Autotechniek: handboeken - theorie en principes (1/3)

Een handboek over autotechniek? Hier vindt U technische handboeken over de theorie en principes van autotechniek (1/3). Ze bevatten gedetailleerde instructies voor het oplossen van technische problemen en het vervangen van onderdelen.

A Practical Approach to Motor Vehicle Engineering and Maintenance

Fully updated and in line with latest specifications, this textbook integrates vehicle maintenance procedures, making it the indispensable first classroom and workshop text for all students of motor vehicle engineering, apprentices and keen amateurs.
Its clear, logical approach, excellent illustrations and step-by-step development of theory and practice make this an accessible text for students of all abilities. With this book, students have information that they can trust because it is written by an experienced practitioner and lecturer in this area.

This book will provide not only the information required to understand automotive engines but also background information that allows readers to put this information into context.
The book contains flowcharts, diagnostic case studies, detailed diagrams of how systems operate and overview descriptions of how systems work. All this on top of step-by-step instructions and quick reference tables.


Auteur:Allan Bonnick
Uitvoering:504 blz, 27.5 x 21.5 x 2.4 cm, softcover
Uitgever:Taylor & Francis Ltd (GB, 2011)
A Practical Approach to Motor Vehicle Engineering and Maintenance

A Practical Approach to Motor Vehicle Engineering and Maintenance

Taal: Engels

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Automotive Technology : A Systems Approach (6th Edition)

"Automotive Technology : A Systems Approach" - the leading authority on automotive theory, service, and repair - has been thoroughly updated to provide accurate, current information on the latest technology, industry trends, and state-of-the-art tools and techniques.

This comprehensive text covers the full range of basic topics outlined by ASE, including engine repair, automatic transmissions, manual transmissions and transaxles, suspension and steering, brakes, electricity and electronics, heating and air conditioning, and engine performance.

Now updated to reflect the latest NATEF MAST standards, as well as cutting-edge hybrid and electric engines, this trusted text is an essential resource for aspiring and active technicians who want to succeed in the dynamic, rapidly evolving field of automotive service and repair.


Auteur:Rob Thompson, Jack Erjavec
Uitvoering:1696 blz, 28 x 22.5 x 5.7 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Cengage Learning, Inc (USA, 2014)
Automotive Technology : A Systems Approach (6th Edition)

Automotive Technology : A Systems Approach (6th Edition)

Taal: Engels

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Setting up a Home Car Workshop : The facilities & tools needed for car maintenance, repair, modification or restoration

A complete guide to setting up, equipping and using a home car workshop. Working on your car at home saves you money and helps you to achieve the results you want.
You might want to perform routine servicing, modify a car, restore a car, or even build a car from scratch, but to achieve the best outcome, you'll need a properly-equipped workshop.
Whether you have a small or large space, this book covers workshop design, equipment, storage, safety aspects and much more.

You will find handy tips on the safe use of tools, a guide to welding, as well as instructions for building your own storage racks and cabinets, how to build a strong workbench - even how to make your own full-length car ramps. It also gives advice on the best tools for working on the electronics of your car.

The book is fully illustrated throughout with real-world examples. If you are planning to set up your own home car workshop, this book covers everything you need to know.


Auteur:Julian Edgar
Uitvoering:128 blz, 25 x 20.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:250 foto's
Uitgever:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2018)
Setting up a Home Car Workshop : The facilities & tools needed for car maintenance, repair, modification or restoration

Setting up a Home Car Workshop : The facilities & tools needed for car maintenance, repair, modification or restoration

Taal: Engels

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The Gasoline Automobile - The Classic 1915 Auto Book

Henry Ford introduced his Model T in 1908, and changed the face of America. The arrival of the "Tin Lizzie" on city streets also signaled the beginning of the end for a debate that had raged since the beginning of the motor car era. Namely, "What is the best propulsion system for autos: steam, electric, or gasoline?"

Originally published in 1915 as an engineering text, The Gasoline Automobile is a classic book that provides rare insights into the early days of the automobile revolution. Within its pages you will find descriptive text supported by numerous rare photos and illustrations.
Chapters include: general construction, engines, power plant groups and transmission systems, fuels and carburetting systems, lubrication and cooling, batteries and ignition, magnetos, starting and lighting systems, troubles and remedies, and operation and care.

This softcover reprint of the first edition has been slightly reformatted for readability, but care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.


Auteur:George Hobbs, Ben Elliot
Uitvoering:276 blz, 25 x 20.5 x 1.5 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Periscope Film (USA, 2011)
The Gasoline Automobile - The Classic 1915 Auto Book

The Gasoline Automobile - The Classic 1915 Auto Book

Taal: Engels

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The Maintenance of Motor-Cars (1916)

Handboek uit 1916 (herdruk) voor onderhoud van personenwagens.


Auteur:Eric Walford
Uitvoering:170 blz, 20.5 x 13.5 x 0.9 cm, softcover
Illustraties:geïllustreerd met tekeningen
Uitgever:Salzwasser-Verlag (D, 2010)
The Maintenance of Motor-Cars (1916)

The Maintenance of Motor-Cars (1916)

Taal: Engels

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Motors and Motoring 1916

Deze vroege technische gids biedt een zeldzaam en fascinerend inzicht in de begindagen van de autoproductie. Het boek werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1909 en behandelt alles wat een automobilist moet weten.
Voertuigtypen, voorschriften, paardenkracht, ontsteking, brandstof, carburatie, luchtsluis, schakelen, smering, stoomauto's - en nog veel meer!

Dit prachtig gereproduceerde klassieke autoboek is een must-have voor liefhebbers van klassieke auto's. Het is een eerbetoon aan het tijdperk van snelheid en in veel opzichten het meest geavanceerde handboek van die tijd. Het legt de nostalgie en verwondering van lang vervlogen tijden perfect vast, waarin automobilisten voortdurend de grenzen van het mogelijke verlegden en massaal autorijden nog maar net begon.


Auteur:Henry Spooner
Uitvoering:288 blz, 20 x 12.5 x 2.6 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd
Uitgever:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2015)
Motors and Motoring 1916

Motors and Motoring 1916

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update: 03/02/2025