Flugzeugträger (seit 1945) - USA: Bücher - Geschichte

Ein Buch über Flugzeugträger der U.S. Navy? Entdecken Sie hier Bildbände über die Geschichte, Technik und Einsatz der Flugzeugträger aus den USA seit 1945.

US Cold War Aircraft Carriers - Forrestal, Kitty Hawk and Enterprise Classes

The Forrestal class (Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger, and Independence) was the first completed class of US Navy supercarriers, so-named for their 25 percent size increase over the World War II-era carriers such as the Midway class, and the strength of their air wings (80-100 aircraft, compared to 65-75 for the Midway, and fewer than 50 for the Essex class).
Design-wise, the Forrestals were a huge improvement over their predecessors, being more stable and comfortable, while maintaining advancements such as the armored flight decks that had been introduced with the Midway.
The Kitty Hawk class was an improvement on the Forrestal-class designs, and four were built in the 1960s - Kitty Hawk, Constellation, America and John F. Kennedy. These were even longer than the Forrestals, and fitted with advanced defensive weapons systems and an improved elevator layout.
All nine of the carriers covered by this volume are icons, and hold a much-respected place in US naval history. They are also some of the more well-known vessels outside of the military, for their long service histories, as well as for some of the more unfortunate events that seem to follow them.

Contents: Origins of the Super Carrier (World War II Carriers - The Midway Class Battle Carrier - The USS United States)
The Forrestal Class (Carrier Structures - The Flight Deck and Hangar Bay - Launch and Recovery Operations - Significant Structures - Defensive Systems; Electronic Systems and Radar - USS Forrestal - USS Saratoga - USS Ranger - USS Independence)
The Kitty Hawk Class (Major Differences from Forrestal Class - USS Kitty Hawk - USS Constellation - USS America - USS John F. Kennedy)
Enterprise - A Class of Its Own (Design and Development - Electronic Systems and Radar - Propulsion)

Operational History (The Forrestal and Enterprise Fires - Carrier Air Wing Evolution).

Autor:Brad Elward
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.3 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2014)
Serie:New Vanguard (211)
US Cold War Aircraft Carriers - Forrestal, Kitty Hawk and Enterprise Classes

US Cold War Aircraft Carriers - Forrestal, Kitty Hawk and Enterprise Classes

Sprache: Englisch

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The Supercarriers : The Forrestal and Kitty Hawk Class

A comprehensive historical overview with extensive photos, maps, drawings, and operational detail, including all air-wing deployments. It covers all of the "Forrestal" class supercarriers and the follow-on ships, which are basically of the same design.

The book is heavily illustrated with over one hundred illustrations and maps covering the Western Pacific, Vietnam, Mediterranean, Middle East, Indian Ocean, and Caribbean.

Autor:Andrew Faltum
Ausführung:288 Seiten, 26.5 x 19 x 2.9 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:100+ s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Naval Institute Press (USA, 2015)
The Supercarriers : The Forrestal and Kitty Hawk Class

The Supercarriers : The Forrestal and Kitty Hawk Class

Sprache: Englisch

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US Super Carrier Operations Manual - An insight into the design, departments, flight operations and daily life

The US Navy's fleet of aircraft carriers are at the heart of global American military force. With nuclear-powered oceanic range, complements of nearly 5,000 crew, and typically carrying more than 70 combat aircraft, US carriers can remain on station for months, delivering aerial combat strikes on distant targets around the clock.

The Haynes Super Carrier Manual offers unrivalled insights into understanding how a modern US super carrier is operated. The US Navy has given Haynes author Chris McNab and photographer Patrick Bunce official clearance to spend time at sea on one of its 'Nimitz' or 'Gerald R. Ford' class super carriers.

During the visit Chris conducted interviews with key personnel of all major departments, including flight-deck crew, aviators, ordnance officers, engineers, logisticians, operations crew and the captain; while Patrick photographed life above and below decks, with a special focus on the engineering side of carrier aviation often not covered in other publications.

