Motos Matchless : livres - histoire et modèles

Un livre sur les motos Matchless ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire, les types et la technique des motos Matchless.

AJS and Matchless Post-War Singles and Twins - The Complete Story

Associated Motor Cycles (AMC) a produit certaines des motos britanniques les plus emblématiques des années 1940 et 1950 sous les marques AJS et Matchless. L'entreprise proposait des modèles variés, allant des monocylindres fiables pour le quotidien aux machines de course performantes, y compris des motocross deux-temps et des modèles Grand Prix.

Pages du livre AJS and Matchless Post-War Singles and Twins (1)

Ce livre illustré, avec plus de 200 photographies, retrace en détail l'histoire des motos AMC. Il aborde le développement des modèles monocylindres et bicylindres, leurs succès en compétition, ainsi que les spécifications techniques des modèles majeurs. Il offre également un aperçu de la possession et de l'utilisation des motos AJS et Matchless aujourd'hui.


Auteur :Matthew Vale
Présentation :192 pages, 26 x 21.5 x 1.9 cm, relié
Illustration :200 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :The Crowood Press Ltd (GB, 2016)
Série :The Complete Story
AJS and Matchless Post-War Singles and Twins - The Complete Story

AJS and Matchless Post-War Singles and Twins - The Complete Story

Langue : anglais

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Motorcycle Apprentice : Matchless - In Name & Reputation

This is the inspiring story of how a young school-leaver with no academic qualifications and low expectations built a successful career based on an apprenticeship with Associated Motor Cycles Ltd, and eventually became Managing Director of his company.
It describes the very personal story of the ups and downs of factory life in the 1950s and 1960s. In particular, it conveys the unique atmosphere and excitement that surrounds the manufacture of motorcycles, an atmosphere that for those who have experienced it is like no other.

Pages du livre Motorcycle Apprentice: Matchless (1)

The excellence of the training that was provided by the company enabled the writer to achieve far more than he ever anticipated.
The journey through the factory, starting with the lowliest of duties in the machine shops and ending as personal assistant to the top motorcycle designers of their time, is described in detail. It gives a rare insight into working practices within the different departments and the characters that were employed.
Supported by a host of period photographs and rare documents, it provides a unique record of work within the British motorcycle industry in the final years of its decline into oblivion.


Auteur :Bill Cakebread
Présentation :128 pages, 25 x 20.5 cm, broché
Illustration :102 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2016)
Série :Veloce Classic Reprint
Motorcycle Apprentice : Matchless - In Name & Reputation

Motorcycle Apprentice : Matchless - In Name & Reputation

Langue : anglais

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Autres livres dans cette catégorie :

Matchless 350 & 500cc Singles (1945-1956)

The Book of the Matchless 350 & 500 cc Singles (1945-1956)

W.C. Haycraft | anglais | broché | 164 p. | 2012

Matchless 350 & 500 cc Singles (1955-1966)

The Book of the Matchless 350 & 500 cc Singles (1955-1966)

W.C. Haycraft | anglais | broché | 140 p. | 2012

Book of the Matchless (1931-1939) - Pre-War Models

The Book of the Matchless (1931-1939) - All Pre-War Models 250cc to 990cc

W.C. Haycraft | anglais | broché | 184 p. | 2018

AJS & Matchless - Singles & Twins (57-66) - WSM

AJS & Matchless - Singles & Twins - All Models (1957-1966) - Factory Workshop Manual

Floyd Clymer, AMC Associated Motorcycles | anglais | broché | 188 p. | 2022

Maintenance and Repair of Lucas Electric Systems

Book of Maintenance and Repair of Lucas Electric Systems for 1950's-1970's British Motorcycles

Lucas Industries | anglais | broché | 202 p. | 2021

Nous ne présentons pas seulement des livres généraux consacrées à Matchless . Cliquez ici pour découvrir tous les ouvrages concernant Matchless (y compris des revues techniques, des catalogues de pièces de rechange, des guides de restauration, etc).

Dernière actualisation : 27/02/2025