Ford Pick-ups: International Dieselmotoren - Reparaturanleitungen

Eine Reparaturanleitung für den International Dieselmotor Ihres Ford? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher zur Wartung und Reparatur der Ford Pick-ups. Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.

Diesel Engine Repair Manual - General Motors and Ford Light Trucks, Vans, Passenger Cars | Haynes TechBook

Amerikanisches Haynes TechBook für die Überholung von Ford und General Motors Dieselmotoren, die in Pkw, Lieferwagen, Allradfahrzeugen und leichten Lastwagen von Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Oldsmobile und Pontiac / Ford, Lincoln und Mercury eingebaut sind.

Behandelt die folgenden Typen:
- V8 - 350 (5.7 Liter, Oldsmobile LF9, 1978-1985)
- 379 (6.2 Liter, Detroit Diesel, 1982-1993)
- 397 (6.5 Liter, Detroit Diesel, vanaf 1992).

- 420 (6.9 Liter, International IDI, 1983-1987)
- 445 (7.3 Liter, International IDI, 1986-1994)
- 445 Power Stroke (7.3 Liter, Navistar-International, 1994-2003).

Hunderte von Fotos und vollständige Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für Wartung und Reparatur des Motors (Nockenwellenantrieb, Nockenwelle, Ventile, Zylinderkopf, Kolben, Pleuel, Motorblock, Schmiersystem), des Kühlsystems, des Kraftstoffsystems und der elektrischen Komponenten. Auch Informationen zur Identifizierung, erforderlichen Werkzeugen und Messinstrumenten.


Autor:Ken Freund, J. H. Haynes
Ausführung:272 Seiten, 27 x 21 x 1.5 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:zahlreiche Fotos und Zeichnungen
Verlag:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 1991)
Serie:Haynes TechBook (10330)
Diesel Engine Repair Manual - General Motors and Ford Light Trucks, Vans, Passenger Cars | Haynes TechBook

Diesel Engine Repair Manual - General Motors and Ford Light Trucks, Vans, Passenger Cars

Sprache: Englisch

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High-Performance Diesel Builder's Guide - GM, Ford & Dodge

The first book to explain how modern diesel engines work and how to safely enhance power and performance. The book covers all aspects of the modern turbocharged diesel engine: intake system, camshaft, cylinder heads, fuel system, combustion chambers, transmissions, and gearing.

In addition, this book provides advice on many aspects of tuning your diesel engine from Gale Banks. Author Joe Pettitt, Banks, and other industry experts guide novice and expert diesel enthusiasts alike.
The book covers airflow components, including the turbocharger and intercooler, using electronic tuners, and choosing between nitrous oxide and propane injection.
An in-depth chapter focuses on engine thermodynamics, using simple terms, diagrams, and charts to explain and illustrate the concepts and principles.

Popular turbo diesel engines are covered including Ford Power Stroke, GM Duramax, and Dodge Cummins B and ISB.


Autor:Joe Pettitt
Ausführung:144 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:zahlreiche s/w-Abbildungen und Zeichnungen
Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2007)
Serie:S-A Design (SA129P)

Mehr Info über die CarTech S-A Design Bücher

High-Performance Diesel Builder's Guide - GM, Ford & Dodge

High-Performance Diesel Builder's Guide - GM, Ford & Dodge

Sprache: Englisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE

How to Rebuild Ford Power Stroke Diesel Engines - 7.3 L (1994-2002) and 6.0 L (2003-2007)

Diesel-powered trucks have never been more popular, and Ford's Powerstroke family of Diesel engines have been a mainstay of the marketplace since they were introduced in 1994. While these engines are well known for their durability and longevity, they still require a rebuild at some point. How to best diagnose, repair, and rebuild these engines is somewhat of a mystery for those without access to the factory manuals until now.

This book covers the vast majority of Powerstroke Diesel engines on the road, and gives you the full story on their design. Each part of the engine is described and discussed in detail, with full-color photos of every critical component. A full and complete step-by-step engine rebuild is also included.

The book's appeal extends further with a wide range of engine-building tips, charts, graphs, and information-packed sidebars to share even more information. Detailed graphics showing the engine's various system designs are also a unique feature of this book.
"How to Rebuild Ford Powerstroke Diesel Engines 1994-2007" includes information on the 1994-2002 7.3L and 2003-2007 6.0L HEUI Navistar engines used in Ford's popular pickups and industrial work trucks.
Author Bob McDonald is a well-known Diesel engine expert. He is the owner of a Diesel repair specialty shop and has more than 20 years' experience repairing and rebuilding both gas and diesel engines of all kinds.


Autor:Bob McDonald
Ausführung:144 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:376 Farbfotos
Verlag:CarTech Inc (USA, 2012)
Serie:S-A Design Workbench

Mehr Info über die CarTech Workbench Bücher

How to Rebuild Ford Power Stroke Diesel Engines - 7.3 L (1994-2002) and 6.0 L (2003-2007)

How to Rebuild Ford Power Stroke Diesel Engines - 7.3 L (1994-2002) and 6.0 L (2003-2007)

Sprache: Englisch

Kaufen bei Amazon DE
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Letzte Aktualisierung: 03/02/2025