Trains - Hamburg: books - rail routes and stations
Illustrated books on the trains, rail routes and stations in the German city of Hamburg.
Hamburg und die Eisenbahn 1964-1973
Hamburg, the largest city in the Federal Republic of Germany at the time, offered railway photographers a wide range of subjects with its diverse rail network. The years 1964 to 1973 were a time of upheaval, especially in the transport sector. This period saw the electrification of the main lines leading from the south to Hamburg, the abandonment of steam locomotives and the reduction of tram operations in preparation for their complete closure. Nevertheless, during this transitional period, locomotives, carriages and trams of a wide variety of types, not seen today, were in daily use.
The Hamburg photographer Rainer Schnell has been documenting what is happening on Hamburg's railway tracks since he was 14 years old. The urban environment through which the tracks run was not neglected either. This book shows a selection of the best photos, enriched by many descriptions and some personal experiences related to the railway.
Rainer Schnell
256 pages, 29.5 x 22.5 cm / 11.6 x 8.9 in, hardback
Die Hamburger Hafenbahn - In 150 Jahren von der Quaibahn zum modernen Logistik-Partner
The Hamburg port railway is 150 years old. To mark the occasion, DGEG Medien is publishing a large chronicle in which the port railway's history is described in words and pictures on 280 pages - from the beginnings to the present day. It is a success story. Beginning in 1866 as a small quay railway in what is now HafenCity, 150 years later the port railway covers around 300 kilometers of track.
Hamburg is considered the largest railway port in Europe, with around 200 trains with 5000 wagons entering or leaving the ultra-modern network every day. Between yesterday and today lie technical pioneering feats and impressive construction achievements, but also years of deprivation and destruction - and the constant, successful effort to meet the constantly changing requirements.
Kai Pöhlsen, Manfred Schulz, Benno Wiesmüller
270 pages, 30 x 21.5 cm / 11.8 x 8.5 in, hardback
500 b&w and colour photos
DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2016)
Die Hamburger Hafenbahn - In 150 Jahren von der Quaibahn zum modernen Logistik-Partner
Hamburg unter Dampf - Die Bundesbahn in der Hansestadt
In the 1960s, steam locomotives were still omnipresent on the routes in and around Hamburg. This illustrated book is a small monument to the machines and their crews: from the heavy express train locomotive of the 01.10 series to the "modern" shunting locomotive of the BR 82 and the "old Prussians" that were indispensable in Hamburg for a long time.
Peter Hudemann
96 pages, 22.5 x 25 x 1.5 cm / 8.9 x 9.8 x 0.59 in, hardback
100 b&w photos
DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2009)
Hamburg unter Dampf - Die Bundesbahn in der Hansestadt
Hamburgs Tore zur Welt - Die Fernbahnhöfe der Hansestadt - gestern und heute
Hamburg - the gateway to the world. This well-known phrase naturally refers to the port. For the citizens of the Hanseatic city, however, the gateways to the world are or were the long-distance train stations. A long journey begins far more often on the platform than on the quay (and nowadays on the nearest motorway or at the airport).
The main station has been the centre of Hamburg's long-distance rail passenger transport for over 100 years; numerous long-distance trains also stop at the Dammtor, Harburg and Altona stations. In addition, there were several other stations that were important for long-distance transport: from the old stations such as Berliner, Lübecker or Venloer Bahnhof to district stations such as Bergedorf and exotic ones such as the Amerikabahnhof in Cuxhaven, which belonged to Hamburg until 1937.
Benno Wiesmüller
168 pages, 30.5 x 22 x 1.7 cm / 12 x 8.7 x 0.67 in, hardback
300 b&w and colour photos
DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2017)
Hamburgs Tore zur Welt - Die Fernbahnhöfe der Hansestadt - gestern und heute
As part of the Vogelfluglinie, the railway line from Hamburg to Lübeck has long been of outstanding importance, which will increase in the future with the large Fehmarn Belt crossing. Only with the electrification of the line did Deutsche Bahn AG achieve the legendary journey time of one hour again. Many of the vehicles on the line have become legendary. Jens Löper, railway enthusiast and member of various railway associations, has selected over 220 photographic rarities of this line from the collection of his father Hans-Jürgen Löper, private holdings and public archives.
Largely unpublished historical postcards and unique photographs document the changes to the route and its stations in Hamburg, Ahrensburg, Bargteheide, Bad Oldesloe, Reinfeld and Lübeck. The historical photographs of the vehicles such as the steam locomotive of the German Reichsbahn series 62 in Lübeck, known as the "Little 01", the Lollos or the legendary diesel locomotives of the series 221 at full speed are a real treat. Impressive photographs of the famous LBE double-deckers as well as exciting scenes to the right and left of the route are a feast for the eyes for all railway enthusiasts.
Jens Löper
128 pages, 23.5 x 16.5 cm / 9.25 x 6.5 in, paperback
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