Guías y direcciones de navegación

¿Una guía náutica o un libro de rutas para su crucero? Nuestras cartas náuticas y guías le proporcionan información esencial sobre navegación y marinas.

The Atlantic Crossing Guide (7th edition)

Realising the dream of an Atlantic crossing remains a challenge but the rewards are many and lifelong. "The Atlantic Crossing Guide" is well established as the standard reference for anyone planning an Atlantic voyage, whether via the trade wind route to the Caribbean or to Europe from the United States.
The better prepared you are the greater your chances of success. Packed full of the collective wisdom of cruising sailors over four decades, this new edition has been updated to include advice on:

- suitable boats, including considerations of hull integrity
- equipment and maintenance
- advances in navigation and communications systems
- access to weather and routeing information
- the balance of power input and usage
- planning for hurricane season
- risk management
- crew harmony and health
- provisioning.

Passage Planning:
- Atlantic weather systems, including tropical waves and hurricanes
- common routes and timings across the Atlantic
- seasonal cruising along bordering coasts and within Atlantic island groups
- fog and ice in the higher latitudes
- key landfalls.

Detalles del libro

Autor:RCC Pilotage Foundation, Jane Russell
Presentación:304 páginas, 30.5 x 22 x 2.3 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:100+ fotos a color, 80+ mapas y color
Editor:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (GB, 2017)
The Atlantic Crossing Guide (7th edition)

The Atlantic Crossing Guide (7th edition)

Idioma: Inglés

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Ocean Passages and Landfalls - Cruising routes of the world

This cruising guide for ocean voyagers provides invaluable passage-planning information for tried and tested routes around the world. Climates and weather patterns, currents, seasons and timings are key to selecting routes, but just as important is knowing something about the countries that you will arrive in.

Details of the expected formalities and regulations are followed by essential information on key landfalls, accompanied by the first-hand observations of well-known world sailors and authors Rod Heikell and Andy O'Grady.
Text and plans have been updated for this third edition which is illustrated with a number of new photographs to inspire both dreamers and passagemakers.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Rod Heikell, Andy O'Grady
Presentación:384 páginas, 30.5 x 21.5 x 2.7 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos a color y mapas
Editor:Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd (GB, 2022)
Ocean Passages and Landfalls - Cruising routes of the world

Ocean Passages and Landfalls - Cruising routes of the world

Idioma: Inglés

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Sailing a Serious Ocean - Sailboats, Storms, Stories and Lessons Learned from 30 Years at Sea

Learn what it takes to cross an ocean from a veteran sailor. In Sailing a Serious Ocean, author John Kretschmer uses his experiences and stories to show you what you will need to across an ocean or go around the world, in fair weather or foul. His true accounts of storms and other challenges at sea makes exciting reading and shows not only how sailboats should be handled when the chips are down, but how you should handle yourself. Learning how these boats respond to extreme circumstances will give you absolute confidence in your chosen boat's ability to keep you and your family safe in a storm.

John sails the seas for a living - delivering boats across oceans and teaching the skills of passagemaking to other sailors on their boats or his own. In thirty years of seagoing, he has weathered 300,000 ocean miles and dozens of storms in all the world's oceans. He has as much seagoing experience in as many different boats as any sailor on the planet. And he is the perfect teacher to help you achieve your long-voyage dreams.

Detalles del libro

Autor:John Kretschmer
Presentación:256 páginas, 23 x 22 x 1.5 cm, tapa dura
Editor:International Marine Publishing Co (USA, 2013)
Sailing a Serious Ocean - Sailboats, Storms, Stories and Lessons Learned from 30 Years at Sea

Sailing a Serious Ocean - Sailboats, Storms, Stories and Lessons Learned from 30 Years at Sea

Idioma: Inglés

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Blauwassersegeln Manual - Handbuch für Langfahrten und Segeln unter extremen Bedingungen

Ein autoritatives Handbuch zu allen Aspekten des Segelns ohne Landsicht und über Ozeane aus der Feder eines Autorenteams mit konkurrenzloser Erfahrung und Kompetenz.

Der Leser erhält hier einen ausserordentlich hilfreichen Ratgeber zu sämtlichen Aspekten des Blauwassersegelns, der mit Sicherheit als Standardwerk bezeichnet werden kann. Alle Skipper und Crew-Mitglieder, die sich mit dem Gedanken tragen, auf hoher See zu segeln oder an Regatten teilzunehmen, werden darin einen zuverlässigen Begleiter finden, der sie auch auf Extremsituationen bestens vorbereitet.

Mit zahlreichen Fotos und anschaulichen Zeichnungen werden hier die neuesten Methoden und Technologien dieses inzwischen hoch technisierten Sports dargestellt. Ob Fahrtensegeln oder Regatten: Dieses Buch ist unverzichtbare Lektüre für Skipper und Crew.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Barry Pickthall
Presentación:272 páginas, 24 x 17 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:11 fotos b/n y 89 a color, 154 dibujos
Editor:Pietsch Verlag (D, 2007)
Blauwassersegeln Manual - Handbuch für Langfahrten und Segeln unter extremen Bedingungen

Blauwassersegeln Manual - Handbuch für Langfahrten und Segeln unter extremen Bedingungen

Idioma: Alemán

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Última actualización: 2025-01-13