Guides nautiques - Espagne et Portugal : navigation et ports
Une guide nautique pour votre croisière en Espagne ou Portugal (côte atlantique) ? Découvrez ici des guides pour la navigation et les ports de plaisance.
Côte Cantabrique - De la Gironde à la Corogne (Guide Imray Vagnon)
Pour chaque port, île ou baie, le lecteur trouvera une description complète et détaillée, la cartographie, les approches de jour et de nuit, les amarrages et les mouillages, les équipements et services, ou encore les visites à faire à terre. Ce guide couvre la côte Atlantique française de la Gironde à Hendaye, le Pays basque espagnol, la Cantabrie, les Asturies et la Galice jusqu'à la Corogne.
Les guides Imray sont l'adaptation française des ouvrages de la prestigieuse maison d'édition anglaise Imray, référence mondiale dans le domaine de la cartographie marine. Ils décrivent avec une précision inégalée les ports, les marinas, les mouillages... Leur présentation claire, avec beaucoup de photos complétant de nombreuses cartes et plans détaillés en font des ouvrages indispensables pour des croisières réussies.
Auteur :
Steve Pickard
Présentation :
222 pages, 29 x 22 x 1.7 cm, broché
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des cartes et couleurs
Atlantic Spain and Portugal - Cabo Ortegal (Galicia) to Gibraltar
Atlantic Spain and Portugal is the classic guide to this varied coast which includes the rias of of Galicia, the estuaries of the Douro and Tejo with Lisbon, the Algarve and then the coast of Andalucia down to Gibraltar. It's the essential companion for yachts making passage to the Mediterranean or onwards to the Canaries before an Atlantic crossing and also a comprehensive cruising companion for anyone visiting the delightful cruising grounds of Galicia and beyond.
There are new photos and most of the plans incorporate changes accumulated over the four years since the last edition was published.
Auteur :
RCC Pilotage Foundation, Henry Buchanan
Présentation :
336 pages, 29.5 x 21 x 1 cm, relié
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des cartes et couleurs
Editeur :
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd (GB, 2019)
Atlantic Spain and Portugal - Cabo Ortegal (Galicia) to Gibraltar
South Biscay - La Gironde to La Coruna (7th edition)
This seventh edition of the RCC's South Biscay pilot covers the coasts of France and Spain from the Gironde to La Coruna in Galicia. This edition has been completely revised and updated. In line with other recent RCC editions, waypoints have been introduced to assist navigation.
With new photographs by the author and up-to-date aerials by Patrick Roach, South Biscay is the complete reference for yachts visiting the flay sandy coasts of southwest France and the long Biscay coast of Spain.
Auteur :
RCC Pilotage Foundation, Steve Pickard
Présentation :
205 pages, 29.5 x 21.5 x 2.1 cm, relié
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des cartes et couleurs
Editeur :
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd (GB, 2012)
South Biscay - La Gironde to La Coruna (7th edition)
Cruising Galicia - The Rias and Harbours of North West Spain from Ribadeo to A Guarda
This title covers the extensive cruising area of Galicia in the north west of Spain from Ribadeo to Bayona, where the beautiful rías provide shelter from the Atlantic in picturesque harbours and remote anchorages. The authors have spent several seasons cruising in the area and making use of their local connections have produced a modern guide that provides in-depth information necessary for yachts spending time visiting the rias and ports of Galicia. Annotated town plans covering over 90 destinations show shore-side facilities and recommended restaurants and side panels provide advice on interesting places to visit, local customs and features of interest.
Carlos Rojas has sailed yachts since 2000, a short but intensive career during which he has crossed the Atlantic, cruised in the Pacific, made several passages across Biscay and sailed to Ireland and France. His professional involvement in technology companies as an engineer, manager and director has given him an insight into design and usability that he applies to his pilot books. Carlos has lived most of his life in Britain but he is originally from Spain, a country that he knows well, naming Galicia as one of his favourite areas.
Robert Bailey was brought up in a sailing family. Over a period of 35 years, and with the aid of a Nicholson 32 and Rustler 36, much of the coastline of the north western approaches to Europe, from the Faroe Islands in the north to the Morbihan in the south, were avidly explored. In 2001 he adopted a more flexible approach to his career as an aerospace engineer and this allowed him to take up cruising instruction. He is now a Yachtmaster Instructor.
Auteur :
Carlos Rojas, Robert Bailey
Présentation :
303 pages, 30.5 x 21.5 x 2.5 cm, relié
Illustration :
abondamment illustré avec des photos et des cartes et couleurs
Editeur :
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd (GB, 2008)
Cruising Galicia - The Rias and Harbours of North West Spain from Ribadeo to A Guarda
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