Diesel locomotives - Germany: books - history and types
Books on the history, types and technology of diesel locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn, Deutsche Bahn (DB) and other railway companies in Germany.
Diesellokomotiven - Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft, Deutsche Reichsbahn, Deutsche Bundesbahn
Since 1920, German railway history has recorded almost 60 different diesel locomotive series, mainly for mainline use, as well as 16 series of small locomotives (under 110 kW power). In this volume, the reader will find a comprehensive presentation with development chronology, operating experience, design features, photos and dimension sketches of all the locomotive types mentioned.
Wolfgang Glatte enriches the work with a detailed appendix containing the technical data of all locomotives of the Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft, the Deutsche Reichsbahn and the Deutsche Bundesbahn. This compilation of information establishes the book as a classic of railway literature.
Wolfgang Glatte
314 pages, 21.5 x 19.5 x 3 cm / 8.5 x 7.7 x 1.18 in, paperback
246 photos and drawings
Transpress (D, 2023)
Diesellokomotiven - Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft, Deutsche Reichsbahn, Deutsche Bundesbahn
Despite increasing electrification, diesel locomotives still form the backbone of rail transport in many regions of Germany. This book offers concise information on the development, history and use of the most important diesel locomotives as well as their technical data.
It contains not only vehicles from German manufacturers, but also imported locomotives and diesel locomotives that were specially developed and produced for private railways after the Second World War. This work therefore offers a unique overview of the diesel locomotives that were and are still running on German tracks.
Bernd Keidel
144 pages, 25 x 18 x 1.3 cm / 9.8 x 7.1 x 0.51 in, hardback
Dieselloks und Dieseltriebwagen - Aus dem berühmten Lokomotiv-Bildarchiv von Carl Bellingrodt
Carl Bellingrodt, the legendary railway photographer of the 20th century, captured not only steam locomotives and electric traction, but also the diesel locomotives of the German railways. In addition to many trackside photographs, there are numerous vehicle portraits in the old master's collection.
In its comprehensive Bellingrodt edition, the Eisenbahn-Kurier is now presenting for the first time a separate volume on the diesel locomotives and diesel railcars of the German railways.
Carl Bellingrodt
144 pages, 22.5 x 26.5 x 1.7 cm / 8.9 x 10.4 x 0.67 in, hardback
160 b&w photos
EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2018)
Dieselloks und Dieseltriebwagen - Aus dem berühmten Lokomotiv-Bildarchiv von Carl Bellingrodt
The young German Bundesbahn initially had only a few diesel locomotives at its disposal, in addition to small locomotives, mainly vehicles from Wehrmacht stocks such as the V 20, V 36 and V 188. With the first V 80 and V 200, sensational new paths were taken, before diesel locomotive production began in large numbers with the V 60 (1955) and V 100 (1958). At the end of the development at the Bundesbahn were the numerous members of the V 160 family.
In this seventh volume of his "Farbbild-Raritäten" the author presents unforgettable diesel locomotives: from the narrow-gauge machines of Württemberg and Bavaria and the Wangerooge Island Railway to the powerful 218.1 and 210, which heralded the end of the Bundesbahn's diesel locomotive development in the early 1970s.
Die Diesellokomotiven und Triebwagen der WLE - Fahrzeuge und Anlagen der Westfälischen Landeseisenbahn (Band 2)
The Westfälische Landeseisenbahn (WLE) was one of the pioneers of modern traction in Germany with its powerful diesel locomotives. Numerous innovative designs were tested by industry on the steep sections of the WLE. Through its own developments and modifications, the state railway secured its reputation of always being at the forefront of technical development, and it has maintained this reputation to this day.
Of particular interest to model railroaders: The book presents not only photos, but also scale drawings of all locomotives and railcars. This comprehensive documentation follows on from the same author's successful volume on the WLE steam locomotives.
Friedrich Risse, Wolfgang Fiegenbaum, Wolfgang Klee, Günter Krause
216 pages, 22.5 x 24.5 x 1.8 cm / 8.9 x 9.7 x 0.71 in, hardback
numerous photos and drawings
DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2011)
Die Diesellokomotiven und Triebwagen der WLE - Fahrzeuge und Anlagen der Westfälischen Landeseisenbahn (Band 2)
Die Baureihe V 60 (Band 1): Technik und Einsätze bei der Deutschen Bundesbahn
Schon bald nach ihrer Gründung nahm die Deutsche Bundesbahn in Zusammenarbeit mit der deutschen Lokindustrie die Entwicklung einer Diesellokomotive für den Rangier- and leichten Streckendienst in Angriff. Schon 1955 lieferten Henschel, Krauss-Maffei, Krupp and MaK vier Prototyplokomotiven der neuen Baureihe V60 mit Stangenantrieb aus, denen sich beinahe nahtlos die Bestellung von Serienlokomotiven anschloss. Bis 1963 wurden insgesamt 942 Exemplare an die DB übergeben, mit denen maßgeblich der Traktionswandel im Rangierdienst vollzogen wurde. Auch abseits der Güter- and Personenbahnhöfe bewährte sich die Konstruktion, selbst im Schnellzugdienst waren die Lokomotiven kurzzeitig anzutreffen.
Der Autor zeichnet in Band 1 des Baureihenporträts die spannende Geschichte dieser unscheinbaren, aber sehr robusten and langlebigen Rangierdiesellokomotiven von deren Indienststellungen bis zur Gründung der DB AG am 1. Januar 1994 nach. Auch der Umbau in funkferngesteuerte Rangierloks der Baureihen 364/365 wird dokumentiert. In zahlreichen, teilweise bisher nicht veröffentlichten Aufnahmen kann das ganze Einsatzspektrum der V 60 bei der Deutschen Bundesbahn noch einmal erlebt werden.
Manfred Traube
352 pages, 30 x 21 x 3 cm / 11.8 x 8.25 x 1.18 in, hardback
478 photos and drawings
EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2019)
Die Baureihe V 60 (Band 1): Technik und Einsätze bei der Deutschen Bundesbahn
Lokporträt Baureihe 213 - Auf Steilstrecken zu Hause
In order to be able to end steam locomotive traffic on its steep routes, the German Bundesbahn decided in the 1960s to take ten locomotives from the last construction lot of the V 10020 and to equip them with additional hydrodynamic brakes. On the Murg Valley Railway, the locomotives, which were operated as class 213 from 1968 onwards, meant the end of steam operations on steep routes there. However, they only made a brief guest appearance in the Black Forest; in fact, their use by the DB was characterized by numerous interesting relocations.
They ran the branch lines in the low mountain ranges of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse as well as the steep ramps up to the Rennsteig in the Thuringian Forest, where they replaced the last 228 in their old age. Thanks to their versatility, all of the locomotives were preserved and are now in operation with DB and other private companies.
Climb aboard and take another ride on the 213 over the steepest adhesion lines of the DB! Experience the multifaceted second life of the locomotives with their current owners!
Ek-Verlag Gmbh
96 pages, 16.5 x 23.5 cm / 6.5 x 9.25 in, hardback
100 b&w and colour photos
EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2013)
Eisenbahn-Bildarchiv (59)
Lokporträt Baureihe 213 - Auf Steilstrecken zu Hause
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