Eine Reparaturanleitung für Ihr Triumph TR6 (1969-1976)? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher zur Wartung und Reparatur der Triumph Sportwagen.
Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.
Haynes Classic Reparaturanleitung für die Triumph TR5 und TR6.
Benzinmotoren: 2498 cm³.
Baujahre: 1967-1975.
Dieses Handbuch für die Triumph TR5 und TR6 beschreibt Wartung und Reparatur des Motors (Ventile, Nockenwelle, Zylinderkopf, Ölpumpe, Dichtungen und Kurbelwelle). Ebenso werden Kühlsystem (Wasserpumpe, Thermostat, Ventilator und Kühler), sowie Heizung, Kraftstoffsystem, Auspuffanlage und das Start- und Ladesystem behandelt. Zusätzlich Anweisungen für Arbeiten an anderen Fahrzeugteilen wie Kupplung, Getriebe, Antriebswellen, Bremssystem, Radaufhängung, Lenkgetriebe, Karosserie, Innenraum und die elektrische Anlage.
Hunderte Illustrationen und leicht nachzuvollziehende Anleitungen.
Basierend auf einer vollständigen Zerlegung und Wiederzusammenbau.
Komplett mit einem Wartungsplan, technischen Daten, Anzugsdrehmomenten und Tabellen zur Fehlerbehebung.
Triumph TR6 - Your Expert Guide to Common Problems & How to Fix Them
The Triumph TR6 was often described as 'the last hairy-chested British sports car.' Its modern lines may have hidden its rugged construction dating from another era, but its performance was anything but. 120mph (190 km/h) was easily attainable, and it found a ready market in all parts of the world. These cars are now 50 years old, but still attract a huge following worldwide.
This book is designed to offer owners of TR6s an insight into some of the problems that can arise, and how to fix them. Arranged into easy to follow sections - engine, drive line, suspension, etc - you can see not only where the problems arise, but also how to solve them. Information is provided on improvements, owners' clubs and spares suppliers to help keep your car in good condition and on the road.
Paul Hogan
140 Seiten, 14.5 x 21 x 1.2 cm, kartoniert
136 Farbfotos
Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2019)
Triumph TR6 - Your Expert Guide to Common Problems & How to Fix Them
The Complete Official Triumph TR6 & TR250 (1967-1976) - Driver's Handbook and Workshop Manual
This Triumph TR6 & TR250 manual was prepared in close cooperation with British Leyland Motors in order to provide complete, authentic and up-to-date maintenance and repair information to Triumph owners, dealership service departments, and other professional mechanics. The Driver's Handbook (Owners Manual), which comprises the first part of this manual, is the handbook provided with every new Triumph. The Workshop Manual (Repair Manual), which comprises the second - and largest - portion of this manual, is the official factory manual. This manual contains emission control information that applies specifically to Triumph manufactured for the United Kingdom and North American markets, and a complete, illustrated catalog of special tools.
Includes: - Official Triumph TR6 and TR250 Driver's Handbook - Official Triumph TR6 and TR250 Workshop Manual.
Bentley Publishers has incorporated additional factory procedures and specifications that have become available following the publication of the original factory information. This manual is therefore an accurate and comprehensive set of service information for Triumph TR6 & TR250 models sold in the UK and North America during the model years 1967-1976.
British Leyland Motors
608 Seiten, 31 x 19 x 3.5 cm, gebunden
907 Fotos und Zeichnungen
Bentley Publishers (USA, 2015)
The Complete Official Triumph TR6 & TR250 (1967-1976) - Driver's Handbook and Workshop Manual
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