Jeep Jeepster, Commando, Wagoneer: boeken - historie

Een boek over Jeep Jeepster, Commando, J-Series Pick-up of Wagoneer 4x4's? Ontdek hier boeken over de historie, typen en techniek van Jeeps.

Jeep Wagoneer 1963-1991 - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de Jeep Wagoneer modellen uit de jaren 1963-1991. Beschrijft de 6- en 8-cilinder Jeep Wagoneer, Cherokee S, Cherokee Chief, Custom, Super Chief, Limited, Laredo en Grand Wagoneer.

  • De 37 artikelen, overgenomen uit toenmalige Britse en Amerikaanse autotijdschriften, geven veel informatie over historie, modelwijzigingen en techniek.
  • Ook rij-impressies, tests, vergelijkingstests, technische gegevens, enz.


Uitvoering:140 blz, 27.5 x 20.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:375 foto's
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 1999)

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Jeep Wagoneer 1963-1991 - Brooklands Portfolio

Jeep Wagoneer 1963-1991

Taal: Engels

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Jeepster & Commando (1967-1973) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio boek over Jeep Jeepster en Commando 4x4 modellen uit de jaren 1967-1973. Beschrijft de Jeep Jeepster roadster, hardtop, convertible, pick-up en station wagon.

  • De artikelen, overgenomen uit toenmalige Britse en Amerikaanse autotijdschriften, geven veel informatie over historie, modelwijzigingen en techniek.
  • Ook rij-impressies, tests, vergelijkingstests, technische gegevens, enz.


Uitvoering:92 blz, 27 x 20 x 0.6 cm, softcover
Illustraties:300 foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 1999)

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Jeepster & Commando (1967-1973) - Brooklands Portfolio

Jeepster & Commando (1967-1973)

Taal: Engels

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You & Your Jeep Cherokee - Buying, enjoying, maintaining, modifying

Eigenaarshandboek voor de Jeep Cherokee 4x4. Uitgebreide modelhistorie, advies over aankoop, gebruik, onderhoud en modificaties. Tevens specificaties, modelwijzigingen en productie-aantallen. Geheel in kleur.


Auteur:Dave Pollard
Uitvoering:144 blz, 27.5 x 21 x 1.3 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:175 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2005)
You & Your Jeep Cherokee - Buying, enjoying, maintaining, modifying

You & Your Jeep Cherokee - Buying, enjoying, maintaining, modifying

Taal: Engels

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Wagoneer, Gladiator, Comanche, and Scrambler: An Illustrated History of Jeep's Tough, Go-Anywhere Wagons and Pickups

As Jeep sales have skyrocketed in recent years, the company has put more money and muscle behind vintage names like Wagoneer and Gladiator, and has jumped into pickups as never before. But what made their past vehicles good enough to bring their names back now?

The Wagoneer and its companion, the Gladiator pickup, were well ahead of their time in technology, the first 4x4s with an independent front suspension and automatic transmission. Updates through the years kept them at the forefront of 4x4 technology, but their tough, go-anywhere nature never changed over a long, long product run.
The Wagoneer name was also attached to the revolutionary "XJ" series; more commonly associated with the original Cherokee, these tough wagons were an efficient, lightweight unibody design, but were just as capable off-road as the senior Wagoneers.

"Wagoneer, Gladiator, Comanche, and Scrambler" dives into what made the "XJ" and "ZJ" Wagoneers special - and how they differed from the Cherokee and Grand Cherokee. With the new Gladiator making a splash, it's time to look back on Jeep's pickups, not just the original Gladiator, but also one of the most innovative trucks ever made: the Comanche. It shared a great deal with the Cherokee, but clever design gave it both superior ground clearance and the lowest bed height of any comparable 4x4 pickup.

The book also covers the CJ-8 Scrambler, which is possibly more popular off-road today than it was at dealerships when it was made. This book traces the history and present state of some of Jeep's newest vehicles, including the upcoming Wagoneer and the new Gladiator, and some of its most famous and most-loved, with original and period photography; it's a "must-have" for any Jeep enthusiast.


Auteur:David Zatz
Uitvoering:126 blz, 28 x 21.5 x 1.4 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Iconografix (USA, 2020)
Wagoneer, Gladiator, Comanche, and Scrambler: An Illustrated History of Jeep's Tough, Go-Anywhere Wagons and Pickups

Wagoneer, Gladiator, Comanche, and Scrambler: An Illustrated History of Jeep's Tough, Go-Anywhere Wagons and Pickups

Taal: Engels

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Jeep J-Series Pickups (1970-1982) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de Jeep J-Series Pickups modellen uit de jaren 1970-1982. Beschrijft de Jeep Gladiator Pickup, J-4000, J-20, J-10 Propane conversion, J-10 Townside, Honcho, Golden Eagle en Sportside Pickup.

  • De 25 artikelen, overgenomen uit toenmalige Britse en Amerikaanse autotijdschriften, geven veel informatie over historie, modelwijzigingen en techniek.
  • Ook rij-impressies, tests, vergelijkingstests, technische gegevens, enz.


Uitvoering:104 blz, 27 x 19.5 x 0.9 cm, softcover
Illustraties:300 foto's
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 1999)

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Jeep J-Series Pickups (1970-1982) - Brooklands Portfolio

Jeep J-Series Pickups (1970-1982)

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update: 17/02/2025