Panzer V Panther - Allemagne : beaux livres - histoire et modèles (1/3)
Un livre sur les chars Panzer V Panther ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire, les types et la technique des chars d'Allemagne (1/3).
Panther Tank Manual: Panzerkampfwagen V Panther (SdKfz 171) - An insight into the design, construction and operation (Haynes Military Manual)
The German Panther is arguably the finest medium tank of the Second World War and one of the greatest ever built. Combining unmatched firepower, armour protection and mobility it was the primary nemesis of the Russian T-34 tank on the Eastern Front.
Author Mark Healy looks at the development, construction and fighting qualities of the Panther, as well as including insights into what it was like to operate and maintain. He focuses on the surviving Panther Ausf. A at the German Armour Museum, Münster, and the UK Tank Museum's Panther Ausf. G.
Auteur :
Mark Healy
Présentation :
192 pages, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm, relié
Illustration :
250+ photos en N&B et couleurs, dessins
Editeur :
Haynes Publishing (GB, 2019)
Série :
Haynes Military Manual
Panther Tank Manual: Panzerkampfwagen V Panther (SdKfz 171) - An insight into the design, construction and operation
An illustrated study of the vehicles designed, developed and produced at the MAN plant in Nürnberg during the period 1934-1945. Although the production of trucks was, and remains, an important factor in the company's success, it was MAN's experience designing armoured fighting vehicles during the '30s and early '40s that led to the Pz.Kpfw. V Panther in 1942 for which it is most renowned during WWII. The Panther would be designed, tested and produced in several models before war's end, and all phases would be captured on film by the company photographer. Here are the crystal clear photos he took showing Panther interiors, prototype testing, proving ground trials, assembly lines, and, at the end, the damage inflicted by Allied bombing raids. But that's not all. Recently discovered information sheds new light on the production of Panthers at the plant in the final months of the war, including the surprise addition of a new assembly firm to Panther production. The repair, refurbishment and conversion of other armoured vehicles is also examined, with much new information being presented here for the first time. Of the 222 photographs selected to illustrate this book, most are unpublished, a fitting tribute to the innovations born at Nürnberg's Panzer Factory. This is an unmissable book for trackheads of all types. It graphically shows the development of MAN vehicles for use by the German military. The coverage of the various versions of Panther is exquisite. All presented with Panzerwrecks hallmark quality and style. Foreword by Hilary Doyle. A colour map of the factory site by Simon Vosters accompanies the book.
Chapters: Historical Overview - Rearmament - Early Panzer Development - Repair and Refurbishment - The Panther - Destruction of the Factory - Empty Shells - Nürnberg's last Panthers - Suppliers.
Panther Tank: The Panzerkampfwagen V in World War II (Legends of Warfare)
Développé pour contrer le T-34 soviétique, le char Panther allemand possédait un blindage incliné et un puissant canon de 75 mm. Entré en production en 1943, il devait devenir le char moyen standard de l'armée allemande. Malgré sa puissance de feu et son blindage efficace, le Panther souffrait de perturbations dans la production et d'un entretien exigeant de sa transmission. Produit en trois variantes par MAN, Daimler-Benz et MNH, environ 6 000 Panthers furent déployés sur le front de l'Est, en Italie et de la Normandie à Berlin. Cette édition enrichie du travail précédent de l'auteur comprend près de 250 photos, offrant une vision détaillée du Panther, de sa fabrication à son engagement au combat.
Auteur :
David Doyle
Présentation :
128 pages, 24 x 24 x 1.9 cm, relié
Illustration :
245 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :
Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2022)
Série :
Legends of Warfare
Panther Tank: The Panzerkampfwagen V in World War II
The German Panther is one of the most famous, and greatest, tanks of World War II. Often considered the most elegant tank design of the war, it embodied a balance of firepower, armour protection, and mobility unmatched by any other tank of the period.
This new study by German armour expert Thomas Anderson draws upon original German archival material to tell the story of the birth of the Panther in response to the Soviet tanks encountered in 1941. He then analyzes its success on the battlefield and the many modifications and variants that also came into play.
