M4 Sherman - USA: boeken - historie en modellen (1/4)

Een boek over tanks? Ontdek hier geïllustreerde boeken over de geschiedenis en modellen van tanks uit de USA (1/4).

Sherman - A History of the American Medium Tank

In this book R. P. Hunnicutt provides the comprehensive history of the technological evolution that led to the production of Sherman M4 in 1942 and its development, variants, and modifications.
Although the Sherman was part of the US pre-war development program, its adaptability to conditions on the front led to extensive British innovations drawn from battle experience.

As WWII raged on, these modifications transformed the Sherman into a highly specialized workhorse of the Anglo-American armored forces. Taking full advantage of the ease with which the Sherman absorbed modifications, British forces adapted Shermans as minesweepers, amphibious assault float tanks, bulldozers, flame throwers, CDL tanks for nighttime attacks, carriages for tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery, among other uses.

The Sherman, the epitome of American prowess in mass production, played an integral role in infantry support and fought in every major theater of operation in WWII. Due to its reliability, adaptability, and sheer strength in numbers, the Sherman M4 served with unmatched longevity, and Hunnicutt touches upon the wide range of combat conditions that the M4 performed under, in addition to its post-WWII activity.

Featuring over a thousand photos from the National Archives, diagrams, and detailed specifications, Hunnicutt's Sherman remains the definitive history of M4 for the military historian, professional soldier, and tank restorer.


Auteur:Richard Pierce Hunnicutt
Uitvoering:580 blz, 28 x 21.5 x 4 cm, softcover
Illustraties:1368 z/w- en 12 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Echo Point Books & Media (USA, 2015)
Sherman - A History of the American Medium Tank

Sherman - A History of the American Medium Tank

Taal: Engels

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M4 Sherman Medium Tank - Technical Manual (TM 9-759)

The M4 Sherman medium tank was the first American tank to carry a 75mm main gun mounted on a fully traversing turret. Powered by a 500 horsepower, liquid-cooled, "V"-type Ford engine, the tank could achieve 26 miles per hour on a paved road, and had a highway range of over 150 miles on a single, 174-gallon tank of fuel. Over 50,000 Shermans of various types were built during WWII.

Intended as a manual for those charged with operation and maintenance of the M4A3 Sherman, this technical manual TM 9-759 shows the basics of how to drive the tank and take care of its 8-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine. The book also contains chapters on lubrication and inspections.
Originally printed in 1942 and labeled restricted, this manual was declassified long ago and is here reprinted in book form. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.


Auteur:U.S. Army War Department
Uitvoering:70 blz, 23 x 15.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Periscope Film (USA, 2011)
M4 Sherman Medium Tank - Technical Manual (TM 9-759)

M4 Sherman Medium Tank - Technical Manual (TM 9-759)

Taal: Engels

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For Want of a Gun - The Sherman Tank Scandal of WWII

This remarkable story exposes the Sherman tank scandal of World War II, involving some of the biggest American names and stretching from the White House and Pentagon to factories and battlefronts.
Outgunned by more powerful German opponents, the inferiority of American tanks led to some of the worst setbacks of the war, prolonging it in Europe. US tanks ultimately prevailed, but over 60,000 armored division soldiers were killed and wounded; their preventable sacrifice inspired the Hollywood movie Fury.

Bladzijden uit het boek For Want of a Gun - The Sherman Tank Scandal of WWII (1)

Included are striking images of the Sherman's adversaries (photographed exclusively at the National Museum of Cavalry and Armor), along with original equipment, documents, period propaganda, and vintage photos of Sherman tanks in action.
As a German officer noted, "I was on this hill with six 88mm antitank guns...Every time they sent a tank, we knocked it out. Finally we ran out of ammunition, and the Americans didn't run out of tanks."

