Motores marinos Chevrolet V8: manuales de taller (1/2)
¿Un manual de taller para los motores marinos Chevrolet V8? Encuentre aquí manuales de reparación y mantenimiento para motores marinos Chevrolet (1/2).
Proporcionan instrucciones detalladas para la resolución de problemas técnicos y la sustitución de piezas.
Manual Americano Haynes TechBook para la revisión de motores de gasolina Chevrolet V8 Small Block y Big Block. Cubre los modelos:
Small Block: 262 (4.29 litro), 265 (4.34 litro), 267 (4.38 litro), 283 (4.64 litro), 302 (4.95 litro), 305 (5.0 litro), 307 (5.03 litro), 327 (5.36 litro), 350 (5.74 litro) y 400 cu in (6.55 litro).
Big Block: 396 (6.49 litro), 402 (6.59 litro), 427 (7.0 litro) y 454 cu in (7.44 litro).
Más de 300 fotografías e instrucciones paso a paso para el desmontaje e instalación del motor así como la revisión completa (distribución, árbol de levas, válvulas, culata, pistones, bielas, cigüeñal, bloque motor, sistema de lubricación).
También da consejos para identificación, herramientas necesarias e instrumentos de medición.
Chevrolet V8 Engine Overhaul Manual | Chilton Repair Manual
Chilton Repair Manual for maintenance, repair and overhaul of Chevrolet V8 gasoline engines, capacities 267, 283, 305, 307, 327, 350, 396, 400, 402 and 454 cu in.
Step-by-step instructions for removing and mounting of the engine and the overhaul of cylinder head and engine block.
American S-A Design book with information on the exchange possibilities of Chevrolet Small-Block V8 parts. production years: 1968-2001, including LT1, LT4 and Vortec engines.
Covers exchange of cylinder blocks, crankshafts, pistons, connecting rods, cylinder heads, camshafts, intake and exhaust collectors and ignition systems. Also part numbers, casting marks and specifications. Over 25.000 part numbers.
Rebuilding the Small Block Chevy (Step-by-Step Video Book)
A quality, step-by-step Workbench Book and DVD combination that shows you how to build a street or racing small-block Chevy in your own garage. The book includes more than 650 photos and easy-to-read text that explains every procedure a professional builder uses to assemble an engine from crankshaft to carburetor.
The DVD includes more than two hours of coverage showing in detail all the procedures that the book describes. The DVD is filmed in a bright, well-lit studio that really brings out the detail of the engine-building process.
Detailed sections show how to disassemble a used engine, inspect for signs of damage, select replacement parts, buy machine work, check critical component fit, and much more! The DVD takes a trip to the machine shop and shows the viewer the entire process. Performance mods and upgrades are discussed along the way, so the book and DVD combo meets the needs of all enthusiasts, from restorers to hot rodders.
This rare instructional combination package is a must-have for every small-block Chevy fan.
Detalles del libro
Larry Atherton, Larry Schrieb
160 páginas, 28 x 21.5 x 1 cm
650 fotos a color
CarTech Inc (USA, 2013)
S-A Design Workbench (SA116)
Rebuilding the Small Block Chevy (Step-by-Step Video Book)
How to Rebuild & Modify Chevy 348/409 Engines (1958-1965) - Restoration Info, Performance Upgrades, Durability Mods
Chevy's W-series 348 and later the 409 became legends on the street, and in particular the 409 also became a legend on the track. In the early 1960s, these engines powered a variety of GM vehicles and the Z11 Impalas at the drag strip. While these engines enjoyed a hay day in the early 1960s and pop culture status in the hot rod community, especially with the Beach Boys and their hit song "409", higher horsepower Mark IV Chevy big-block engines overshadowed these W-engines by the late 1960s. But recently, the 348s and 409s have enjoyed a high-performance renaissance and many speed manufacturers are making heads, blocks, and virtually every part for these engines.
Veteran magazine writer and author John Carollo provides insightful instruction for rebuilding a stock engine and also how to build a sound performance W-engine as well. The reader is shown how to select a strong clean block, free of core shift and fatal cracks, select the best heads for a particular build, and increase the compression ratio. Selecting a camshaft and a strong connecting rod and piston combination is also an important aspect of the engine build, and all options are examined.
Guidance in this book will allow you to select the right cam for a high-performance aftermarket package and a cam that won't over power a stock engine's valve train. In addition, building a large displacement stock engine of 427 inches or aftermarket block to go to 509 inches is covered. From mild to wild, from stock to modified, the book covers everything you need to know about the legendary 348-409 engines.
Detalles del libro
John Carollo
146 páginas, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, tapa blanda
259 fotos b/n
CarTech Inc (USA, 2012)
S-A Design (SA210P)
How to Rebuild & Modify Chevy 348/409 Engines (1958-1965) - Restoration Info, Performance Upgrades, Durability Mods
Chevrolet Small-Block Schrauberhandbuch - Alle Ausführungen seit 1955
Desde los años 50 se han fabricado 100 millones de motores V8 Small-Block, lo que lo convierte en uno de los motores de mayor éxito de todos los tiempos y en un icono indiscutible de la industria automovilística estadounidense. Este manual de mecánica, muy bien fundamentado, cuenta la historia del desarrollo del motor estrella de Chevrolet desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. El experto en mecánica Thomas Madigan revela todo lo relacionado con la construcción, el mantenimiento, la reparación y la puesta a punto de este motor V8 en 240 páginas. Ilustra todos los trabajos habituales en instrucciones fáciles de seguir paso a paso que pueden ser realizadas incluso por un mecánico novato.
El libro contiene consejos y trucos prácticos para aumentar el rendimiento de los motores de bloque pequeño, ofrece una visión general del diario de una revisión del motor, señala posibles errores (de principiantes) y proporciona numerosos consejos prácticos de expertos competentes en motores de bloque pequeño como Vic Edelbrock Jr, Herb Fishel, Kevin McClelland, Jim McFarland y Robert Jung.
Contenido: 1) El Small-Block revolucionario - Comienza la revolución - El Small-Block en todas sus variantes - La nueva era 2) Un desvío hacia la práctica de la optimización de motores - También en la puesta a punto de motores el fin justifica los medios - Cálculo de un proyecto de motor - Trabajo básico de la máquina 3) Manos a la obra - Elementos de fijación - Caso práctico: mi primer motor reacondicionado por mí mismo 4) El Small-Block definitivo - Construimos un superSmall-Block - El LS desde la perspectiva del diseñador - Piezas de motor con las que soñar - General Motors construye el motor Chevy Small-Block número cien millones.
Edición alemana del libro de MBI "La Biblia del Small-Block de Chevrolet".
Detalles del libro
Thomas J. Madigan
240 páginas, 27.5 x 21.5 cm, tapa dura
350 fotos en b/n y color
Heel-Verlag GmbH (D, 2019)
Chevrolet Small-Block Schrauberhandbuch - Alle Ausführungen seit 1955
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