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Jachty żaglowe: książki - historia, statki i technika (3/3)

Książka o jachtach żaglowych ? Znajdziesz tu ilustrowane książki o historii, typach i technice jachtów żaglowych (3/3).

Jollen - Die wichtigsten Klassen

Besonders bei Segeleinsteigern und Jugendlichen sind die kleinen, offenen Segelboote mit flachem Unterwasserschiff, ausgestattet mit einem Schwert anstelle eines Kiels, sehr beliebt.
Oftmals werden sie als Segelschulboote verwendet und hauptsächlich in Binnengewässern gesegelt.

Darüber hinaus sind mit sogenannten Wanderjollen jedoch durchaus auch Mehrtagestörns möglich, und für Rennjollen werden Regatten auf unterschiedlichen Niveaus bis hin zu den olympischen Bootsklassen veranstaltet.

Dieser Typenkompass vermittelt im handlichen Format einen Überblick über die einzelnen Jollentypen und die gängigen Bootsklassen.

Autor:Ralf Schaepe
Szczegóły:128 strony, 20.5 x 14 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:125 kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Pietsch Verlag (D, 2014)
Książka: Jollen - Die wichtigsten Klassen

Jollen - Die wichtigsten Klassen

Język: niemiecki

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Multihull Seamanship - A A-Z of skills for catamarans & trimarans / cruising & racing

This is an A-Z of seamanship skills for multihull sailors. It is about sea-going catamarans and trimarans and the skills needed to understand and enjoy them to their utmost. Both racing and cruising yachts are catered for, as are trailer-able multihulls.

Seamanship is not a black and white skill. It is an evolution of knowledge; a building of information through experiment, thought and experience. There is no definitive word on an evolving skill.
"Multihull Seamanship" started as Dr Gavin Le Sueur's personal index of `how-to's.
It has grown through experience and others sharing their knowledge. It should be on the book shelf of every catamaran and trimaran.
This book is for people who are already multihull sailors, or for those who are contemplating multihull sailing.
It has served this community for over 20 years and this second edition is fully updated. It is illustrated with delightful line drawings by Nigel Allison.

Autor:Gavin Le Sueur
Szczegóły:148 strony, 24 x 17 x 1 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:ilustrowane rysunkami
Wydawca:Fernhurst Books (GB, 2018)
Książka: Multihull Seamanship - A A-Z of skills for catamarans & trimarans / cruising & racing

Multihull Seamanship - A A-Z of skills for catamarans & trimarans / cruising & racing

Język: angielski

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Multihulls for Cruising and Racing

An analysis of the design, performance and handling of multihulls. Beginning with their evolution, how they are designed and their sailing performance, the author goes on to examine reasons for choosing a multihull.

Autor:Derek Harvey
Szczegóły:192 strony, 24.5 x 19 x 1.1 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:116 rysunki, zdjęć czarno-białych
Wydawca:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (GB, 2003)
Książka: Multihulls for Cruising and Racing

Multihulls for Cruising and Racing

Język: angielski

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Rigging - Rig your boat right for racing or cruising

Covers every aspect of standing and running rigging on a boat. The book explains the various options and materials with clear illustrations and photographs.
An easy step-by-step guide, you will learn how to choose and fit equipment on cruising and racing yachts of all sizes before learning how to tune your rig to increase safety and achieve better performance.

Hundreds of alternate configurations are examined and the bewildering array of lines is simply explained. Where calculations are used they are kept easy and straightforward.

Whether you sail a gaff-rigged classic, a weekend cruiser or a high tech racer, this book contains everything you need and want to know about the mysterious art of rigging.

Autor:Danilo Fabbroni
Szczegóły:184 strony, 21 x 17 x 1.1 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:ilustracji kolorowe
Wydawca:Fernhurst Books (GB, 2008)
Książka: Rigging - Rig your boat right for racing or cruising

Rigging - Rig your boat right for racing or cruising

Język: angielski

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Total Loss - Dramatic first-hand accounts of yacht losses at sea (3rd Edition)

An enthralling collection of 45 dramatic stories of yachts lost at sea. This third edition carries exciting first-hand accounts, including the tragic sinking of the yacht Ouzo, run down or swamped by a P&O ferry in the English Channel, the loss of Hooligan V, the sinking of two boats in the Atlantic after rudder failure, and the rescue of Pete Goss and his crew from the giant catamaran Team Philips.

Here are tales of collisions with UFOs (unidentified floating objects), fire, explosion, exhaustion and crew failure, navigational blunders, capsize, gear failure, dismastings and severe storms. The moving, emotionally charged descriptions of shipwrecked sailors abandoning their yachts at sea will have you on the edge of your seat. But these accounts are more than just gripping tales of disaster - they carry valuable lessons which the survivors have been able to pass on to all who go to sea for pleasure.

Every year, hundreds of yachts are lost at sea. For those who wish to avoid a similar fate, or learn how best to cope with emergencies, this book is a compelling, thought-provoking bunkside read.

Autor:Paul Gelder
Szczegóły:288 strony, 19.5 x 13 x 1.8 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:bogato ilustrowana
Wydawca:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (GB, 2008)
Książka: Total Loss - Dramatic first-hand accounts of yacht losses at sea (3rd Edition)

Total Loss - Dramatic first-hand accounts of yacht losses at sea (3rd Edition)

Język: angielski

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Najnowsza aktualizacja:30-06-2024