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Satélites y sondas espaciales: libros - historia

¿Un libro sobre satélites y sondas espaciales? Encuentre aquí libros sobre las naves espaciales no tripuladas, desde el Sputnik y la Voyager hasta el Mars Rover.

U.S. Spy Satellites Manual (1959 onwards) - An insight into the technology and engineering (Haynes Space Manual)

In 1954, three years before the launch of Sputnik 1, the world's first satellite, top-secret discussions were held in the United States to plan the development of military spy satellites, designed to obtain detailed photography of the Soviet Union's military strength, and its potential for waging nuclear war.

This book takes a detailed look at the programmes which resulted from the clandestine decision in the US to build highly secret spy satellites in parallel with civilian space plans, revealing for the first time previously classified details of the design and layout of photographic reconnaissance (spy) satellites including the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL), America's planned military space station.

The author has obtained declassified material, lifting the veil of secrecy covering exactly what spy satellites are, how they operate, what their limitations are and what they look like.
This book focuses on the development of the spy satellites themselves and on the political arena in which their successes, and failures, were played out, providing a fascinating insight into a secretive world.

Páginas del libro U.S. Spy Satellites Manual (1959 onwards) (1)

Author Dr David Baker worked with NASA on the Gemini, Apollo and Shuttle programmes between 1965 and 1990. He has written more than 100 books on space flight and military technology and is the former editor of Jane's Space Directory and Jane's Aircraft Upgrades.

Autor:Dr David Baker
Presentación:208 páginas, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2016)
Serie:Haynes Space Manual
Livre: U.S. Spy Satellites Manual (1959 onwards) - An insight into the technology and engineering (Haynes Space Manual)

U.S. Spy Satellites Manual (1959 onwards) - An insight into the technology and engineering

Idioma: Inglés

Comprar en Amazon ES

Mars Manual - An insight into the study and exploration of the Red Planet (Haynes Space Manual)

This manual takes a look at what we know about the 'red planet' that has fascinated man for centuries, and presents the next major challenge in the exploration of our solar system.
Currently, NASA is developing the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket and Orion module, the goal of sending a manned mission to Mars in the future.

Páginas del libro Mars Manual - An insight into study and exploration (1)

From early telescopic observations through the dawn of the space age, do today's quest for life on Mars, using orbiters, landers and rovers, following the discovery of water ice below the planet's surface, this book explains the history of man's study and analysis of the planet, and how modern-day science has furthered out understanding of Mars.

Páginas del libro Mars Manual - An insight into study and exploration (2)

Autor:David M. Harland
Presentación:176 páginas, 28 x 22 x 1.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2018)
Serie:Haynes Space Manual
Livre: Mars Manual - An insight into the study and exploration of the Red Planet (Haynes Space Manual)

Mars Manual - An insight into the study and exploration of the Red Planet

Idioma: Inglés

Comprar en Amazon ES

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Vom All in den Alltag - Der Weltraum - Labor und Marktplatz

Berndt Feuerbacher / Ernst Messerschmid

Alemán | tapa dura | 316 pág. | 2007

International Space Station (1998-2011)

International Space Station Manual - all stages (1998-2011)

David Baker

Inglés | tapa dura | 176 pág. | 2015

Última actualización:17-06-2024