Triumph TR4 und TR4A (1961-1968): Reparaturanleitungen
Eine Reparaturanleitung für Ihr Triumph TR4 oder TR4A (1961-1968)? Hier finden Sie Werkstatthandbücher zur Wartung und Reparatur der Triumph Sportwagen.
Sie enthalten detaillierte Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung und zum Austausch von Teilen.
Bucheli Reparaturanleitung für Wartung und Instandsetzung des Triumph TR 4.
Baujahre: 1961-1965.
Diese Bucheli Anleitung für die Triumph TR4 behandelt im Detail die Benzinmotoren (Ausbau - Einbau, Kurbelwelle, Pleuel, Kolben, Nockenwellenantrieb, Ventile, Ölpumpe, Kühlung, Kraftstoffsystem). Beschreibt auch Arbeiten an der Kupplung, Schaltgetriebe (nur Aus- und Einbau), Antriebswellen, Lenkung, Radaufhängung vorne und hinten, Bremsen, elektrische Anlage und Auspuffanlage.
Ausführliche technische Daten, Einstellwerte und Anzugsdrehmomente.
Autobooks Anleitung für Wartung und Reparatur der Triumph TR 4 (1961-1965) und TR 4 A (1965-1967).
Dieses Autobooks Handbuch für die Triumph TR4 und TR4A Sportwagen beschreibt Schritt-für-Schritt Arbeiten am Motor, Kraftstoffsystem, Zündung und Kühlung. Behandelt auch Kupplung, Getriebe, Hinterachse, Vorder- und Hinterradaufhängung, Lenkgetriebe, Bremsen, die elektrische Anlage und die Karosserie.
Enthält Tabellen mit detaillierten Wartungsdaten und Drehmomentangaben.
Komplett mit elektrischen Schaltplänen.
144 Seiten, 23.5 x 19 x 0.8 cm, kartoniert
zahlreiche Fotos, Zeichnungen und Explosionszeichnungen
Triumph TR4 & TR4A - Your expert guide to common problems and how to fix them
The TR4 represented a new breed of British sports car. Its modern lines, and accessories, such as wind-up windows and face-level ventilation, were a big departure from the earlier TR3 models. While TR4 mechanical parts may not have been new, the introduction of IRS (independent rear suspension) on the TR4A set a new benchmark for sports cars of thet era.
Performance was solid, if not spectacular, with 109mph attainable in overdrive top, and these TRs found a ready market in all parts of the world. Now nearly 60 years old, the TR4 and TR4A still attract a huge following worldwide.
This book is designed to offer owners and potential owners of these cars an insight to the common problems that can arise and how to fix them, and often making an improvement at the same time. Arranged into easy to follow sections - engine, driveline, suspension, etc - you can see not only where the problems arise, but how to solve them. Information is also provided on owners' clubs and spares suppliers to help keep your car in good condition and on the road.
Paul Hogan
128 Seiten, 15 x 21 x 1.2 cm, kartoniert
236 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2020)
Triumph TR4 & TR4A - Your expert guide to common problems and how to fix them
The Complete Official Triumph TR4 & TR4A (1961-1968) - Driver's Handbook, Workshop Manual and Competition Preparation Manual
Originally published in 1975, this Triumph TR4 & TR4A manual was prepared in close cooperation with British Leyland Motors in order to provide complete, authentic maintenance and repair information. The Driver's Handbook at the beginning of this manual is the handbook that was provided with every new Triumph TR4 and TR4A. The Workshop Manual, making up the larger part of this book, is the official factory manual and was originally intended for use by dealer service departments. The publisher has incorporated additional factory procedures and specifications that have become available following the publication of the original factory information.
At the end of this publication you'll find the complete text of the original TR4 & TR4A Competition Preparation Manual. Written by Triumph Competitions Manager R.W. "Kas" Kastner, this supplemental section contains factory-approved racing prep procedures specifically written for the TR4 and TR4A racer.
This manual contains emission control information that applies specifically to Triumph TR4 and TR4A vehicles manufactured for the United Kingdom and North American markets. "The Complete Official Triumph TR4 & TR4A (1961-1968)" is an accurate and comprehensive set of service information for Triumph TR4 and TR4A models sold in the UK and North America during the model years 1961-1968.
British Leyland Motors
404 Seiten, 28.5 x 22 x 2.5 cm, gebunden
734 Fotos und Zeichnungen
Bentley Publishers (USA, 2016)
The Complete Official Triumph TR4 & TR4A (1961-1968) - Driver's Handbook, Workshop Manual and Competition Preparation Manual
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