
AM General trucks: boeken - historie en techniek

Een boek over AM General vrachtwagens en autobussen? Hier vindt U boeken over de historie en techniek van AM General vrachtwagens.

AM General - Hummers, Mutts, Buses & Postal Jeeps

While AM General is almost totally unknown, it makes some of the most recognizable vehicles in the world including the Hummer, Humvee, and postal Jeeps. During its relatively short life AM General has produced a wide range of commercial and military vehicles including postal service Jeeps and vans, military trucks from the 1/4- up to 5-ton models, military trailers, transit buses, motor home chassis, and more.

Inside this book, widely respected author Patrick Foster gives the reader an in-depth look at AM General and its vehicles with spectacular black and white photographs combined with insightful captions. A treat for all enthusiasts!

Auteur:Patrick R. Foster
Uitvoering:128 blz, 21.5 x 26 x 1 cm, softcover
Illustraties:149 z/w foto's
Uitgever:Iconografix (USA, 2005)
Boek: AM General - Hummers, Mutts, Buses & Postal Jeeps

AM General - Hummers, Mutts, Buses & Postal Jeeps

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update:16-05-2024