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Trains - Germany (1939-1945): books - history

Books on the history, rolling stock and deployment of the German Reichsbahn during WW2. Also books on military field railways and Trümmerbahnen.

The German National Railway in World War II

The Second World War made the greatest demands on the German Reichsbahn (national railway). Year after year, great quantities of war materiel were transported - and almost always delivered. At times the trains rolled over nearly the entire continent of Europe. This heavily illustrated book documents the everyday life along the German rail lines on many war fronts.


Author:Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Details:192 pages, 29 x 22.5 x 2.4 cm / 11.4 x 8.9 x 0.94 in, hardback
Illustrations:270+ b&w photos
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2008)
The German National Railway in World War II

The German National Railway in World War II

Language: English

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Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Zweiten Weltkrieg

The Second World War presented the German Reichsbahn with the greatest challenge in its history. Year after year, enormous transport volumes were demanded - and almost always delivered. Hundreds of thousands of railway workers in blue and field-grey uniforms toiled under sometimes unimaginable conditions to keep the wheels rolling. But their achievements are hardly chronicled.

Pages of the book Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1)

In this classic, Piekałkiewicz guides the reader through this period - with many pictures that document everyday life on the railway line during the war. A book for railway enthusiasts as well as military historians.

Pages of the book Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Zweiten Weltkrieg (2)


Author:Janusz Piekałkiewicz
Details:192 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:265 b&w photos
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2018)
Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Die Deutsche Reichsbahn im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Language: German

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Reichsbahn hinter der Ostfront

Walter Hollnagel's qualities as a (railway) photographer require no further explanation. His most impressive photographs were taken during the Second World War as a photo reporter for the Reich Ministry of Transport.
In 1943, he made three trips to the Eastern Front, to the Ukraine and to the Crimea in the Black Sea. There, with his Leica, he documented the work of the blue and field-gray uniformed railway workers and captured unique scenes of the country and its people.

The documentary value of the images presented in this EK illustrated book is of outstanding importance almost seven decades after the end of the Second World War. Only a few photographers were able to capture the German Reichsbahn behind the Eastern Front in such atmospheric scenes.


Author:Walter Hollnagel, Udo Kandler
Details:112 pages, 21.5 x 30 x 1.5 cm / 8.5 x 11.8 x 0.59 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous b&w photos
Publisher:EK-Verlag GmbH (D, 2014)
Reichsbahn hinter der Ostfront

Reichsbahn hinter der Ostfront

Language: German

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Heeresfeldbahnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg - 1939 bis 1945

Army field railways were used primarily for supply, but also for transporting troops and the wounded. They were particularly important in the East during the Second World War.
But their history also includes peaceful times. Numerous vehicles have survived to this day and delight narrow-gauge fans all over Europe.

Pages of the book Heeresfeldbahnen im 2. Weltkrieg - 1939 bis 1945 (1)

Using a wealth of official documents, authentic photos and personal accounts, Alfred B. Gottwaldt illuminates in this book all the significant details in the history of these small railways.


Author:Alfred B. Gottwaldt
Details:256 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:320 b&w photos
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2018)
Heeresfeldbahnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg - 1939 bis 1945

Heeresfeldbahnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg - 1939 bis 1945

Language: German

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After the Second World War ended in Europe on May 8, 1945, most of Germany's major cities lay in ruins. To clear away the huge piles of rubble, small and large field railway networks were built in many German cities, which became known as "Trümmerbahnen" (rubble railways).

In his book, Klaus Scherff describes the tasks, organization, technology and operation of these narrow-gauge reconstruction aids. He pays particular attention to the rubble railways in Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mannheim, Munich, Pforzheim and Stuttgart.


Author:Klaus Scherff
Details:224 pages, 27 x 23.5 x 1.9 cm / 10.6 x 9.25 x 0.75 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 photos
Publisher:Transpress (D, 2021)


Language: German

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Last update: 03/02/2025