Ford pick-up's: V-8 Small-Block (Windsor / Cleveland) - tuninghandboeken

Een tuningboek voor de V-8 Small-Block (Windsor / Cleveland) van uw Ford? Hier vindt U handboeken voor optimalisatie en modificatie van Ford pick-up's. Ze bevatten gedetailleerde instructies voor het oplossen van technische problemen en het vervangen van onderdelen.

Ford 289-302-Boss 302-351W (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de Ford 289, 302, Boss 302 en 351W Small Block V8 motoren uit de jaren 60 en 70.

De artikelen, destijds verschenen in het Amerikaanse tijdschrift 'Hot Rod Magazine', geven veel informatie over blueprinting, opvoeren, wijzigen van cilinderkoppen, revisie en restauratie.


Uitvoering:100 blz, 27 x 20.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:200 foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 1991)
Serie:Musclecar & Hi Po

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Ford 289-302-Boss 302-351W (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Ford 289-302-Boss 302-351W

Taal: Engels

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Ford Small Block (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de Ford Small Block (Windsor en Cleveland) V8 motoren.

De 29 artikelen, destijds verschenen in het Amerikaanse tijdschrift 'Hot Rod Magazine', geven veel informatie over blueprinting, opvoeren, wijzigen van cilinderkoppen, revisie en restauratie.


Uitvoering:108 blz, 27 x 20 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:250 z/w foto's
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 2008)
Serie:Musclecar & Hi Po

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Ford Small Block (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Ford Small Block

Taal: Engels

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Ford 351C & Boss 351 (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de Ford en Mercury 351C en Boss 351 Small Block ‘Cleveland' motoren uit de jaren 70.

De 23 artikelen, destijds verschenen in het Amerikaanse tijdschrift 'Hot Rod Magazine', geven veel informatie over blueprinting, opvoeren, wijzigen van cilinderkoppen, revisie en restauratie.


Uitvoering:100 blz, 27 x 20 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:200 foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 1991)
Serie:Musclecar & Hi Po

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Ford 351C & Boss 351 (Musclecar & Hi Po Engines)

Ford 351C & Boss 351

Taal: Engels

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Ford Windsor Small-Block Performance - Modify and Build 302 / 5.0L and 351W / 5.8L Ford Small Blocks

This completely revised and updated edition of HP's bestselling book on how to build high performance 5.0 / 5.8L Ford small-block engines - the second most popular engine modified in the aftermarket - contains five new chapters on the latest technology for modifying the cylinder block, heads, camshafts, valvetrain, exhaust systems, and more.

Covers 302 / 5.0 L and 351W / 5.8 L Ford Small Block engines.


Auteur:Isaac Martin
Uitvoering:192 blz, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.2 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:HP Books (USA, 2010)
Ford Windsor Small-Block Performance - Modify and Build 302 / 5.0L and 351W / 5.8L Ford Small Blocks

Ford Windsor Small-Block Performance - Modify and Build 302 / 5.0L and 351W / 5.8L Ford Small Blocks

Taal: Engels

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Ford 351 Cleveland Engines - How to Build for Max Performance

Ford's 351 Cleveland was designed to be a 'mid-sized' V-8 engine, and was developed for higher performance use upon its launch in late 1969 for the 1970 models. This unique design proved itself under the hood of Ford's Mustang, among other high performance cars. The Cleveland engine addressed the major shortcoming of the Windsor engines that preceded it, namely cylinder head air flow.

This book reviews the history and variations of the 351 Cleveland and Ford's related engines, the 351M and 400M. Basic dimensions and specifications of each engine, along with tips for identifying both design differences and casting number(s) are shown. In addition to this, each engine's strong points and areas of concern are described in detail.

Written with high performance in mind, both traditional power tricks and methods to increase efficiency of these specific engines are shared.
With the influx of aftermarket parts, especially excellent cylinder heads, the 351 Cleveland as well as the 351M and 400M cousins are now seen as great engines to build.
This book will walk you through everything you need to know to build a great street or competition engine based in the 351 Cleveland platform.


Auteur:George Reid
Uitvoering:144 blz, 28 x 22 x 0.9 cm, softcover
Illustraties:450 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:CarTech Inc (USA, 2013)
Serie:S-A Design (SA252)

Meer info over de CarTech S-A Design boeken

Ford 351 Cleveland Engines - How to Build for Max Performance

Ford 351 Cleveland Engines - How to Build for Max Performance

Taal: Engels

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How to Build Big-Inch Ford Small Blocks

Have you been dreaming about a little extra displacement for your Ford? By increasing the bore and stroke of your current engine, you can add those cubic inches without the hassle of switching to a big block.
George Reid thoroughly explains the concept of building a stroker, paying special attention to the effect that increasing the bore and stroke have on the engine as a whole. With this information, you'll be better able to tailor your heads, cam, intake manifold, carburetor, and exhaust system to get the most out of the extra cubes. Also included is a complete guide to factory head and block castings, as well as aftermarket block and head guides, so you can choose exactly the right parts for your project.