Illustrated throughout with rare photographs and drawings, many of which have never been published in English before, this is a unique history of one of the most famous tanks of World War II.
Auteur :
Thomas Anderson
Présentation :
176 pages, 25 x 20 x 2.7 cm, relié
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des dessins
Panther Tank - History, design, specifications, combat performance
In the early years of World War II the German panzer divisions swept aside all Allied opposition as they swarmed through Poland and France in the Blitzkrieg campaigns. However, during the German invasion of the Soviet Union in July 1941, the advancing German tanks met the Soviet T-34, which could deflect any German tank weapon. A new tank was required that could fight the T-34 on equal terms - thus the Panther was born.
By the time of the German surrender in 1945, more than 5500 Panthers had been built. The Panther Tank follows the Panther's development and production, detailing not only its technical specifications but also its service at, among other battles, Kursk and in Normandy, in the words of the soldiers who fought in it. Specification tables provide manufacturing details, while comparative tables allow the reader to make at-a-glance assessments of how the Panther matched its rivals.
Authoritatively written and featuring 70 photographs, fully annotated cutaway artworks, three- and four-view profile artworks and tables, Panther Tank tells the story of World War II's finest all-round tank and will have a strong appeal to anyone interested in twentieth century military history.
Auteur :
Dr Matthew Hughes, Chris Mann
Présentation :
96 pages, 28.5 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, broché
Illustration :
70 photos et 70 dessins
Editeur :
Amber Books Ltd (GB, 2018)
Panther Tank - History, design, specifications, combat performance
The Panther Medium Tank was produced as a direct result of early experiences with the revolutionary Soviet T-34/76. Designers and military experts combined to produce a number of variations to provide armoured support for the many branches of the German army. Whether acting as a command communications vehicle, involved in mobile air defence as a flakpanzer, a Panzer division recovery vehicle, or utilising the turret as a static defence system, the Panther in its many forms was the mainstay of Germany's plan to keep her enemies at bay on two fronts.
This book, the product of 25 years of research, examines the numerous Panther variants in detail.
Contents: Introduction - Development History - Bergepanther - Fixed Fortifications - Proposals for the Artillery - Proposals for Artillerie Selbstfahrlafette - Proposals for Flakpanzer.
Auteur :
Hilary L. Doyle, Thomas L. Jentz
Présentation :
48 pages, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.4 cm, broché
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des dessins (en N&B et couleurs)
Mit dem Panzerkampfwagen V Panther erschien 1943 das beste Kampffahrzeug des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf dem Gefechtsfeld. Es überzeugte durch seine Beweglichkeit, seinen Panzerschutz und nicht zuletzt durch die Feuerkraft seiner Bordkanone - alles Kriterien, die auch heute noch den Kampfwert eines modernen Kampfpanzers bestimmen. Wenn man bedenkt, dass der Zeitraum vom ersten Konzept bis zum ersten Versuchsfahrzeug weniger als ein Jahr betrug, so ist diese Leistung der deutschen Heeres- und Rüstungsstellen sowie der Industrie einmalig in der Geschichte.
Dass trotz aller technischen Schwierigkeiten, die bei einem derart fortschrittlichen Entwurf unvermeidlich blieben, das Fahrzeug dennoch erfolgreich reich eingesetzt werden konnte, ist nur dem unermüdlichen Einsatz aller Beteiligten zu verdanken. Sie waren es, die oft technisches Neuland betraten und Tag und Nacht nur eines im Sinn hatten: Der schwerringenden Truppe ein überragendes Kampffahrzeug zu geben. Dies gelang in überzeugender Weise. Angeregt durch den sowjetischen T 34, konnten die fortschrittlichen Gedanken der deutschen Panzerentwicklung in einer Lösung vereinigt werden, deren Einfluss noch heute richtungsweisend ist.
Der Panther hat mehr als jedes andere deutsche Kampffahrzeug die Neuentwicklung moderner Kampfpanzer beeinflusst. Die Entstehung und den Weg des Panther und seiner Abarten wissenschaftlich untermauert zu dokumentieren, ist Aufgabe dieses Buches.
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