Artillería (desde 1945) - URSS: libros - historia, modelos y técnica
¿Un libro sobre artillería? Encuentre aquí libros ilustrados sobre la historia, los tipos y la técnica de artillería desde 1945 de la Unión Soviética.
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns of the Soviet Union (Osprey)
During the Cold War, the Soviet Army was perhaps the deadliest fighting force the world had ever seen. Within its mechanized forces, the Soviets accomplished something that their American counterparts never could - the fielding of a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) that could keep pace with its heavy armored formations. This volume examines the design, development and operational history of the Soviet Union's Cold War SPAAGs: the ZSU-37, ZSU-57-2, the infamous ZSU-23-4, and the 9K22 Tunguska (better known by its NATO reporting name: SA-19 'Grison'). These vehicles excelled in their air defense role, and many US Department of Defense publications were dedicated to examining how to defeat the ZSU and its radar tracking system. These formidable weapons equipped Russian forces in Afghanistan and were encountered again in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, cementing their place in the landscape of modern warfare. This study explores the full history of the SPAAGs with revealing photographs, technical illustrations and detailed analysis.
Contents: Introduction - Early SPAAGs and The Evolution of Soviet Air Defense - ZSU-57-2 - ZSU-23-4 - Tunguska M1 - Bibliography.
Detalles del libro
Mike Guardia
48 páginas, 25 x 18.5 x 0.6 cm, tapa blanda
abundantemente ilustrado con fotos y dibujos (en b/n y color)
Osprey Publishing (GB, 2015)
New Vanguard (222)
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns of the Soviet Union
Die Waffen der Russischen Armee - Infanterie & Artillerie
Die Ereignisse in der Ukraine seit 2014 rufen längst vergangene Ängste wieder wach. Denn die russische Armee gehört zu den größten Streitkräften der Welt, und auch wenn das Fernsehen vor allem schwere Panzer zeigt, so sind dies nicht die einzigen Waffen in Putins Arsenal.
Victor Schunkow widmet sich daher nicht nur der modernen russischen Panzerwaffe, der Rohr- und Raketen-Artillerie, sondern auch den weiteren Waffen aus dem Schreckensarsenal der russischen Streitkräfte bis hin zu den Pistolen, Maschinenpistolen und Gewehren, die der Infanterist führt. Eine hochaktuelle, umfassende Darstellung von trauriger Aktualität.
Detalles del libro
Viktor Schunkow
248 páginas, 24.5 x 17.5 x 2 cm, tapa dura
318 fotos en b/n y color
Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2023)
Die Waffen der Russischen Armee - Infanterie & Artillerie
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