Eine Reparaturanleitung für Indian Motorräder? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher zur Wartung und Reparatur der Indian Motorräder.
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Indian Military Motorcycle Model 340 - Manual of Care and Maintenance (1940 Edition)
Die Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Co. begann 1901 in Springfield, Massachusetts, mit der Produktion von Motorrädern und wurde schnell zum weltgrößten Hersteller. Während die Harley-Davidson WLA das Motorrad der Wahl für die US-Armee war, wurden im Zweiten Weltkrieg die Modelle Chief, Scout und Junior Scout von Indian in Dienst gestellt.
Dieses Handbuch TM-10-1283 für das Modell 340/74 Military Chief wurde im Oktober 1941 von der Armee übernommen. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs stellte Indian über 33.000 Motorräder her, geriet jedoch aus dem Konflikt in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Die Produktion wurde bis 1949 stark eingeschränkt und das Unternehmen stellte 1953 den Betrieb ein. Dieses originale Wartungshandbuch von Indian ist eine exakte Kopie der Originalausgabe von 1940. Es ist eine wunderbare Bereicherung für Sammler, Dozenten oder Fans.
Indian Motorcycle Company
48 Seiten, 23 x 15 x 0.3 cm, kartoniert
zahlreiche Fotos und Zeichnungen
Periscope Film (USA, 2013)
Indian Military Motorcycle Model 340 - Manual of Care and Maintenance (1940 Edition)
Indian Pony Bike, Boy Racer & Papoose Illustrated Parts List & Sales Literature
In 1968 Floyd Clymer began using the Indian trademark on a series of 50cc minibikes that were manufactured under a partnership arrangement with Italjet, a motorcycle manufacturer based in Italy. Unfortunately, Floyd's untimely death in January 1970 ended his attempt to revive the Indian marque and as a result this publication is probably the rarest of all the Floyd Clymer Publications. It is rare for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that his involvement with the Italjet Indian minibikes was still in the fledgling stage at the time of his death. In addition, as Floyd had only imported a small number of these 50cc minibikes there was little justification in printing large quantities of this 'dealer only' publication.
This illustrated parts list is a valuable reference for any Ponybike, Boy Racer and Papoose minibike owner and a 'must have' resource for any Clymer, Italjet, Indian minibike enthusiast. The exploded diagrams in the parts list would be a critical part of any restoration project and the addition of a selection of photographs, reviews and data sheets for the various models from Clymer's original sales literature makes for easy identification of original construction details. Out-of-print and unavailable for many years this truly scarce publication is almost impossible to find on the secondary market and we are pleased to be able to offer this reproduction as a service to all Clymer, Italjet, Indian minibike owners and enthusiasts worldwide.
Indian Motorcycle Company
114 Seiten, 28 x 21 x 0.6 cm, kartoniert
88 s/w-Abbildungen
Floyd Clymer / VelocePress (USA, 2014)
Indian Pony Bike, Boy Racer & Papoose Illustrated Parts List & Sales Literature
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