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Trains - Germany (since 1945): books - history

Illustrated books on the history and the rolling stock of the Bundesbahn and other railway companies in Germany since 1945.

Abschied von der Schiene - 2006-2016

The withdrawal of the railway from rural areas continues in Germany. However, this is not solely the fault of Deutsche Bahn AG, but also of the respective state governments, which have cancelled passenger services on many routes.

Pages of the book Abschied von der Schiene - 2006-2016 (1)

Wolfgang Fiegenbaum provides an overview of the routes in Germany on which passenger traffic was discontinued for the years 2007 to 2017, organized by federal state, with each railway line being honored with a historical overview. The selected images show the last operating status of each line and are reminiscent of a piece of railway history.

Pages of the book Abschied von der Schiene - 2006-2016 (2)


Author:Wolfgang Fiegenbaum
Details:160 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:182 colour photos
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2017)
Abschied von der Schiene - 2006-2016

Abschied von der Schiene - 2006-2016

Language: German

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Bundesbahn-Fotoalbum (Band 2) - 1968-1970

The second volume of the "Bundesbahn Photo Album" is about Helmut Bittner's photographs from 1968-1970. The focus is on the end of steam traction on the "Rollbahn" Hamburg - Osnabrück and on the Marschbahn, on the routes in northeast Bavaria, Hesse, northern Baden/Lower Franconia, on the Moselle, as well as photo tours to Altenbeken and on the Hamm - Hanover - Helmstedt main line.


Author:Helmut Bittner
Details:192 pages, 22 x 24.5 x 1.7 cm / 8.7 x 9.7 x 0.67 in, hardback
Illustrations:200 photos
Publisher:DGEG Medien GmbH (D, 2020)
Bundesbahn-Fotoalbum (Band 2) - 1968-1970

Bundesbahn-Fotoalbum (Band 2) - 1968-1970

Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025