siguieron en servicio en todo el Imperio Británico, incluyendo Irlanda y más tarde Shanghái, y tuvieron una breve reaparición en las primeras etapas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Este libro cuenta la historia completa del vehículo blindado Rolls-Royce, desde su diseño y desarrollo hasta su uso en los conflictos del siglo XX.
Detalles del libro
David Fletcher
48 páginas, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.3 cm, tapa blanda
abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos (en b/n y color)
Readers have come to expect a level of detail and critical rigour from the established military historian and author Bryan Perrett. They will not be disappointed at all here by this new publication. Focussing predominantly on the British armoured car units of World War One, it also untangles many fascinating strands forming the history of modern warfare.
Full of detail, it acquaints the reader with the complete history of the armoured car, from invention onwards, setting the history of its Great War service career firmly in context. Well written in an accessible style, this publication serves as an impressive tribute to the armoured car, one of the most effective weapons utilised by the allies during the course of the Great War.
El Humber Light Reconnaissance Car (LRC) fue un vehículo icónico del Cuerpo de Reconocimiento del Ejército Británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sirviendo en varios teatros de guerra entre 1941 y 1945. El LRC brindó un excelente servicio con su agilidad, velocidad y altura, demostrando ser activos invaluables para las unidades que lo operaban.
Este libro, con numerosas fotografías y obras de arte recién encargadas, explora el desarrollo del LRC, su uso por parte del Cuerpo de Reconocimiento y su importancia para las divisiones de infantería británicas en los teatros donde sirvió.
Detalles del libro
Richard Doherty
48 páginas, 18.5 x 17.5 x 0.4 cm, tapa blanda
abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos (en b/n y color)
The Staghound was a unique World War II armored vehicle - designed and manufactured in the US, but intended solely for the British army. Since its combat debut in Italy in 1943 until the end of the war it had performed particularly valuable service in a reconnaissance role where its speed and armor ensured that it was able to extricate itself from trouble as required without additional support.
This book examines the development of this category of armored cars and offers a detailed analysis of the extensive combat use of the Staghound in British service as well as in the service of other Allied countries including Canada, New Zealand and Poland.
Detalles del libro
Steven J. Zaloga
48 páginas, 25 x 18.5 x 0.5 cm, tapa blanda
abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos (en b/n y color)
T17E1 Staghound Medium Armored Car - Technical manual (TM9-741)
The T17E1, better known as the Staghound, was an American armored car design produced during the Second World War. It never saw service with front line U.S. forces but was supplied, via the United Kingdom, to British and Commonwealth forces during the war. A number of countries used the Staghound after the war, with some of the vehicles continuing to serve into the 1980s. Production started in October 1942, and approximately 4,000 Staghounds were built in total.
The Staghound was an innovative design that incorporated some cutting edge features. It had two rear-facing six-cylinder engines with automatic transmissions feeding through a transfer case to drive both axles. Either two-wheel or four-wheel drive could be selected. Also, either engine could be shut down while in motion and taken out of the drive train. Additionally, a power steering pump was incorporated that could be switched on or off manually from the driver's instrument panel depending on steering conditions. Steering and suspension components were directly attached to the hull as the structure was rigid enough to dispense with the need for a separate chassis.
The Staghound first saw operational service in Italy, where many units found its large physical size too restrictive in the narrow roads and streets of Europe. It saw the most service at squadron and regimental headquarter level. Originally labeled restricted, this technical manual was declassified long ago and is here reprinted in book form. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.
Detalles del libro
U.S. Army War Department
374 páginas, 23 x 15 cm, tapa blanda
abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos
Periscope Film (USA, 2013)
T17E1 Staghound Medium Armored Car - Technical manual (TM9-741)
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