Oorlogsschepen (17e eeuw) - Groot-Brittannië: boeken

Een boek over oorlogsschepen van de Royal Navy? Ontdek hier boeken over de historie en typen van oorlogsschepen uit Groot-Brittannië uit de 17e eeuw.

Pepys's Navy : Ships, Men and Warfare 1649-1689

Describes every aspect the English navy in the second half of the 17th century, from the time when the Fleet Royal was taken into Parliamentary control after the defeat of Charles I, until the accession of William and Mary in 1689 when the long period of war with the Dutch came to an end. This is a crucial era which witnessed the creation of a permanent naval service, in essence the birth of the Royal Navy.

Every aspect of the navy is covered - naval administration, ship types and shipbuilding, naval recruitment and crews, seamanship and gunnery, shipboard life, dockyards and bases, the foreign navies of the period, and the three major wars which were fought against the Dutch in the Channel and the North Sea.

Samuel Pepys, whose thirty years of service did so much to replace the ad hoc processes of the past with systems for construction and administration, is one of the most significant players, and the navy which was, by 1690, ready for the 100 years of global struggle with the French owed much to his tireless work.

This is a hugely significant book for historians, naval enthusiasts and for all those with an interest in Pepys and this colourful era of the seventeenth century, and a new affordable paperback edition will be widely welcomed.


Auteur:J.D. Davies
Uitvoering:320 blz, 26 x 22 cm, softcover
Illustraties:250 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Seaforth Publishing (GB, 2016)
Pepys's Navy : Ships, Men and Warfare 1649-1689

Pepys's Navy : Ships, Men and Warfare 1649-1689

Taal: Engels

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Warships of the Anglo-Dutch Wars 1652-74 (Osprey)

Three times during the 17th century, England and Holland went to war as part of an ongoing struggle for economic and naval supremacy. Primarily fought in the cold waters of the North Sea and the English Channel, the wars proved revolutionary in their impact upon warship design, armament, and naval tactics. During this time, the warship evolved into the true ship-of-the-line that would dominate naval warfare until the advent of steam power.

This book traces the development of these warships in the context of the three Anglo-Dutch wars.


Auteur:Angus Konstam
Uitvoering:48 blz, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:Rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen (z/w en kleur)
Uitgever:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2011)
Serie:New Vanguard (183)
Warships of the Anglo-Dutch Wars 1652-74 (Osprey)

Warships of the Anglo-Dutch Wars 1652-74

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update: 03/02/2025