Autor:Chris McNab, Patrick Bunce
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche Farbfotos
Verlag:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2020)
Serie:Haynes Maritime Manual
US Super Carrier Operations Manual - An insight into the design, departments, flight operations and daily life

US Super Carrier Operations Manual - An insight into the design, departments, flight operations and daily life

Sprache: Englisch

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Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers

The Nimitz class aircraft carrier is the ultimate symbol of the United States superpower status. A true behemoth, this is an unsurpassed weapons platform that overshadows all of its nearest rivals. A history of the world's largest aircraft carriers, with runways over 300 meters long, this book looks at the development and deployment of the nuclear-powered Nimitz class aircraft carriers from 1975 when the USS Nimitz, the lead ship of the class, was commissioned, to the present day.
All of the class are still operational and the tenth and last of the class, the USS George H. W. Bush, was commissioned in 2009. Here, Brad Elward provides a detailed overview of their design and development, highlighting their unique features, from jet blast deflectors to cutting edge radar systems, and a history of the Nimitz class in service, from deployment in the Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, through to the enforcement of the no fly zone over Bosnia.

Contents: Introduction - Design And Development (The Development of Nimitz, Design Considerations, Carrier Systems, The Various Subclasses - Nimitz, Roosevelt, Bush, Carrier Air Wings, The Concept of the Carrier Battle Group) - Operational History (The Carriers, Nimitz Carriers in Desert Storm, No-Fly Enforcement and Bosnia, Kosovo, Nimitz' Respond to Terror, The Surge Concept) - Summary of the Nimitz Class - Bibliography - Appendices (A. Carrier Air Wing Assignments and Cruises - B. Carrier Commanding Officers and Air Wing Commanders - C. Carrier Deployment Schedules).

Autor:Brad Elward
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 25 x 18 x 0.4 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2010)
Serie:New Vanguard (174)
Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers

Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers

Sprache: Englisch

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USS Nimitz (CVN-68) - America's Supercarrier: 1975 to the Present

The nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Nimitz is the oldest carrier in the US fleet. Commissioned in 1975, CVN-68 is named after famed navy admiral Chester Nimitz and has been at the front line of many naval operations in its 40-plus years of service. Nimitzs design and development, construction, sea trials, commissioning, and first cruise are presented in concise, detailed text.
Also covered are all of the ship's systems, including electronics, defensive/offensive armament, command and control, and aircraft launching and recovery.

Nimitzs military campaigns including the Gulf of Sidra Incident, Operation Desert Shield/Storm, and Operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedomare also covered in detail, including their results. The book concludes with its latest operational deployment, Operation Inherent Resolve, and the ships current status.

Part of the Legends of Warfare series.

Autor:Sergio Santana
Ausführung:112 Seiten, 23.5 x 23.5 x 1.8 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:159 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2019)
Serie:Legends of Warfare
USS Nimitz (CVN-68) - America's Supercarrier: 1975 to the Present

USS Nimitz (CVN-68) - America's Supercarrier: 1975 to the Present

Sprache: Englisch

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Carrier Power

Flugzeugträger der US-Streitkräfte sind auf allen Weltmeeren präsent. Ständige Einsatzbereitschaft verlangt den rund 5000 Männern und Frauen an Bord rund um die Uhr hohe Motivation und maximale Leistung ab.
Fliegerisch stellen Starts und Landungen auf Flugzeugträgern die wohl anspruchsvollsten Einsätze für Piloten dar.

Björn Trotzki hat für diesen Bildband einige seiner besten Bilder von seinen Besuchen auf den Trägern USS Enterprise, USS Abraham Lincoln und USS Ronald Reagan zusammengefasst.
Dem Betrachter soll die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, einen der gefährlichsten Arbeitsplätze der Welt mitzuerleben und die actionreiche, kerosinhaltige Luft "einzuatmen".

Autor:Björn Trotzki
Ausführung:128 Seiten, 24 x 31 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:3 s/w-Abbildungen und 217 Farbfotos, 9 Zeichnungen
Verlag:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2013)
Carrier Power

Carrier Power

Sprache: Deutsch

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U.S. Battleships: An Illustrated Design History

U.S. Battleships : An Illustrated Design History

Norman Friedman, Alan Raven, A.D. Baker

Englisch | kartoniert | 480 S. | 2016