Bildbände über die Hersteller von Lokomotiven, Triebzügen, Straßenbahnen, Reisezugwagen und Güterwagen in den USA (1/2).
Baldwin Locomotives
Founded in Philadelphia in 1831 by Matthias Baldwin, the Baldwin Locomotive Works became the premier manufacturer of 2-8-2 Mikado locomotives, along with many unique designs built in small numbers for specific clients, such as a Cab Forward 4-8-8-2. From 1831-1956, Baldwin Locomotive Works built 70,541 quality locomotives used by some of the most famous railways in North America, including the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, along with far flung railroads in Haiti, England, France, India, and Egypt.
Captured here in hundreds of detailed etchings and diagrams are ten years of this illustrious firm's locomotives, complete with detailed descriptions of the locomotives, parts, and construction direct from the company that produced them. This book is a treasure for everyone with a passion for the Age of Steam and this historic locomotive works.
Founded in the early 1830's by Philadelphia jeweler Matthais Baldwin, the Baldwin Locomotive Works built a huge number of steam locomotives before ceasing production in 1949. This 1913 catalog shows the company's full line of logging locomotives, from light tank engines to large 2-8-0 Consolidations and 2-8-2 Mikados. The catalog also introduces Baldwin's new geared locomotives, intended to be used on steep grades, sharp curves and uneven tracks.
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