Bladzijden uit het boek For Want of a Gun - The Sherman Tank Scandal of WWII (2)


Auteur:Christian Mark DeJohn
Uitvoering:392 blz, 30.5 x 23 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:557 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2017)
For Want of a Gun - The Sherman Tank Scandal of WWII

For Want of a Gun - The Sherman Tank Scandal of WWII

Taal: Engels

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M4 Sherman Tank (Amberley Armour 1)

Once described as the 'worst tank that ever won the war', the Sherman was never going to be the equal of the German heavies in a direct tank-on-tank confrontation. But it was tough, reliable and built in such prodigious quantities that it became a war winner.

The Sherman came in many variants, and was converted for other uses by the Allies. The Brits gave it a bigger gun, made 'funnies' that could wade through water, build bridges, clear minefields and even spitfire. The Sherman lasted in service into Korea with the Americans and many were sold overseas to Israel, Uganda, India, Paraguay, Argentina and Mexico, with the last in service in Chile.

John Christopher tells the story of the M4 Sherman, using both new and archive images to show the most famous tank in the world in all its guises and variants.


Auteur:John Christopher
Uitvoering:96 blz, 23.5 x 16.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:200 foto's
Uitgever:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2014)
M4 Sherman Tank (Amberley Armour 1)

M4 Sherman Tank (Amberley Armour 1)

Taal: Engels

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Char Sherman - Toutes les variantes du M4 depuis 1941

Les études du char moyen américain M4 "Sherman" débutent en 1941. Malgré une conception assez sommaire et dépourvue de la puissance de feu et de l'épaisse cuirasse des chars allemands, le Sherman a l'avantage d'être plus simple à fabriquer, fiable et facile à entretenir.
Avec 49.500 exemplaires produits, il est numériquement plus important que les Tiger et les Panther allemands.

Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les Sherman ont servi dans l'US Army et l'US Marine Corps, l'armée britannique et les armées du Commonwealth, de l'URSS et de la France libre, du gouvernement polonais en exil, du Brésil et de la Chine.
Nombre d'entre eux ont servi encore pendant des décennies après la fin du conflit, notamment lors des combats de la guerre indo-pakistanaise de 1965, et dans l'Armée de défense d'Israël durant la guerre des Six Jours en 1967 et celle du Kippour en 1973.

Le texte fournit une description détaillée de ce que cache le blindage de ce célèbre char de combat. Il rapporte le vécu de ceux qui l'ont utilisé au combat ainsi que les expériences des actuels collectionneurs ou passionnés au sujet de son entretien et de son pilotage.

Edition française du livre anglais "Haynes Sherman tank Manual".


Auteur:Pat Ware
Uitvoering:164 blz, 27 x 21 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:260 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:ETAI (F, 2014)
Char Sherman - Toutes les variantes du M4 depuis 1941

Char Sherman - Toutes les variantes du M4 depuis 1941

Taal: Frans

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Andere boeken in deze categorie:

Sherman Tank (Vol. 1) - America's M4A1 Medium Tank

Sherman Tank (Vol. 1) - America's M4A1 Medium Tank in World War II

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 112 blz | 2018

Sherman Tank (Vol. 2) - America's M4 and M4 (105)

Sherman Tank (Vol. 2) - America's M4 and M4 (105) Medium Tanks in World War II

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 112 blz | 2019

Sherman Tank (Vol. 3) - America's M4A2 Medium Tank

Sherman Tank (Vol. 3) - America's M4A2 Medium Tank in World War II

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 112 blz | 2020

Sherman Tank (Vol. 4) - The M4A3 Medium Tank

Sherman Tank (Vol. 4) - The M4A3 Medium Tank in World War II and Korea

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 128 blz | 2021

Sherman Tank (Vol. 5): The M4A4 'British' Sherman

Sherman Tank (Vol. 5) - The M4A4 'British' Sherman in World War II

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 128 blz | 2021

Sherman Tank (Vol. 6) - M32 and M74

Sherman Tank (Vol. 6) - M32 and M74-Series Sherman-Based Recovery Vehicles

David Doyle | Engels | hardcover | 112 blz | 2021

Sherman Tanks of the Red Army

Sherman Tanks of the Red Army : The American vehicle in Soviet service

Peter Samsonov | Engels | softcover | 116 blz | 2020

Laatste update: 19/02/2025