Mercedes-AMG en Brabus auto's: boeken - historie en modellen

Een boek over Mercedes-AMG of Brabus personenwagens? Ontdek hier boeken over de historie, typen en techniek van Mercedes-AMG of Brabus personenwagens.

Mercedes AMG (2000-2006) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de AMG modellen uit de periode 2000-2006. Beschrijft de AMG Mercedes-Benz C30, C32 en C55, CLK430, CLK55, CLK-TDM CLK-GTR, CL55, CL65, CLS55, E55, de G-Wagen - G55, ML55, S55, S65, SL55, SL65, SLK32, SLK55 en de SLR McLaren.

  • De artikelen, overgenomen uit toenmalige Britse en Amerikaanse autotijdschriften, geven veel informatie over historie, modelwijzigingen en techniek.
  • Ook rij-impressies, tests, vergelijkingstests, technische gegevens, enz.


Uitvoering:200 blz, 27 x 20 x 1.3 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd, geheel in kleur
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 2007)

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Mercedes AMG (2000-2006) - Brooklands Portfolio

Mercedes AMG (2000-2006)

Taal: Engels

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bb - Rainer Buchmann - Innovation - Design - Emotion

Car modifier b+b Auto, founded 1973 in Frankfurt by Rainer Buchmann and his brother Dieter, caused a stir in the 1980's European and international car scene by their technical innovations as well as their spectacular design. Initially focussed on Porsche cars b+b became established through their Porsche Turbo Targa with prismatic colours varnish presented at the Polaroid stand on Fotokina 1976 Cologne.
At IAA Frankfurt 1979 they launched b+b CW 311, a contemporary modification of the legendary Mercedes 300 SL. Mercedes-Benz was so enthusiastic about the car that they allowed Buchmann to continue using the Mercedes star as a brand logo.
During the 1980s, b+b was one of the most successful modifiers of production cars into individual luxury vehicles for those who could afford it - customers from the Arab world as well as celebrities from the Jet-Set...

However Buchmann's real passion belonged to the area of electronic innovations, and the money he earned with his tuning activities was invested into research in this field. He was the first to think about centralised door locking by means of remote control as well as park distance control and he invented the first car computers. In 1983 his multi-function steering wheel was protected by patent.

This comprehensive book, produced in close cooperation with Merck Group, one of the world's leading chemical companies for whom Buchmann popularized a new and special kind of bright enamel varnish, presents the complete history of Rainer Buchmann's technical and entrepreneurial achievements.


Auteur:Gerold Lingnau
Uitvoering:208 blz, 29.5 x 25 x 1.9 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:100 z/w- en 250 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2017)
bb - Rainer Buchmann - Innovation - Design - Emotion

bb - Rainer Buchmann - Innovation - Design - Emotion

Taal: Engels

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Mercedes AMG (1983-1999) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio boek over de AMG modellen uit de periode 1983-1999. Beschrijft de AMG Mercedes-Benz 190 en 190 E, 280, 300 CE en 300 TE, 500 SE, SEL, SEC en SL, 560 SEC en E, AMG Hammer, SL60, C180, C36, C43, C55, E36, E50, E55, E60, S55 en CLK-GTR.

  • De artikelen, overgenomen uit toenmalige Britse en Amerikaanse autotijdschriften, geven veel informatie over historie, modelwijzigingen en techniek.
  • Ook rij-impressies, tests, vergelijkingstests, technische gegevens, enz.


Uitvoering:160 blz, 27 x 20 x 1.1 cm, softcover
Illustraties:z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Brooklands Books (GB, 2007)
Serie:Gold Portfolio

Meer info over de Brooklands Portfolio boeken

Mercedes AMG (1983-1999) - Brooklands Portfolio

Mercedes AMG (1983-1999)

Taal: Engels

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Brabus - Jubiläumsband

Brabus is one of the most renowned refinement companies for Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The company was celebrating its 40th anniversary in September 2017. Reason enough for a comprehensive tribute to a company that has repeatedly attracted attention with extravagant creations.

Bladzijden uit het boek Brabus - Jubilaumsband (1)

Brabus is now much more than "just" a tuning company; the company is a development partner for the automotive industry, in aviation as well as in classic car restoration.
Wherever high-tech meets high performance and the best craftsmanship meets the highest demands, the name "Brabus" automatically comes up.

Bladzijden uit het boek Brabus - Jubilaumsband (2)


Auteur:Bernd Ostmann
Uitvoering:272 blz, 30.5 x 24 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:2 z/w- en 386 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2017)
Brabus - Jubiläumsband

Brabus - Jubiläumsband

Taal: Duits + Engels

Kopen bij Amazon DE

Mercedes-AMG GT - A Star is Born

The Mercedes-AMG GT is not just any AMG. As the Porsche 911 competitor and successor of the famous gullwing SLS it is going to be the brand's new showpiece. This special meaning of the car has to be captured in an illustrated book that goes beyond conveying the driving experience and beauty of the Mercedes-AMG GT.

Like the car, the book has to be the brand's showpiece. Therefore it covers all the milestones of AMG history that belong to the brand's heritage - right up to the GT. The AMG GT was officially presented in early October 2014 at the Paris Motor Show.


Auteur:Markus Bolsinger, Marco Brinkmann
Uitvoering:160 blz, 30.5 x 28 x 2.4 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:26 z/w- en 40 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH (D, 2015)
Mercedes-AMG GT - A Star is Born

Mercedes-AMG GT - A Star is Born

Taal: Duits + Engels

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AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

"A" comme Aufrecht, "M" comme Melcher, "G" comme... Grossaspach. Derrière ces trois lettres se cachent Hans-Werner Aufrecht et Erhard Melcher, le G symbolisant la ville d'origine du premier cité.
En 1967, ces pionniers créent AMG, une officine - la première - dédiée aux préparations de moteurs et à la personnalisation sur base Mercedes. Un nouveau concept est né : hautes performances, exclusivité, le tout marié à la qualité et au confort légendaires de la marque à l'étoile.

Réputé pour ses transformations routières et sportives, AMG finit, au bout de vingt ans, par attirer l'attention de son voisin de Stuttgart. La quasi-totalité de la vaste gamme.

Bladzijden uit het boek AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (1)

Mercedes a depuis reçu la "piqûre" AMG. Ce livre, préfacé par Jacques Laffite, raconte en détail cette success story. Des 300 SEL 6.3 de 320 ch des sixties à la toute nouvelle GT et aux derniers modèles frappés d'un "45", "55" ou d'un "63 AMG", en passant par les versions compétition, les 300 E "Hammer" et les transformations spéciales, toutes les époques sont revisitées.

Bladzijden uit het boek AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (2)


Auteur:Michel Tona
Uitvoering:192 blz, 29 x 24 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:480 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:ETAI (F, 2019)
AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

AMG - Les Mercedes hautes performances (3ème édition)

Taal: Frans

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Laatste update: 2025-01-13