This book is the definitive guide for building a big-inch Ford small block, complete with four engine buildups ranging from 331 to 408 cubic inches.


Auteur:George Reid
Uitvoering:132 blz, 28 x 21.5 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met z/w foto's
Uitgever:CarTech Inc (USA, 2003)
Serie:S-A Design (SA85P)

Meer info over de CarTech S-A Design boeken

How to Build Big-Inch Ford Small Blocks

How to Build Big-Inch Ford Small Blocks

Taal: Engels

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How to Build Supercharged & Turbocharged Small-Block Fords

The supercharger and turbocharger in their various forms and applications have both been around for well over a century. What makes them so popular? Looks, power, performance, sound, and status. And how do they relate to, and improve upon, the performance level of a small-block Ford pushrod V-8 engine like a 289-302, a 351-Windsor, a Ford 351-Cleveland, or even the latest generation 4.6L/5.4L modular small-block V-8 engines? That's exactly what this book is all about!

While Ford dabbled in supercharging and turbocharging on production cars all the way back in 1957 with the legendary Thunderbird, and then again with Shelbys and over-the-counter kits, and then again in the late '70s and early '80s with turbocharging 4- cylinder applications in Mustangs and SHOs, the real revolution in supercharging and turbocharging Ford products has come through the aftermarket in more recent times.
The Fox Mustang, created in 1979, and the platform that would eventually feature fuel injection in 1986, allowing much more boost, created a genre of lightning-quick and affordable performance cars.

Featuring legendary supercharger and turbocharger manufacturers like Paxton, Vortech, Pro-Charger, Garret-AirResearch and Power Dyne, as well as traditional Roots-style systems, this book covers everything you need to know about supercharging and turbocharging your small-block Ford.


Auteur:Bob McClurg
Uitvoering:128 blz, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met z/w foto's
Uitgever:CarTech Inc (USA, 2005)
Serie:S-A Design (SA95P)

Meer info over de CarTech S-A Design boeken

How to Build Supercharged & Turbocharged Small-Block Fords

How to Build Supercharged & Turbocharged Small-Block Fords

Taal: Engels

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How To Hop Up Ford & Mercury V8 Engines (1951 Edition) - Speed Tuning Theory, Costs, HP & Torque

Dit geïllustreerde boek gaat over tuning van Ford- en Mercury-Flathead-V8-motoren vanaf 1932. Het behandelt de theorie en praktijk van aanpassingen, inclusief kosten, vermogen en koppel. Onderwerpen zijn blokvoorbereiding, boren en slagvergroting, cilinderkoppen (Flathead en OHV), nokkenassen, zuigers, zuigerveren, inlaatspruitstukken, uitlaatspruitstukken en ontstekingssystemen. Een speciaal hoofdstuk bespreekt superchargers.
Oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in 1951, geeft dit klassieke werk van Roger Huntington inzicht in de tuningmethoden van die tijd.

Kenmerken van dit boek:

  • Het toont klassieke tuningaccessoires die zijn ontwikkeld en geproduceerd door Ardun, Belond Besasie, Champion, Frenzel, Harman-Collins, Hilborn, Howard, Iskenderian, Italmeccanica, Kong, Mallory, McCulloch, Navarro, Offenhauser, Roemer, Smith & Jones, Spalding, SpeedOmotive, Stephens, Tattersfield-Baron, Tornado, Vertex, Weber en Winfield.
  • Het legt de V-8-stamboom uit, de planning van de klus, blokmodificaties en -montage, cilinderkoppen, carburateurs, het schatten van paardenkracht en hoe U de meeste prestaties voor uw geld krijgt.
  • Dit is een klassieke gids voor de bibliotheek van elke autoliefhebber.


Auteur:Roger Huntington
Uitvoering:160 blz, 21.5 x 14 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:California Bill's (USA, 2004)
How To Hop Up Ford & Mercury V8 Engines (1951 Edition) - Speed Tuning Theory, Costs, HP & Torque

How To Hop Up Ford & Mercury V8 Engines (1951 Edition) - Speed Tuning Theory, Costs, HP & Torque

Taal: Engels

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Ford Engine Buildups - 302/351 CID Small-Blocks (1968-1995) / 4.6L and 5.4L Modular Engines (1996-2008)

A guide of more than 35 complete engine buildups offering a wide variety of performance levels for several generations of Ford V8 engine families.
Describes heads, cams, stroker kits, dyno-tested power combos, fuel injection systems and bolt-ons.

- 302/351 CID Small-Blocks (1968-1995)
- 4.6L and 5.4L Modular Engines (1996-2008).


Auteur:Evan J. Smith, Muscle Mustangs Fast Fords Magazine
Uitvoering:160 blz, 27.5 x 21.5 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:HP Books (USA, 2008)
Ford Engine Buildups - 302/351 CID Small-Blocks (1968-1995) / 4.6L and 5.4L Modular Engines (1996-2008)

Ford Engine Buildups - 302/351 CID Small-Blocks (1968-1995) / 4.6L and 5.4L Modular Engines (1996-2008)

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update: 12/03/2025