The Steam Locomotive - An Engineering History
Ken Gibbs | Engels | softcover | 256 blz | 2012
How Steam Locomotives Really Work
A.J. Goldfinch, P.W.B. Semmens | Engels | softcover | 354 blz | 2004
Modern Locomotive Construction - The legendary Bible of Locomotive Building from 1892
J.G.A. Meyer | Engels | softcover | 672 blz | 2010
The Locomotive Up To Date - The Classic Encyclopedic Reference for Steam Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
Charles McShane | Engels | softcover | 721 blz | 2010
Locomotive Building - Construction of a Steam Engine for Railway Use
Ralph E. Flanders | Engels | softcover | 245 blz | 2010
The Locomotive Engineman's Manual - The Classic Locomotive Text from 1919
W. P. James | Engels | softcover | 472 blz | 2009
La machine locomotive
Édouard Sauvage | Frans | softcover | 416 blz | 2012
La Locomotive (réédition de l'édition originale de 1920)
Ulysse Lamalle, Fernand Legein | Frans | softcover | 433 blz | 2013
Dampflok - Technik und Funktion
Dirk Endisch | Duits | hardcover | 160 blz | 2018
Die Dampflok im Bahnbetriebswerk
Dirk Endisch, Michael U. Kratzsch-Leichsenring | Duits | hardcover | 144 blz | 2017
Schäden und Störungen beim Betrieb der Dampflok
Max Wilke | Duits | softcover | 192 blz | 2023
Train Doctor : Trouble Shooting with Diesel and Electric Traction
Roger Senior | Engels | hardcover | 214 blz | 2016
Die Diesellokomotive - Aufbau, Technik, Auslegung
Johannes Feihl | Duits | softcover | 309 blz | 2016
How to Become a Successful Motorman - The 1908 Handbook for Trolley Car, Electric Locomotive and Interurban Motorman
Sidney Aylmer-Small | Engels | softcover | 332 blz | 2010
Männer, Öl und Dampf - Im Inneren der Bahnbetriebswerke
Wolfgang Staiger | Duits | hardcover | 128 blz | 2016
Mining Haulage - The Classic 1907 Mining Engineering Text
International Textbook Company | Engels | softcover | 334 blz | 2010