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Human Spaceflight: Books - History and Technology (1/2)

A book about human spaceflight? Here you will find books about the history and technology of space travel, including private projects and secret programs (1/2).

Engins Spatiaux

More than half a century ago, the Soviet Union set the world alight with Sputnik 1, which would inspire terror and awe in those who could pick up its radio signals.

As for those who doubted that such a feat was possible, they could simply stand in their backyards and watch the sunset. Today, hundreds of thousands of satellites, rockets, probes, landers and more have followed in Sputnik's footsteps.
We've seen Earthrises from the Moon, we've dug into the soil of Mars, we've raced into orbit aboard the ISS as it silently circles our planet. And we've tested, developed, launched, lost and celebrated the most mind-blowing machines ever to exist.

"Engins spatiaux" tells the story of this epic journey, right up to the current program: how we got here and where we're going. Air and space historian Giuseppe de Chiara and historian Michael H. Gorn have teamed up to produce this vast collection of beautifully illustrated and carefully researched profiles that describe the design, development, and operation of these craft, both manned and unmanned.

Satellites, capsules, rocket planes, launchers, and space stations are drawn from multiple angles, sometimes in cross-section, and accompanied by archival photographs from the time that help place them in their historical context. Expect to be amazed; you're heading for the stars.


Details:224 pages, 27.5 x 23.5 cm / 10.8 x 9.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous b&w and colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2019)
Engins Spatiaux

Engins Spatiaux

Language: French

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Raumfahrt-Geschichte - Die 100 wichtigsten Ereignisse

On October 4 1957, space travel officially began with the launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik. But the foundations go back several centuries and began with the first primitive solid-fuel rockets: in 1232, a black powder rocket was launched for the first time in the Chinese Empire.
Since then, events have been unfolding rapidly and today man-made objects have already left our solar system.

Eugen Reichl compiles the 100 groundbreaking events in this richly illustrated and excitingly written volume. A standard work for every space travel fan.


Author:Eugen Reichl
Details:352 pages, 25 x 21.5 x 2.7 cm / 9.8 x 8.5 x 1.06 in, hardback
Illustrations:300 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Raumfahrt-Geschichte - Die 100 wichtigsten Ereignisse

Raumfahrt-Geschichte - Die 100 wichtigsten Ereignisse

Language: German

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101 Dinge, die man über die Raumfahrt wissen muss

Welche war die stärkste Rakete? Welche die größte? Wie landet man ein Space Shuttle? Und wie geht man im All eigentlich aufs Klo? Die technischen Errungenschaften der Raumfahrt: Rekorde, Unbekanntes, Extremes and Kuriositäten werden vorgestellt.

Wagen Sie eine Reise durch die Besonderheiten and Geheimnisse aus der Geschichte der Raumfahrt, and erhaschen Sie einen Blick auf die Zukunft. Informativ and unterhaltsam erleben Raumfahrt-Interessierte 101 Aha-Erlebnisse.


Author:Albert Mößmer
Details:192 pages, 18.5 x 12 x 2 cm / 7.3 x 4.7 x 0.79 in, paperback
Illustrations:120 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:GeraMond Verlag (D, 2019)
101 Dinge, die man über die Raumfahrt wissen muss

101 Dinge, die man über die Raumfahrt wissen muss

Language: German

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Raketen - Die Internationale Enzyklopädie

There are many uses for launch vehicles: they transport satellites, components for space stations or astronauts and food into space. Without rockets, there would be no access to space, and our world with its global communication would be unthinkable!

As a proven expert, Eugen Reichl presents all the important rocket systems from the beginnings of space travel to the present day and introduces the types that will shape space travel in the future.
In addition to the data and facts about the carrier systems, the reader also learns the history of the individual space-faring nations. Unique graphics by Dietmar Röttler round off the volume.


Author:Eugen Reichl, Dietmar Röttler
Details:400 pages, 24 x 21 cm / 9 x 8.25 in, hardback
Illustrations:700 b&w and colour photos
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2020)
Raketen - Die Internationale Enzyklopädie

Raketen - Die Internationale Enzyklopädie

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025