Autotechniek: boeken - overzicht (3/5)

Een boek over autotechniek? Ontdek hier boeken over zelfbouw van sport- en racewagens, alsook motoren, foutopsporing, onderhoud en reparatie.

Boek: Allison Transmissions: How to Rebuild & Modify


Allison Transmissions - 1000 and 2000 Series - How to Rebuild & Modify

Steve Garrett | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2023

Boek: Chrysler A-833 Transmissions: How to Rebuild

Chrysler A-833 Transmissions: How to Rebuild and Modify

Jamie Passon | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2018

Boek: Chrysler Torqueflite A904 and A727 Transmissions

Chrysler Torqueflite A904 and A727 Transmissions : How to Rebuild

Tom Hand | Engels | softcover | 208 blz | 2017

Boek: [0017] Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic

Ford-Mercury-Getriebe - Ford-O-Matic und Merc-O-Matic

Duits | softcover | 46 blz | 2018

Boek: [TB10355] Ford Automatic Transm Overhaul Man

Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul Manual (1964-1996) - Fundamentals, diagnosis, overhaul, modifications

Jeff Killingsworth, John H Haynes | Engels | softcover | 272 blz | 2002

Boek: How to Rebuild Ford C4 + C6 Autom Transmissions

How to Rebuild and Modify Ford C4 and C6 Automatic Transmissions

George Reid | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2012

Boek: Ford AOD Transmissions

Ford AOD Transmissions - Rebuilding and Modifying the AOD, AODE and 4R70W

George Reid | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2014

Boek: GM Turbo 350 : How to Rebuild and Modify

GM Turbo 350 Transmissions : How to Rebuild and Modify

Cliff Ruggles | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2015

Boek: Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 Handbook

Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 Handbook

Ron Sessions | Engels | softcover | 256 blz | 1987

Boek: How to Rebuild and Modify GM 4L80E Transmissions

How to Rebuild and Modify GM 4L80E Transmissions (1991-2013)

Eric McClellan | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2021

Boek: GM 6L80 Transmissions - How to Rebuild & Modify

GM 6L80 Transmissions - How to Rebuild & Modify

Steve Garrett | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2022

Boek: GM Autom Overdrive Transmiss Build & Swap Guide

GM Automatic Overdrive Transmission Builder's and Swapper's Guide

Cliff Ruggles | Engels | softcover | 128 blz | 2008

Boek: High-performance Differentials, Axles and Drivelines

High-performance Differentials, Axles and Drivelines

Joseph Palazzolo | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2010

Boek: Chevy Differentials How to Rebuild 10- and 12-Bolt

Chevy Differentials How to Rebuild the 10- and 12-Bolt

Jefferson Bryant | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2015

Boek: Ford Differentials - How to Rebuild the 8.8 + 9 Inch

Ford Differentials - How to Rebuild the 8.8 Inch and 9 Inch

Joseph Palazollo | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2013

Boek: Build Your Own Electric Vehicle (3rd edition)

Build Your Own Electric Vehicle (3rd edition)

Seth Leitman, Bob Brant | Engels | softcover | 352 blz | 2013

Boek: Zero Carbon Car

The Zero Carbon Car - Green Technology and the Automotive Industry

Brian Long | Engels | hardcover | 208 blz | 2013

Boek: Electric Vehicle Technology Explained (2nd Edition)

Electric Vehicle Technology Explained (2nd Edition)

James Larminie, John Lowry | Engels | hardcover | 339 blz | 2012

Boek: Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicles - Overviews

Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicles - Overviews and Viewpoints

Ronald K. Jurgen | Engels | softcover | 153 blz | 2011

Boek: Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicles - Engines

Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicles - Engines and Powertrains

Ronald K. Jurgen | Engels | softcover | 147 blz | 2011

Boek: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Design Fundamentals

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Design Fundamentals (2nd Edition)

