Coches Nissan / Datsun: libros - historia y modelos

¿Un libro sobre coches Nissan / Datsun? Encuentre aquí libros ilustrados sobre la historia, los tipos y la técnica de coches Nissan / Datsun.

Datsun Roadsters (1960-1971) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the Datsun Roadster models from the years 1960-1971. Describes the Datsun Fairlady, SPL 310, 1600 and 2000.

  • The articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
  • Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.

Detalles del libro

Autor:R. Clarke
Presentación:140 páginas, 27 x 20 x 0.9 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:300 fotos
Editor:Brooklands Books (GB, 2001)
Datsun Roadsters (1960-1971) - Brooklands Portfolio

Datsun Roadsters (1960-1971)

Idioma: Inglés

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Nissan Skyline GT-R (1969-2010) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the Nissan Skyline GT-R models from the years 1969-2010. Describes all versions, including the PGC10 from 1969, C110 from 1973, R32 from 1989, R33 from 1995, R34 from 1999 and the GT-R from 2007.

  • The articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.
  • Also driving impressions, tests, comparison tests, technical specifications, etc.

Detalles del libro

Presentación:192 páginas, 27 x 20 x 1.1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Brooklands Books (GB, 2010)
Nissan Skyline GT-R (1969-2010) - Brooklands Portfolio

Nissan Skyline GT-R (1969-2010)

Idioma: Inglés

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Nissan - The GTP & Group C Racecars 1984-1993 : Lightning Speed

When Don Devendorf and John Knepp got together to form Electramotive Engineering of El Segundo, California, little did they realise that they were setting in motion a train of events which would sooner, rather than later, bring to them and the mighty Nissan GTP cars that they promoted, developed and raced, no less than four IMSA Camel GT Championships.

Here, for the first time, is the story of Nissan in racing from 1984 to 1993, the GTP era. The full story of Electramotive and NPTI is told, with interviews with Don Devendorf, John Knepp, Geoff Brabham, Trevor Harris, Kas Kastner, Ashley Page, and many other members of the crew that won the IMSA Camel GT Championship from 1988 to 1991.

The story of the European Group C Nissans, using chassis from March and Lola, from 1985 to 1992 is also told, along with interviews from many of the drivers and technicians involved, such as Mark Blundell, Julian Bailey, Dave Price and Bob Bell.

Detalles del libro

Autor:John Starkey
Presentación:160 páginas, 23 x 21 x 1.3 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:115 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2019)
Serie:Veloce Classic Reprint
Nissan - The GTP & Group C Racecars 1984-1993 : Lightning Speed

Nissan - The GTP & Group C Racecars 1984-1993 : Lightning Speed

Idioma: Inglés

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The Electric Car Guide: Nissan Leaf - The ultimate buyer's guide to the world's most popular electric car

Arguably one of the most important cars of this century so far, the Nissan Leaf is one of the most talked about cars in the world. It is the world's best selling electric car, a former World Car of the Year winner and one of the most environmentally friendly cars you can buy today.

In this all-new guide, best selling technology author and Leaf owner, Michael Boxwell, explains what you need to know about owning and using a Leaf. He reveals why driving electric is not just good for the environment, but provides a terrific driving experience that is good for your wallet as well.

Michael Boxwell has been involved in the electric vehicle industry since 2003 and has owned and driven electric cars since 2006. He is currently on his second Nissan Leaf.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Michael Boxwell
Presentación:96 páginas, 23.5 x 19 x 0.7 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:fotos y dibujos
Editor:Greenstream Publishing (GB, 2015)
The Electric Car Guide: Nissan Leaf - The ultimate buyer's guide to the world's most popular electric car

The Electric Car Guide: Nissan Leaf - The ultimate buyer's guide to the world's most popular electric car

Idioma: Inglés

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Nissan - Planète automobile

Cherry, Micra, Bluebird, Qashqai, Juke. Ces noms évoquent des modèles bien connus du constructeur japonais Nissan. Derrière eux se cache un empire industriel présent dans le monde entier et d'une complexité à peine imaginable.
De la mythique 240Z des années 1970 à l'explosive GT-R d'aujourd'hui, en passant par les sages Sunny, la mignonne Figaro, l'originale Prairie, les Patrol baroudeurs ou la récente Leaf électrique, Nissan a commercialisé une incroyable variété de modèles, dont la plupart restent pourtant inconnus en Europe !
Sans parler de la multitude de modèles réservés au marché intérieur japonais. Saviez-vous, par exemple, que la Dacia Logan s'est vendue au Mexique sous le nom de Nissan Aprio ? Que la Ford Corsair australienne est une Nissan rebadgée ? Ou encore qu'Alfa Romeo a construit une Nissan Cherry remotorisée par le quatre-cylindres à plat de l'Alfasud ?

De quelques dizaines de voitures produites en 1933 aux trois millions et demi de véhicules fabriqués chaque année par l'actuel partenaire de Renault, une extraordinaire aventure de quatre-vingts ans se déroule au fil des pages de cet ouvrage.
L'histoire passionnante des marques Nissan, Datsun, Infiniti, Venucia, Prince et Cony est ici passée en revue, en complément d'un catalogue très complet de tous les modèles fabriqués, y compris les nombreux concept-cars fourmillant d'idées nouvelles et les dérivés parfois inattendus. En refermant ce livre, vous aurez une connaissance approfondie d'un empire aux multiples ramifications, la planète Nissan.

Detalles del libro

Autor:Bernard Vermeylen
Presentación:288 páginas, 31 x 23.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:992 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:ETAI (F, 2014)
Nissan - Planète automobile

Nissan - Planète automobile

Idioma: Francés

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Otros libros en esta categoría:

[RT] Datsun 240 & 260 Z

Datsun 240 & 260 Z

Inglés | tapa blanda | 260 pág. | 2011

Datsun 240Z - All models 1969 to 1973

Datsun 240Z - All models (1969-1973)

Jon Newlyn | Inglés | tapa blanda | 64 pág. | 2018

Datsun 280Z & 280ZX

Datsun 280Z & 280ZX

Inglés | tapa blanda | 160 pág. | 2011

Nissan 350Z Road Test Portfolio

Nissan 350Z

Inglés | tapa blanda | 160 pág. | 2012

Nissan Fairlady Z, le samourai du bitume

Nissan Fairlady Z, le samourai du bitume

Xavier Chauvin | Francés | tapa dura | 160 pág. | 2007

La Librería TMB no sólo presenta libros generales sobre Nissan / Datsun . Haga clic aquí para descubrir todos los libros sobre Nissan / Datsun (incluyendo libros técnicos como manuales de taller, manuales de restauración, manuales del conductor, catálogos de piezas, etc.).

Última actualización: 03/02/2025