Iqbal Husain | Engels | hardcover | 523 blz | 2010

Boek: Elektrifizierung in der Fahrzeugtechnik

Elektrifizierung in der Fahrzeugtechnik - Grundlagen und Anwendungen

Oliver Zirn | Duits | hardcover | 330 blz | 2017

Boek: Hybridfahrzeuge - Getriebetechnologie an Beispielen

Hybridfahrzeuge - Getriebetechnologie an Beispielen

Werner Klement | Duits | hardcover | 181 blz | 2017

Boek: Technologie des vehicules electriques et hybrides

Technologie des véhicules électriques et hybrides - principe de fonctionnement des systèmes hybrides

Frédéric Luneau, Hipolito Diaz Morales | Frans | softcover | 200 blz | 2013

Boek: Braking of Road Vehicles

Braking of Road Vehicles

Andrew J. Day | Engels | hardcover | 512 blz | 2013

Boek: Car Brakes - A Guide to Upgrading

Car Brakes - A Guide to Upgrading, Repair and Maintenance

Jon Lawes | Engels | softcover | 96 blz | 2014

Boek: High-Performance Brake Systems

High-Performance Brake Systems

James Walker | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2006

Boek: Automotive Brake Systems

Automotive Brake Systems (7th Edition)

James D. Halderma | Engels | softcover | 416 blz | 2016

Boek: Freins


Jack Erjavec | Frans | spiraalbinding | 102 blz | 2015

Boek: Systèmes de sécurité actifs et passifs

Systèmes de sécurité actifs et passifs

Jack Erjavec | Frans | softcover | 100 blz | 2015

Boek: Car Suspension: Repair, Maintenance and Modification

Car Suspension - Repair, Maintenance and Modification

Julian Spender | Engels | softcover | 176 blz | 2019

Boek: Fahrdynamik in Perfektion

Fahrdynamik in Perfektion - Der Weg zum optimalen Fahrwerks-Setup

Wolfgang Weber | Duits | hardcover | 376 blz | 2018

Boek: Suspension et direction

Suspension et direction

Jack Erjavec | Frans | softcover | 160 blz | 2015

Boek: [TB10345] Suspension, Steering and Driveline Man

Suspension, Steering and Driveline Manual - Maintenance, repair and replacement of all major components

Jeff Killingsworth, Eric Godfrey | Engels | softcover | 352 blz | 1998

Boek: Sports Car Suspension & Brakes HP Manual

The Sports Car & Kit Car Suspension & Brakes High-performance Manual

Des Hammill | Engels | softcover | 128 blz | 2008

Boek: 4x4 Suspension Handbook

4x4 Suspension Handbook

Trenton McGee | Engels | softcover | 144 blz | 2008

Boek: Car Suspension and Handling (4th Edition)

Car Suspension and Handling (4th Edition)

John Peter Whitehead | Engels | softcover | 474 blz | 2004

Boek: The Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair

The Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair (2nd Edition)

Dennis Parks | Engels | softcover | 208 blz | 2015

Boek: Auto Body Repair Technology (6th Edition)

Auto Body Repair Technology (6th Edition)

James Duffy | Engels | hardcover | 1088 blz | 2015

Boek: Automotive Bodywork and Rust Repair

Automotive Bodywork and Rust Repair

Matt Joseph | Engels | softcover | 160 blz | 2010

Boek: Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair

The Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair

Dennis Parks | Engels | softcover | 192 blz | 2008

Boek: Restaurez Reparez votre carosserie (2eme edition)

Restaurez Réparez votre carosserie (2ème édition)

Sylvie Méneret | Frans | hardcover | 144 blz | 2018

Boek: Preparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2e ed)

Préparation et peinture carrosserie auto (2ème édition)

Nicolas Point | Frans | hardcover | 96 blz | 2017

Boek: Die Karosserie - Oldtimer & Youngtimer

Die Karosserie - Oldtimer & Youngtimer - Pflege & Reparatur

Christoph Pandikow | Duits | hardcover | 224 blz | 2015

Boek: Die Karosserie - Das Reparatur-Handbuch

Die Karosserie - Reparatur von Karrosserieschäden

P.H. Olving | Duits | hardcover | 376 blz | 2017

Boek: Fachkunde Karosserie- und Lackiertechnik

Fachkunde Karosserie- und Lackiertechnik

Duits | softcover | 703 blz | 2012

Laatste update: 2024-12-16